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Tuesday, October 15, 2024


She was the only female Sunday School teacher that I had while growing up!  Her name was Betty Paugh.  I believe I was four and five when I was in her class.  

It was about this time that Betty married Andy.  They were not young when they met and married, but the whole church took joy in their new relationship.  Together they adopted a baby named Joy and thoroughly enjoyed raising her together.  They were so proud!  

Andy loved Betty so much!  He insisted on helping her with her Sunday School class; so he would set up a chair against our only door and sit in that chair.  Andy was a big, tall guy and he seemed very intimidating to us; but fortunately, our attention was glued on Betty while in our tiny classroom.

Betty also had a beautiful alto voice!  Later, when I was around twelve years old, my voice began to change.  I had a hard time singing soprano anymore.  Someone suggested that I should sit in front of Betty and learn to sing alto.  I did!  In a very short time, I learned to read the 'intervals' of the alto line and regained my love for singing in church!

Betty used flannelgraph figures on a flannelgraph board to illustrate the Bible lessons.  But that was just the beginning!  She had a dramatic flare and would powerfully act out the lessons with great vocal dynamics!  We were spellbound!  

For the record, Betty is still living at the age of 105.  I just discovered where she is and plan to visit her soon.  I don't know her state of mind, but I'd love to honor her for her impact on my life!  

Betty's investment was typical of many others in the church.  She simply used the gifts that God had given her to teach young children by helping them to gain an appreciation for the many wonderful stories in the Bible!  She was creative and passionate.  She modeled the Christian life for us so wonderfully!


Many years later, I was leading the Free Methodist Community Church in New Middletown, Ohio.  This church was only about a half-an-hour from my home town of New Brighton.  I contacted Betty and asked if she would like to visit the church I was serving.  She was elated at the invitation.  I drove to New Brighton and picked her up.  During worship that Sunday, I called her to the front and presented her the 'Best Sunday School Teacher Ever' award along with a special gift!  Following worship, she joined us for dinner before returning her to her New Brighton home.  Many told me later that she paraded her new award to the New Brighton church the next Sunday and showed it to everyone!  That probably happened sometime around 2008.  


There are many forces that coalesce to make us who we are today!  

  • parents
  • aunts and uncles
  • teachers
  • coaches
  • neighbors
  • pastors and leaders
and so many others!  Some have influence over a period of years while others may only have a brief influence.  But somehow, while we're not even fully aware of it, we are impacted and our mind is formed.  The way we do things may be forever changed because a person came into our view for a season!  We are shaped, influenced, formed, persuaded and convinced by their example, words and charisma!

I know that it's not fair to describe yourself; that task is better left to others.  However, I will take a stab at a self-description.  My calling - at seventeen years of age - was to be a pastor.  I served that role for forty-four years.  Here is what I hope people would remember about me:

Pastor Hal:
  • had a great sense of humor!
  • rarely did things the same way.
  • was creative!
  • loved to surprise us!
  • had a strong impact on men.
  • was a captivating story-teller!
  • made the Bible come to life!
  • was always punctual.
  • had a great laugh and used it often!
  • loves to sing!
  • showed us how to love Jesus!

If I'm anywhere near right in my evaluation [and, by the way, I have a whole lot of negatives that could be listed as well], then it is clear to me that quite a few of these characteristics clearly route back to Betty Paugh's dynamic and dramatic flannelgraph presentations!  

If you happen to be teaching four and five year old kids in Sunday School right now, don't diminish the potential impact you are having!  Psychologists tell us that a child's personality is not fully formed until they reach the age of seven!  You can have a HUGE impact!  

You never know when or where a child [or teen] will latch onto a role model!  There is tremendous wisdom in the parent who immerses their children in the church during these developmental years!  There is wisdom in surrounding your kids with godly role models throughout their developmental years!  

Maybe - just maybe - they'll emulate a few of these people and inculcate in their lives practices, attitudes and skills that will help to direct the flow of their life!  Plus, if you throw the weight of your prayers into the mix, then God will surely be pleased to bring a Betty Paugh into the lives of your kids!  

Sunday, October 13, 2024


When John the Baptist – during a discouraging time while he was in prison – sent a message to Jesus asking, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?”, here is the message that Jesus sent back to John:

“Go back and report to John what you hear and see:  The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor…”

The proof of Jesus’ messiahship was actual changed lives! 

This is quite different from the annual reports of many churches today.  I compiled those annual reports for over forty years.  Sometimes I had to be creative to try to show that we’d made any impact at all on our community.

[They often sounded something like this:]

We averaged 78 in Morning Worship which was a slight increase over last year.  We had an average attendance of 39 in Sunday School.  We had a weekly prayer meeting that was attended by 7-12 people.  We held a Vacation Bible School for a week in the summer with 25 children attending.  We published a monthly newsletter and mailed it to our constituency.  We had several men’s gatherings.  We participated in the community Thanksgiving service.  We took our turn serving the community food bank twice during the year.  We had one conversion, no new members and no baptisms.

Do you hear the difference between that report and the one Jesus sent to John?

How can we make the kind of difference that Jesus made?  After all, we ARE His representatives – as though He was making His appeal through us!  (II Corinthians 5:20)

I mentioned that this wake-up call changed the way I led the church.  I was determined to challenge the church to be relevant and to make a difference in our community.  By God’s grace – and with His help – I believe we made some significant strides in that direction! 

