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Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Between the years of 1969-1973, I acquired a Bachelor's Degree in Religion and Philosophy from Roberts Wesleyan College.  I continued to study theology, ethics, practical ministry and philosophy at Asbury Theological Seminary from 1973-1976.  After beginning my life in the ministry, I returned to study more of the same, finally attaining a Master's of Divinity Degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary [1987].  For the record, pursuing a seminary degree necessarily involves you in a constant barrage of classes to initiate deep, philosophical discussions.  In addition, required thesis papers abound that call on you to respond to the philosophical schools of thought and your personal responses to them! 

I must confess that I never enjoyed the study of philosophy!  They were the most difficult books for me to understand.  I found myself reading each book two or three times in an effort to comprehend the content.  I groaned with each philosophy course that I was required to take.  

The following is evidence that I actually did pay attention in my classes:

“Abandon all hope, you who enter here.” This warning stands etched for eternity over the gates of Dante’s hell. It is one of the most famous lines in literature, and rightly so. It marks the beginning of Dante’s descent, following the footsteps of Christ, into the heart of the earth — a sobering journey that puts both the fear and fitness of divine justice on full display.

I eventually came to think that these words – “Abandon all hope, you who enter here.” – should have been etched above the doors of every seminary! 

I assume that the reason for my dissonance was the mere fact that I am wired toward practical thinking and reasoning.  I came from the home of a nail maker and a home maker.  Discussions at our dinner table were of day-to-day practicalities.  A love for the Church and a love for Jesus was the dominant teaching of my growing-up home!  My siblings were considerably older and didn't have much of an impact on my formation.  

I was the first of my Grandma Haire's grandchildren to graduate from college.  Her brother - James Okey Archer - was the only other pastor on either side of my family tree.  I had great respect for him and viewed him more like a grandfather than a great-uncle.  

My vocation was set when I received my call to ministry at the age of seventeen.  [Click the link to read about my 'Call'.]

My years of education finally ended in 1992, when I acquired a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.  

During my education at PTS, I was challenged by a professor to be a lifelong learner.  Actually, he perturbed me in a small, very personal class.  He mockingly stated that the last book a seminary student reads for his/her coursework will likely be the last book they will ever read!  He expounded on the fact that most graduates that he knew were no longer stimulating their thinking with new thoughts and ideas.  His attitude and disdain triggered a resolve in me that I would be different!  Soon after graduating, I determined that I would make it my goal to read a book-a-week for the rest of my life!  

It was a challenging goal!  With the dual ambitions of being a great husband/dad and also an effective church leader, I found that my reading goal would have to be carefully protected!  Joyfully, I was privileged to have responsibility for growing churches - which added stress and pressure to my life!  However, my young adult challenge maintained a high priority for me.  

My books have usually been kept in my church study [with some being kept at home].  I was often asked if I’d read all of my books.  My answer: “most of them, but some are reference books that are not intended to be read from beginning to end.” 

So, you ask: “Hal, did you read a book-a-week through-out your life?”

Hal: “Not even close!  I fell far short!  However, I did read lots of books and they enriched my life and my ministry greatly!”

Upon my retirement in 2017, I found many distractions to keep me busy.  Without the demands of pastoral ministry, I found many other ways to fill my days.  Without ever thinking about it, I just quit reading – except for novels.  Debbie had coaxed me throughout the years to read novels; I learned to enjoy and appreciate them.  

Lo and behold, a plot began to take shape in my mind.  When COVID-19 hit in 2020, I – like everyone else – was sequestered.  I began to give shape to my novel thoughts! 😉  By the end of that year I self-published my first Christian/Romance novel: LONELY FOR A LONG TIME.

Within the next three years I was able to publish three semi-sequels:


·         OVERWHELMED, and


There’s still another plot ruminating in my mind, but I don’t feel compelled to develop it at present.


In recent months I have been recalled to my original goal of reading.  After significantly reducing the volume of books in my study, I am now beginning again to add to its number!  Fortunately, as a result of my purge, I have room for new books.  👍

Throughout my retirement, I begin my day in my study reading.  Of course it includes scripture!  But I have also always tried to stay stimulated by reading history, biographies, and devotional classics.  And, by the way, I also try to include something philosophical!  I’m currently working through Os Guinness’ THE JOURNEY: Our Quest for Faith and Meaning.  Just like the old days, I find myself reading some pages two or three times! 