We must believe that we are here for a purpose!  We are in the precise location where He can use us for His purposes.  We must also understand that our impact will sometimes be united and sometimes individual. 

Listen to Luke’s report from Acts 9:36-43,

In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. About that time she became sick and died, and her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room. Lydda was near Joppa; so when the disciples heard that Peter was in Lydda, they sent two men to him and urged him, “Please come at once!”

Peter went with them, and when he arrived he was taken upstairs to the room. All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them.

Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up. He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Then he called for the believers, especially the widows, and presented her to them alive. This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord…

Now the first thing we notice is that Tabitha had a ministry all her own!  She made clothes for the poor!  This wasn’t apparently a ministry of her church.  She simply had a gift of sewing and dedicated it to the Lord!  She came up with this idea on her own – possibly under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit! 

We also notice that Peter was clearly moved by Tabitha’s death.  But he didn’t join the mourners, he spoke to her and raised her up to added years of service!  Peter exercised the apostolic gifts that God had bestowed on him.  Like His Master, Jesus, Peter spoke with authority and Tabitha came back to life! 

And finally we notice that the community was impacted!  This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord…

Because this incident is recorded for us in the book of Acts, it is clearly a picture of what Christ expects of His people and His church! 

It seems to me that a much larger portion of our time and energy should be directed toward those around us who are facing trials, challenges, fears, need, desperation and despair.  We should be seeking them out!  We should be applying our creativity toward finding them, helping them and serving them!  If we did this, perhaps our annual reports would be a bit more exciting…

Children’s television personality Fred Rogers said that when he was a little boy and heard about an accident or natural disaster, his mother would tell him, “Look for the helpers, Fred.  Whenever something terrible happens there are always people who hurry to help.

Here is the challenge for the church in laymen’s terms!  As a community of believers in Christ, we must ask ourselves if we are among those “helpers” who rush in at times of crisis. 

Listen, every community faces crises from time to time!  People are displaced by fires or floods.  Storms damage homes and people’s lives are disrupted.  Acts of violence occur and families are plunged into grief.  Plants shut down causing massive unemployment and families are forced to redefine themselves and even caused to relocate to continue their lives.  These kinds of dilemmas are unending.  They’re happening frequently to varying degrees in most of our communities.  And when they happen, we – the church, the people of God – need to be among those who are running in with assistance! 

It seems to me that we should be far more willing to cooperate with other churches, other helping agencies, and even local government to address these kinds of critical times. 

If this were more true, then our churches would be considered an invaluable asset to our communities.  People would see us as valuable contributors to the general well-being of our community! 

I read a book that analyzed the responses to several major crises, including the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and the 2011 tsunami that hit Tohoku, Japan on March 11, 2011. 

These two tragedies – though greatly different in type and circumference – reveal incredible pictures of those that Fred Roger’s Mom referred to! 

On that horrible day in 2011, a 9.0 earthquake shook the east coast of Japan for three to five minutes.  Roads buckled, bridges cracked, bookcases toppled and some buildings collapsed.  The earthquake had such force that it jolted Japan’s largest island eight feet closer to North America.  The earthquake hit with such force that it caused the earth to shift on its axis, reducing daylight by a few microseconds, upsetting GPS monitoring stations around the world, and releasing six hundred million times the energy of the atomic bombs that fell on Japan in 1945. 

After that violent five minutes, all was still for forty-five minutes as residents picked themselves up and surveyed the damage.  Then came the wave.

A wall of water, first taking shape out in the ocean by the quake’s epicenter, accelerated to 500 mph as it sped toward land.  The coastal region of Tohoku had subsided two feet during the quake, opening wide the gate for the onrushing wave, so that the tsunami crashed over protective sea walls like a giant stepping over a curb.  Videos shot on iphones by eyewitnesses (some retrieved from corpses) resemble the special effects scenes from a horror movie:  ships, houses, and trucks tossed around like toys;  a modern airport suddenly submerged under water;  a nuclear reactor tower exploding in a thick black cloud. 

When people in the region began to realize their peril, they began rushing to upper levels in buildings or trying to run up mountains to safety.  Over the next hours the water rolled in and washed back out seventeen times!  All the while, frantic cries for help could be heard. 

When it finally ended, a dense forest was gone.  Over twenty thousand were dead – many washed out to sea and never recovered.  150,000 evacuees lost their homes; 50,000 of them are still living in temporary housing. More than 120,000 buildings were destroyed, 278,000 were half-destroyed and 726,000 were partially destroyed.  Please understand that the devastation is truly indescribable!

A Christian author visited Tohoku exactly a year later.  As he toured the area he couldn’t help but notice the many cars among the debris.  He wondered out loud:  “I wonder how many automobiles were destroyed…”  Immediately, a Japanese colleague pulled out his smart phone and googled the answer:  410,000. 

During the same visit he saw a huge ocean freighter – nearly the size of a football field – sitting in a residential area.   No one has any idea how to get it back to the ocean a half-mile away.

But then, the “helpers” began to rush in!  Teams arrived quickly from the Philippines, Germany, Singapore, and the United States.  Organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Samaritan’s Purse mobilized immediately after the earthquake and were still sending crews a year later!    

Samaritan’s Purse crews were living in cramped communal housing and working long hours without pay.  One such worker said:

“We don’t proselytize.  We don’t need to – the people know why we’re here.  We’re simply followers of Jesus trying to live out His commands.  Just before handing owners the key to their new homes, we ask if we can pray a blessing on the house.  So far, no one has turned us down.” 

Although the church in Japan represents only one per cent of the population, Christian organizations took a lead in rebuilding efforts, and some Japanese churches became distribution centers for food and supplies.  One church sheltered more than a thousand evacuees the first few months after the tsunami. 

What wonderful models of Christian love these examples were and are. 

John Marks, a producer for television’s 60 Minutes, went on a two-year quest to investigate evangelicals, a group he had grown up in and later rejected.  He wrote a book about his quest called Reasons to Believe:  One Man’s Journey Among the Evangelicals and the Faith He Left Behind.  The church’s response to Hurricane Katrina turned the corner for him and became a key reason to believe.  One Baptist church in Baton Rouge fed 16,000 people a day for weeks;  another housed 700 homeless evacuees.  Years after the hurricane, and long after federal assistance had dried up, a network of churches in surrounding states was still sending regular teams to help rebuild houses. 

Most impressively to Marks, all these church efforts crossed racial lines and barriers in the Deep South.  One worker told him, “We had whites, blacks, Hispanics, Vietnamese, and a good old Cajun (working together)…we just tried to say, ‘Hey, let’s help people.  This is our state.  We’ll let everybody else sort out that other stuff.  We’ve got to cook some rice.’”

In other words, people are desperate and have massive needs – let’s get her done!  In most cases, these people and agencies didn’t clamor for attention or pimp for the cameras.  As a matter of fact, much of what I’m sharing with you today – you have never heard before!  The news covers a story for a few days and then moves on.  The onrush of “helpers” rarely catches any camera time.  Besides, they don’t do it for public recognition.  They do it out of obedience to their Master! 

In my humble opinion, every church needs to continually ask itself,

·      “Why does God have us here in this precise location?”

·      “What does He want us doing to impact hurting people in our area?”

·      “How can we use the resources and connections within our congregation to make a difference in our community?”

As a church leader for four decades, I can tell you that you have to be intentional about asking these questions over and over and over…   There is a strong, natural tendency for us to drift back to services and programs that serve ourselves.  It takes intention to maintain an outward focus!  After all, we’re not in this for what we can get out of it;  we’re in this for what we can give through it! 

We must push ourselves to get past the good intentions phase.  Good intentions salve our consciences and relieve our guilt without actually doing anything.  I recently contacted Samaritan’s Purse to inquire about being part of one of their clean-up teams.  I have talked with nearly a dozen people since who told me they’ve always wanted to do that – but I know of no one who actually has. 

All of us are moved with compassion!  People want to make a difference.  They need examples!  They need leaders who will sign them up and organize the work.  If churches would be better organized to be first-responders, I think they’d see two results:

1.   They’d be surprised to see how many people would be willing to help;  and

2.  They’d soon find that their sanctuary didn’t have enough seating capacity!

People expect us to help!  It’s what Jesus would do! 

At the Sandy Hook shooting - which was not a natural disaster but one of human making – the stories of response are amazingly encouraging (although most of us have never heard them). 

·      The state patrol assigned an officer to each family to protect them from intrusion.

·      Freezers full of food were delivered within days.

·      There are lots of Italians in the northeast, and one family with a full freezer begged, “Please – no more pasta!”

·      Christmas presents beyond counting arrived from around the country and world.

·      60,000 teddy bears and stuffed animals were given;  it took months to deliver them to homeless shelters.

·      People came from all across our country with their juggling acts, free pies, pets, and counseling booths.

One touching gesture came from other school children.  At the suggestion of a Sandy Hook parent, the president of Connecticut’s PTA sent out an email asking them to cut out snowflakes to help decorate the new school where Sandy Hook students would attend.  The request went viral.  Within two days the snowflakes started to arrive on UPS trucks and even semi-trailers.  Thousands and thousands of snowflakes arrived from every state and fifty foreign countries.  It was an avalanche of snow!  Many included handwritten notes by children. And the underlying message was clear:  YOU ARE NOT ALONE! 

Let me return to John Marks one more time. 

“I would argue that [Hurricane Katrina] was a watershed moment in the history of American Christianity…nothing spoke more eloquently to believers, and to unbelievers who were paying attention, than the success of a population of believing volunteers measured against the massive and near-collapse of secular government efforts. The storm laid bare an unmistakable truth.  More and more Christians have decided that the only way to reconquer America is through service.  The faith no longer travels by the word.  It moves by the deed.”

Would you like to be part of this movement to reclaim America for Christ? 

Would you like to be part of a church that truly desires and plans to make a difference in its community?

Would you like to turn your faith into action?

Remember Tabitha!  It’s not always a church-driven momentum.  Sometimes it simply means assessing our own skills, resources, interests and connections to discover a way that we can personally make a difference. 

Remember too, that your church has only one Head – and that’s Jesus Christ!  Continually evaluate your potential as His Body and then seek to please Him! 

Saturday, October 12, 2024


Isaiah 28 is not a passage that many are familiar with.  It’s just like so many other passages in the books of prophecy.  Essentially, God is warning Ephraim that because of their pride and arrogance they will soon be overrun by a mighty army [we know from history that it was going to be the Assyrians]. 

Ephraim is one of God’s favorite names for Israel [Northern Kingdom - Samaria].