It was actually an article in Guinness’ book that triggered this blog!

One segment was about Charles Darwin, the famed naturalist and author of ORIGIN OF SPECIES.  The following excerpt initially raised my hopes – and then immediately crushed them!  If you feel adventurous – read on.  🙄 

[Darwin writing to a friend]  “Another source of conviction in the existence of God, connected with the reason, and not with the feelings, impresses me as having more weight. This follows from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man with his capacity of looking far backwards and far into the futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity. When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look to a First Cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man; and I deserve to be called a Theist.”

Up to this point, I was feeling very hopeful – but then, I read on…

“This conclusion was strong in my mind about the time, as far as I can remember, when I wrote the Origin of Species; and it is since that time that it has very gradually, with many fluctuations, become weaker. But then arises the doubt, can the mind of man, which has, as I fully believe, been developed from a mind as low as that possessed by the lowest animals, be trusted when it draws such grand conclusions?”  [Guinness, p.151]

Oh, Charlie, so near – and yet so far!  

Expand your mind this week – read a good book and challenge yourself! 

Thursday, February 27, 2025


From June, 1982 – May, 1995
Written by Pastor Harold E. Haire at the conclusion of his thirteen year appointment.

I was appointed to the Oakland Free Methodist Church by the Pittsburgh Conference Stationing Committee in June of 1982 [I was thirty years old].  A very smooth transition of leadership was facilitated by Pastor John F. States. Some church statistics for the year ending 1982 were: Total Membership – 120; Morning Worship Average – 102; and Total Budget - $59,379.

During the transition period, Pastor States held a meeting including himself, myself and Debbie, and the Pastor’s Cabinet at that time: Russell Dray, Sr., Alma Kelly, Henry Muschweck, Paul Ward, Betty Heald and Martha Anderson (some spouses were involved as well).  In the dialogue of this evening, the Cabinet clarified its desire in two points: 1) they wanted help in involving younger people into the leadership of the church; and 2) they wanted a strong youth ministry to be maintained.

Both of these goals have been met, but not without pain. Over the years, there has been a steady increase of involvement by a new group of people [Hal’s original copy includes the names of over 122 individuals]. However, transitions of power are never easy. My thirteen-year ministry at Oakland can best be characterized as a time of generational transition. There has been a gradual passing of the torch of leadership to a younger generation.  Unfortunately, some older members have felt left out or overlooked as aa result of this change.  Some, who have been discontent, have hindered the progress of the church by resisting change. One interesting note is that of the above-mentioned Cabinet, four of those are still on the 1995 Cabinet: Henry Muschweck, Alma Kelly, Betty Heald and Paul Ward.

The Oakland Church has continued to be a strong church with a desire to influence its community for Christ. There has been a steady flow of new people through the church over the years. Some have stayed for only a few weeks; some have stayed for several years and became quite involved in the life of the church; and some are still involved. At the present time the Church is made up of three fairly distinct groupings.

·         First, there is a large group of older members who are still active in the church life to varying degrees.

·         Second, there is a large group of middle-aged couples/families, most of whom are active and supportive.

·         Third, there is an active and large group of youth under the leadership of Associate Pastor Raeanne Thompson [now Barlow].

This reveals two needs for the future. At present, we have very few children and very few young adult couples. A young, single adult Sunday School class is to begin in June, 1995, to seek to address this challenge.  The present leadership will be wise to seek to involve younger people in significant positions to facilitate a smooth, yet gradual transition of leadership.

Specific stresses have existed in East Liverpool that have had a direct effect on church growth expectations. The closing of the Crucible Steel Mill in 1982, had a devastating impact on the community! Many families were thrown into long-term unemployment situations. In addition, a long-term tension over the construction and operation of Waste Technologies Incorporated has affected the community for the same period of time.  This waste incinerator is located within 500 yards of the Oakland Church. Neighborhood property values have been impacted as a result of this planned construction.  Due to these and other factors, the area has been largely characterized by low self-esteem and depression., This makes East Liverpool a wonderful location for an outreaching, teaching and caring Christian community!