It is clear that God is disappointed in His people.  He has given them a rich land and has caused them to prosper!  They, however, have failed to use these advantages to bless others and to advance God’s Name and causes.  Instead, they have basked in their wealth and the bounty of their fields.  Drunkenness is mentioned repeatedly as part of their rebellion.  Even the priests and prophets are condemned:

…the priest and prophet reel with strong drink, they are confused by wine, they stagger from strong drink; they reel while having visions, they totter when rendering judgment. For all their tables are full of filthy vomit, without a single clean place.  [NASB – v.7]

God goes on – through the prophet, Isaiah – to warn Ephraim [God’s chosen people – the northern kingdom] that they will soon be overrun by an army that speaks a strange language [Assyria]. 

God intends to teach them a lesson as a result of this devastation. 

You say, ‘We’ve taken out good life insurance.  We’ve hedged our bets, covered all our bases.

No disaster can touch us. We’ve thought of everything. We’re advised by the experts. We’re set.’

[v.15 The Message]

But God goes on to assure them that destruction is coming.  They WILL fall. 


Again, we know from the rest of the book (and history) that Assyria did indeed come and destroy Samaria [the northern kingdom] in 722 B.C.  It was a brutal takeover.  The Assyrians followed their normal protocol and carried many of the inhabitants away to foreign lands while bringing foreigners in to live among any remaining Samaritans.  This is the reason that the residents of Judah [the southern kingdom] so strongly hated the Samaritans [in New Testament times]; they considered them to no longer be pure Jews.


Preachers and teachers make a great deal of this in our current age.  The players have changed, with the exception that Israel is still a major player despite the suffering that they have endured through the ages and up to the current day. 

In addition, the Cross of Christ has opened the door for Gentiles to be considered part of Israel.  Israel – although a sovereign nation – has an expanded population for those who understand and believe that Jesus opened the gates of Heaven to all who believe!  The Bible teaches that all believers – Jew and Gentile – are the children of Abraham!  Some by birth and some by adoption. 

This is NOT a new concept!  Don’t be deceived.  God has always had a heart for ALL PEOPLE! 

·         When Abram defeated five kings to rescue his nephew, Lot, he is visited by Melchizedek, the king of Salem, who was ‘a priest of God Most High’ [Genesis 1418].  Abram paid tithes to this leader!  Who was he and who made him a priest of God Most High?

·         When Moses was expelled from Egypt, he crossed a wide wilderness and settled in the land of Midian where he met and married the daughter of Reuel, the priest of Midian – who lived adjacent to Mt. Horeb, known as the mountain of God.  Who was this man and who made him a priest of God? 

Any biblically knowledgeable person could go on giving other examples of the fact that God never limits Himself to work in only one place or with only one group of people!  God’s heart has always and will always be for ALL PEOPLE! 

In this chapter, God was being gracious to Ephraim by giving them yet another warning of what was to come.

God is still extending His grace today by holding off His Second Coming in hopes that many will turn to Him and be saved! 

Saturday, October 5, 2024


 As a young, novice pastor I faced lots of challenges without the benefit of a mentor.  In 1976, the use of mentors for pastors was a rarity - unfortunately.  I was leading a church in Jeannette, PA.  A nearby, experienced pastor - J. D. States - did reach out to me and we met a time or two.  He even suggested a pulpit exchange between his church [Penn Hills FMC] and mine [Penn Hills - at that time, was a thriving, growing church!].

Upon my appointment, the Pittsburgh Conference simultaneously went from three superintendents to one.  He was obviously overwhelmed as a result of this significant change.  Consequently, he never checked in with me during that first traumatic year.  

In spite of my struggling, the church began to grow and ultimately nearly doubled in size within two years.  [I had inherited a brand new building with a deeply split congregation of around forty mostly older people.]  However, the power structures within the church were overbearing.  They refused to allow me to bring these new converts in as members.  A key leaders' wife suffered from a self-declared, mental condition.  Sometimes she would greet me joyfully and praise my work; the next time she would be dark and threatening.  

I did reach out to a fellow pastor who was a bit older than me.  We met a few times and exchanged ministry ideas and prayed for one another, but it did not attain the level of support and help that I needed.

Sadly, the result of this dilemma caused me to ask for a move after only two years.  I have longed many times for a different ending to that story!  New believers were abandoned.  The church immediately plummeted back to forty people.  A few years ago, the Pittsburgh Conference sold that building with its ten acres of land in the middle of a developing community.  I mourn that fateful decision I made forty-eight years ago.


Young or new pastors need support, encouragement and equipping!

Despite their giftedness, creativity and resourcefulness, they need coaching and an experienced guide to walk with them!  Leading a church is HARD WORK!  Opposition abounds!  We hear little about this, but the church is one of the largest operations in the world to utilize almost exclusively volunteer labor!  

I had a highly successful businessman in one of my congregations at a time when the church I was leading had doubled in size.  During one of our occasional lunches I told him that I envied him.  He had a perplexed look on his face, so I explained.  

You own your business and hire your employees.  When you tell them what to do, they do it, or you fire them.  In my work, I have to recruit, train and deploy people to do the work of the church without the incentive of a paycheck and without any direct line of authority.

 As (if) a church grows, a pastor does gain respect and an increase in influence.  However, a congregation's resistance to change is persistent and highly frustrating to a determined leader!  

  • Fast-adaptors are few - probably less than ten percent of a congregation.
  • Convincible adaptors will support new ideas with a measure of interest and a hopeful attitude.  They are not quick, but they are willing to see the benefits that can come through change.  They probably make up about thirty percent of the congregation.
  • Late adaptors may eventually come along after much evidence is presented and deeper trust in the leadership is developed.  Until they are thoroughly convinced, however, they are oppositional!  They likely make up another thirty percent of a congregation.
  • Resisters rarely adapt and remain oppositional and negative even when the changes have proven effective!  They typically get left behind and resent the new people who are becoming significant to the growth of the church!  

Are you seeing the struggle that pastors deal with regularly?

Although the church did not provide me with mentors and coaches, or even attentive leaders, I did have a few consistent and dedicated prayer warriors who stood faithfully behind me!

The value gained from this kind of persistence cannot be fully appreciated!  This is why I survived!

First, there was my mother.  I rarely write about her, but she was THE MAJOR FORCE IN MY LIFE!  She taught me to pray.  She cultivated in me a love for the Lord.  She modeled leadership consistently through the years through her impact in the Women's Missionary Society, Coffee-Cup Evangelism, Christian Business Women's Association [although she wasn't a business woman] and a dedicated prayer life that impacted the lives of hundreds of people!  She eventually re-covered her Bible with pockets that she packed with prayer lists!  I knew that every Sunday morning, she was interceding for me!  

Second, there was my Uncle James Archer [actually, my great uncle who was more like a grandpap].  Officially known as JO, he was the only other pastor in my family.  He received his first appointment without being consulted while he was a layman in the New Brighton, PA Free Methodist Church.  I remember my pride when he was recognized for sixty years of service while I was an emerging pastor in the conference!  Everyone loved to hear Uncle James pray in his deep bass voice and great intimacy with God.  Uncle James always assured me that he was praying for me EVERY SUNDAY MORNING!  This was a great comfort to me!

My sister, Beverly, developed into a replication of our mom!  Over the years, she was my first resource for prayer after my mom and Uncle James had passed away.  Through the years, I always knew - every Sunday morning - she was praying for me!  She maintained a deep and intimate prayer relationship with God that could be relied on.  Those who know her will concur that on Facebook, she was constantly assuring people that she would be praying for them!  And I can assure you that when she made these commitments - she followed through!  In recent years she has been deeply impacted by dimentia.  I miss her dearly.  She still sparks with enthusiasm at times when she speaks of the Lord and her dedication to prayer, but her memory only lasts for a few moments now and she needs constant direction and support.  I'm grateful for the love and dedication of my brother-in-law, Dick, for being at her side twenty-four/seven!  

I've just completed an interim assignment at The Foundery Free Methodist Church in Wellsburg, West Virginia.  Finally, after over a year of waiting, the church has been assigned a pastor.  He will serve as an interim until he completes some necessary educational and denominational requirements.  Hopefully, by next summer he will be appointed as the Lead Pastor of the church!  

Bobby Westfall is an intelligent, creative, passionate leader who has placed his entire trust in the Lord to direct the affairs of his family.  His wife, Stacy, is a dedicated mother who is also a Local Ministerial Candidate with interest in working with youth!  Together, they are raising four beautiful children:  Arabella, Madison, Jackson and Charlotte.  

I cannot understate the potential of this emerging leader!  In his first week on the job [which is just ending], he mobilized the church to send much-needed-supplies to the hurricane victims in the south!  That's right, the first shipment has already been delivered, and more is being collected!  One week!  What's that tell you about the potential of this new pastor?  

Bobby has invited me to continue to meet with him as a mentor!  I am excited to have the opportunity to shape, encourage and prayerfully support this younger leader!  I make him a promise here-and-now:  Bobby, every Sunday morning - as long as I live - I'll be praying for you!  

May God bless and encourage you!  May He keep you clean and pure and dedicated to His work!  May He resource you with everything you will need to grow His Church and increase His Kingdom!  May He foster humility in you as you lead and see the accompanying growth as fruit for your labor.  May He keep you approachable and caring and with your family in the foreground [and not the background]! 

I'll be watching from a distance with expectation and joy!  God bless you man!  

Friday, October 4, 2024


I’ve been reading and teaching the bible for most of my life, yet sometimes when I read specific passages, I am simply bewildered.  I certainly don’t have all of the answers.  To the contrary, I have tons of questions.

I just finished reading Genesis 38.

This chapter is a narrative about one of Israel’s [Jacob’s] sons: Judah. 

Essentially, here are the details:

·         At a point in time, Judah left his brothers and married an Adullamite woman [Shua].

·         She bore three sons in succession: Er, Onan and Shelah.

·         When Er matured, Judah chose a wife for him: Tamar.

·         V.7 [all quotes from NASB] “But Er’ Judah’s firstborn, was evil in the sight of the LORD, so the LORD took his life.”

·         Following the tradition of that time, Judah instructed Onan to take Tamar as his wife to raise up children for his brother.  But Onan did not like this arrangement, so he “wasted his seed on the ground in order not to give offspring to his brother. But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the LORD, so He took his life also.” [vs9-10]

·         Since Shelah was still young, Judah asked Tamar to wait until he was older, when he too would be given to her as a husband.

·         When Shelah did mature, Judah was afraid to give him to Tamar for fear that he, too, would die. 

·         About this time, Judah’s wife, Shua, died.

·         After the time for mourning had ended, Tamar – living in her father’s house – heard that Judah was making a trip to shear sheep.  She removed her widow’s clothing, donned a veil and sat along the road that Judah would be travelling.  When Judah saw her [in her disguise] he asked to have intercourse with her.  She agreed [as he fell into her trap].  He promised to send her a goat in payment for her services, but she demanded a pledge.  He surrendered his seal, his cord and his staff – to be returned when he sent the sheep.

·         When his messengers arrived with the goat, they could not find her, for in reality, she was a stranger to that area. 

·         Three months later, Judah heard that his daughter-in-law was pregnant.  In anger, Judah demanded that she be brought out and burned for her harlotry! 

·         As she was bring brought to him, she sent his seal, cord and staff ahead with the message:  “Please examine and see, whose signet ring, and cords and staff are these…I am with child by the man to whom these things belong.”  [v. 25]

·         Judah recognized the items as belonging to him.  He confessed, “She is more righteous than I, inasmuch as I did not give her to my son Shelah. And he did not have relations with her again.” [v.26]

·         When it was time to deliver, she gave birth to twins.  “…while she was giving birth, one put out a hand, and the midwife took and tied a scarlet thread on his hand, saying, ‘This one came out first.’ But it came about as he drew back his hand, that behold, his brother came out…” [vs.28-29]

Let’s consider the shocking things that happen in this chapter.

FIRST, does God still end the lives of those who are evil in His sight?  We could all likely think of evil men or women who might be candidates for this fate.  But this severely contradicts the proclamation that God is loving, patient and kind and that He desires all people to come to Him for salvation.  The thought that God simply ends the lives of those who reject and disappoint Him is hard for us to assimilate and integrate into our understanding of God as compassionate! 

This chapter is one reason why it is not good to start reading the Bible at the beginning.  New readers confront this narrative within weeks of starting their journey through Genesis.  Unless they have a fuller picture of God as viewed through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, this – and other passages – could foster doubt and even rejection of God!

A thought to consider:  Could God still be doing this, but we just don’t know about it since the writing of Holy Scripture ended centuries ago?  After all, in Romans 12:19, Paul declares [re: God]: “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

SECOND, Judah’s discretions.  Judah was the fourth son of Jacob.  His mother was Leah – the unloved wife [Genesis 29:31].  When the twelve brothers shared their hatred and jealousy of Joseph, it was Judah who suggested that they sell him to a band of travelling merchants!  Perhaps his departure from his brothers and his dalliance with Hirah, the Adullamite woman, was an escape from the guilt he was experiencing as a result of the tremendous sorrow and grief Joseph’s disappearance had caused in Jacob?  Was he, in fact, the first prodigal recorded in scripture?  Then, he doesn’t even marry Hirah, but sees a more desireable woman in Shua’s daughter and marries her!

We see his further discretion when – after his wife’s death – he actively pursues the disguised Tamar [his daughter-in-law].  This man seems to have no moral guidance system!  His only redeeming action is revealed when Tamar confronts him with his own possessions and he realizes that he has been convicted by her righteous (?) actions. 

One can hardly call Tamar’s actions righteous!  Surely, she had been passed over according to the traditions of that day!  But posing as a prostitute and ensnaring her father-in-law was hardly a godly way of pursuing justice!  This sordid chapter seems to serve as a warning of how far righteous people can wander from God-pleasing behavior when they migrate from His will and way!

This expose’ of rebellion and unrighteous behavior speaks volumes to any generation willing to open its ears to the truth that leaks out through these perverse examples of rebellion and independence.  Many a young person has left the traditions of home to establish independence as a young adult!  Many of those stories do not end well. 

My friend, Brenda Young, wrote about this just a couple of days ago.  Like me, she chose to adopt the guard rails that her parents had solidly established in her life.  She sees the protection and blessings that have followed as a result:

“I can’t tell you the joy and blessing and countless opportunities that have filled my life because I learned to respect and obey my Dad and Mom at a young age. My faith in them pointed me to my Father and trusting obedience to Him. Trusting Him every day when I don’t see or understand has caused me to survive and thrive when circumstances try to make a horror movie of my life.”

Now, I understand that many reading this didn’t have the guidance that Brenda and I received.  However, you must remember the persistence of a God who pursues the prodigal son!  He is there with loving conviction – even in the pig pen!  He pursues you aggressively and yearns to see you accept His offer of grace!  He is anxious to redirect – even reconstruct – your life, if necessary! 

If you’ve taken the path of Judah or Tamar, won’t you soften your heart and allow God to cause you to survive and thrive the horror that your choices have brought about in your life?   

If this sad chapter calls you to make changes, please feel free to call or ‘private message’ me.  Or go to church this Sunday.  Or reach out to a friend who loves the Lord. 

“Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.”  - James 4:10

Thursday, September 26, 2024


The word is 'innovate'.

From Merriam/Webster:  to make changes do something in a new way

There's a little dialogue - between Debbie and I - that has played out in church quite a few times over recent years:

DEB (as she joins me in the pew):  "Did you pick up a bulletin?"

ME:  "No.  I read it last year!"  

She rarely sees the humor of my response and typically gives me 'the look'!  😆


A number of years ago [when Jon and Tracie were still living in Connecticut], we were visiting and attended their church-plant on Sunday morning.  It met in a school, so a lot of set-up was involved.  As we arrived, we were greeted and made our way to the middle of the auditorium and found seats.

We waited a bit for the time of service to arrive.  Just as the worship team members moved to the front, Coltin [probably about eight at the time], leaned over to me and said:  

"They'll start with a song.  Then there'll be announcements and a time for greeting.  Then, we'll sing three more songs.  After that, the pastor will pray.  Then he'll preach and have another prayer.  One more song and then we'll leave."

He nailed it!  Spot on!  An eight-year-old had noticed and memorized the pattern!


Is there anything wrong with this?

I suppose not - technically.  For many people, predictability is a good thing.  

Obviously, I wrestle with this pattern.  Here's why...

1.  I think that predictability leads to boredom! 

    Everyone knows almost exactly what's going to happen before it happens.  All I have to do is stick it out until 12:00 PM.

2.  This pattern of consistency tends to turn worship into a ritual!  

    Rituals can be [and often are] followed mindlessly!  

3.  Who plans the details of the 'Detail Sheet'?

    Is it the pastor?  the church secretary?  the worship team?

    I've seen 'Detail Sheets' that actually listed time components for each segment of the worship experience.

4.  What role is prayer, discernment and the Holy Spirit given in the process of preparation for worship?


Let me diverge for a few moments:

Consider the expansive creativity of our God!  

For many of us the year is divided into four very different seasons that even dictate how we dress.

The rough estimate of all the tree species in the world currently stands at 65,065, distributed in all countries worldwide.

The Clements checklist of birds of the world lists 10,906 bird species that live in practically every habitat from open oceans to arid deserts!

I'm not going to wear you down with more; you get the idea.  

God has so wonderfully illustrated creativity, diversity and curiosity in the making of our world.  Why can't we do the same with our worship?  

Have we pandered to a segment of the population who are just interested in checking off the box ☑ Have attended worship today.

Have we ignored and omitted those who would be prone to add color, fun, humor and engagement to our worship?

Does anybody in the church ask these questions?  Are they relevant?  Are they appropriate?  


For nine years, I led a church where I was set free to tamper with the traditional forms of worship.  I wrote skits to illustrate my messages.  My sister-in-law [Laurie Mahosky] took those skits and recruited and trained people to present them on Sunday mornings.  Some were humorous and others were quite impactful.  A unique and surprising group of people stepped forward to volunteer to be part of this team.

We also used video songs and video clips to supplement worship.  Eventually, we took advantage of the videographer skills of a few of our people and featured video testimonies.  The advantage of this was that we could control the time and edit the content.  I tried to create messages of interest and illustrate them with humor and stories.

Guess what?  The church grew from 70 to over 200.  Two years in a row, we were recognized by our denomination as a 'Multiplying Church'!  


Dare we allow the church of Jesus Christ to be deemed irrelevant by the world?  

Mega-churches draw crowds by creating an environment where everything is provided!  You can come here every Sunday and you don't have to do anything.  Just sit in the dark in our theater seats and enjoy the show!  Is this success?  Is this pleasing to God?

I attended a local mega-church a while back.  It was great!  Everything was done so well!  You couldn't help but be impressed.  When the service ended, I simply remained in my seat and observed what happened.  People got up and filed out the aisles through the foyer and out the doors to their cars.  No one talked to one another!  There was no recognition of fellow worshippers!  No engagement!  The show was over - it was time to head home or to the restaurant!  

Is this the Church we want to model for our world?


I'm just finishing an eight-month role as an interim pastor.  I've enjoyed the opportunity to lead a church again.  However, as an interim, there were obvious limitations on what I was allowed to do.  Prudence also created barriers regarding how much change it would be appropriate for me to instigate.  I restrained myself appropriately!  

I spoke candidly to the staff on a few occasions indicating things that I would love to see happen.  I mentioned that if I was assigned to lead the church, the first thing I would do would be to remove 100 seats from the sanctuary!  

To my surprise, a couple of men did just that one week!  

Surprisingly, the congregation took it in stride the next Sunday and I never heard a complaint about it.  As a result, we sit closer to one another now and tend to have more interaction with one another.  Pretty cool!

Why are we so afraid of change?  


The 15th century reformer, John Calvin, proposed that there were three ways that we could know about God:  reason, revelation and tradition.

A couple of hundred years later, John Wesley suggested that there was a fourth: experience.

REASON - I can use the brain that God has given me to make observations and think things through, enabling to understand better the nature of God.

REVELATION - God has revealed Himself through Christ and through The Word!  I must give precedence to these revelations and allow them to influence and guide my life!

TRADITION - The collective voice and practice of generations of believers trickle down to us through the centuries.  We must revere these traditions, evaluate their effectiveness for our age, and employ them wisely to provoke, inspire and guide our people.

EXPERIENCE - God may choose to reveal Himself to me in intimate, personal ways that will guide and influence me throughout the course of my life!  


  • How much should I allow tradition to influence the way I worship?
  • Shouldn't it be balanced with the other four sources?
  • Is there new revelation since we live in the age of the Spirit that could liberate us in our worship?
  • What does it mean to worship Him in Spirit and in truth?  [John 4:24]

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


I suppose every generation tends to think that cultural demise is a terrible thing.  The longer we live, the more changes we tend to see.  The changes feel abrupt to us.  It rattles our comfort zone!  We are prone to think of the changes in negative light.  

These changes inevitably catch our attention and cause alarm:

  • increased violence in the global culture
  • the fear of a major upheaval that threatens our long-established freedoms
  • the redefinition of the traditional family structure
  • an invasion of illegal immigrants that is creating irreversible impact
  • the fear of war that could change the structure of our world
The list could be expanded...

However, other changes have been beneficial:
  • social media that allows us to stay in contact with friends from around the world
  • entertainment technology that allows us to tailor what we watch to that which is acceptable
  • the knowledge that although Christianity is faltering in America, it is prospering and growing in other parts of our world
  • transportation systems and freedom of movement that allow us to travel widely
  • in spite of high inflation, financial stability is still possible for many
Currently, two movements are clashing, each of which promises hope and prosperity in the future.  An election is currently underway that will give precedence to the winning designee.  We all wait with hope and bated breath to see what the results will be...

But regardless of the outcome, the world will go on.  A miniscule number may flee in hopes of finding greater security elsewhere, but the vast majority will react, adjust and continue to strive for security, stability and peace.

But the truly discerning realize that our hope is not in a savior, but in a Savior!  

Dividing lines divide!  They always have and always will!  

Conflicting views will continue regardless of the election results.  

An old hymn states: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' Name.  On Christ, the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand - ALL OTHER GROUND IS SINKING SAND!"  

Pastor Edward Mote wrote this hymn in The United Kingdom in 1834.  That year, England had four different Prime Ministers.  Public hanging was abolished in England.  One year earlier, slavery in England was abolished.  Parliament and the Palace of Westminster were destroyed by fire.  The word 'scientist' was first used in the QUARTERLY REVIEW, but it was noted that it was "not generally palatable".  The first trade unions were being established.  The able-bodied poor could only receive government aid if they entered government-run work houses.  Immorality was so rampant that the government ruled "authorities should no longer attempt to identify the fathers of illegitimate children in order to recover support for them."  

Like today, Pastor Mote must have observed negative and positive influences at work in his culture.  His resolution was to point people to something that would sustain them in spite of the upheavals they were experiencing.  

We would be wise to follow his example in 2024.  

We must revive spiritual hope in our culture!  Most of us wouldn't consider writing a hymn to influence others (although I wouldn't rule it out!  😊).  But what can we do to turn people's hearts and minds toward a genuine faith?  

I believe our responses will need to be creative, innovative and radical!  

For instance:  [Re-read the former line before proceeding!]
  1. I sincerely believe that the church needs to return to the home!  Perhaps not entirely, since there are churches that are growing and making a difference in people's lives.  However, most churches do a poor job of genuinely intersecting in people's lives.  The average person who is trying to live a Christian life needs accountabilty that isn't being offered in most churches!  They need to know others intimately and be given an environment where they can regularly share personal needs and exercise their gifts in a warm and loving community.  I believe that a house-church movement will be essential in enabling this kind of deep fellowship and connection.
  2. Innovations like THE CHOSEN movie/television series is opening doors for influencing people in an impactful way!*  Non-followers viewing this series WILL HAVE QUESTIONS!  Some will need to be reminded of the liberties that the creators have included.  All will need to be sent to the Bible to discover "the rest of the story" [to borrow a Paul Harvey line].  These episodes could be utilized in a house-church [small group] and trigger ongoing discussions and study that could vitally impact the way people are living their lives!
  3. The American church needs desperately to reinvent itself in line with the Holy Spirit!  Remember: we live in the period of the acts of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the apostles!  THAT'S US!  Think about it!  As soon as a church builds a building, they have set a limit on their growth and capacity for ministry!  The day of cathedrals is long past!  We need to think invasively!  Bible study groups in coffee shops!  Rent out a roller skating arena and play Christian music - open to ALL and FREE!  Yard sale after church where everyone who attends gets to buy items REALLY CHEAP [Give the proceeds to the Red Cross!]  Outdoor worship events that coincide with a car show; offer free food!   
  4. Christian groups that repeatedly offer or sponsor:
    • Divorce Care Groups
    • Financial Recovery Groups
    • Grief Share Groups
    • Twelve-Step Groups
    • Depression Support Groups
    • Bible for Dummies Groups
    • First Steps in the Christian Life Groups
            [The leaders of these groups need to be carefully selected and highly capable!]
    5. Churches that are less encumbered with enormous building debt burdens and that are not focused on recruiting people to work in the church as teachers, leaders, nursery workers, youth leaders, committee members, etc..  Instead, churches that recruit and equip people to serve in community-based agencies, efforts, projects and endeavors where evidence of their faith leaves a positive impression on the neighborhood!  Imagine a village or town where the community leaders considered the local church as a resource for getting projects resourced and accomplished!
    6.  Christ-followers who live out their faith day-to-day in the workplace and neighborhood in such a way that their example draws people to them and to Christ!  People whose lives regularly intersect with others and leave the fragrance of Christ in their trail!
Anemia/anemic [according to Miriam/Webster] means:
  1. a condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume.
  2. lacking force, vitality or spirit.
  3. lacking interest or savor.
The American Church is clearly lacking force, vitality and Spirit!  It also lacks interest in its Savior!  Instead of changing its culture, IT'S BEING CHANGED BY ITS CULTURE - AND NOT IN GOOD WAYS!  

I pray and long to see it be transformed!  

Here are the other verses to Pastor Motes' hymn:

When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood, support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne!

On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand - 

"Jesus said to them, 'Who do you say that I am?'
Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'

And Jesus said to him,
'Blessed are you, Simon, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you,
but My Father who is in Heaven.
I also say to you that upon this rock [of truth]
___________________________________________________[Matthew 16:15-18 Amended)]

*  I do not like EVERYTHING about The Chosen series.  I struggle with some of the liberties they take with the narratives [and have written to the creators to express my opinions].  However, the creativity is unparalleled.  I end almost every episode in tears and expressions of joy!  Debbie and I have viewed the first three seasons at least four times and will continue...