The youth ministry has remained strong over these years at the Oakland Church. An active Christian Youth Crusader/Christian Life Club has been maintained every year up until 1994. This has faithfully fed young people into the youth group. A number of individuals helped with the Youth Ministry through October, 1991, when Pastor Raeanne began. Some of those were: Russ Dray, Philip Kelly, Debbie Haire, Harold Haire, Rick and Regina Anderson, and Karen Kelly.  Both the Youth Group and the CYC/CLC have been blessed with large numbers of kids. Parents and families do tend to come for special programs and events, but not for regular involvement in the life of the church.

We have consistently worked to become a more welcoming church. There are two areas where we have made significant gains. The first is in what could be called the personality of the church. Visitors now report that they feel very welcomed upon attending services at Oakland. This change is the result of much labor and instruction on the part of the pastor and the people. We have regularly reviewed the basics of being a friendly church. We have stressed the necessity of enfolding new people.  Harold Kelly has been our inspiration in this area. He is greatly appreciated and respected by this congregation because of his love for the Lord, love for people and desire for growth in the Kingdom!

The second area of significant growth has been in worship. This church has a history of meaningful worship. In stride with other changes, the church has undergone a transformation of worship style. It began subtly with the introduction of new choruses. [This trend was aggressively moving through American churches in the 1980’s.] It evolved to be a full-fledged contemporary form. Today the Oakland congregation has an enormous range of hymns, gospel songs and praise choruses that it uses in its worship. Since 1991, a Worship Team has participated in the planning and leadership of worship: David Kelly, David Pinkerton, Bradley Cowsert, Robert Cowsert, Marilyn Kelly, Ronald Kelly, Lynn Muschweck and the pastors. The last several years have been punctuated with periodic ‘Festivals of Praise’. These gatherings have often involved other congregations and musicians from the area. They have been memorable times of participatory worship!

There have been quite a number of special events over these years. I’m sure I’ll omit some, but let me mention a few.

In the Spring of 1984, a large group worked hard under Ron Kelly’s direction to learn and deliver Bill Gaither’s ALLELUJAH: a Praise Gathering for Believers on Pentecost Sunday! Later that summer we chartered a bus and took our whole Sunday evening service to Warren, Ohio - where John States was leading the church – to share the musical with their congregation!

In April of 1985,we held a revival with five other area Free Methodist Churches participating: Oakland, First FMC, Beechwood, Ohioville, Wellsville and Hookstown. Former Bishop Paul N. Ellis was the speaker. In his illness, Reverend James Bischoff preached for the first two nights. The week was well attended and marked with times of meaningful worship.

November of 1988, saw Trygvar and Anne Brauteseth come to Oakland for an evening of sharing about their ministry in South Africa. The crowd was not large but the blessing of the Spirit was! He told of a witch doctor who dedicated his life to Christ. This man brought all the tools of his trade together for a fire to give testimony tohis changed life.  They couldn’t get the items to burn. Trygvar sensed the opposition of Satan; he prayed for God’s intervention. Fire fell from heaven and burned up all of the man’s belongings. At the end of the service the congregation committed to purchasing a $1,500 tent for evangelism in South Africa. David Kelly led us in this vision. Later, unknown0of money came through from his late grandmother to help with this purchase. A fellowship time was held at David and Karen’s home afterward. Trygvar shared stories with the men in one room while Anne shared with the ladies in another. 

In September, 1989, we held a gret weekend called HOMECOMING ’89. We rented a huge carnival tent for shade. We served a meal at the Tri-State Campground and held an afternoon of remembering with former pastors and superintendents sharing. The Sunday morning worship was a highlight with a procession of choir and pastors. It was a very well-attended event. The camp dining hall got a last minute coat of paint to spruce it up for our guests. A video was made of the weekend by Bob Cowsert which is kept in the church office!

On December 29, 1991, we held a Festival of Praise, led by Jim and Tammy Bean. It was a wonderful time of animated worship. This was to be the first of many gatherings. During this period we were receiving much teaching in the area of biblical finances from past and Ron Kelly. That night, Alma Kelly and Ron Kelly led the congregation in a ‘Wave Offering’ in which the entire debt of the church was eliminated ($26,000)!!  Praise the Lord! 

From the end of October, 1992, through January, 1993, we enjoyed the teaching of Reverend James Crawley of the New Hope Baptist Church. Sunday evening after Sunday evening he bathed us in his insights into The Song of Solomon. It was during this period that Shirley Kelly committed her life to Christ and started attending regularly. Pulpit exchanges with New Hope were held every year with affirming responses and rich fellowship.

Three different ‘Life in the Spirit’ weekends were held. The first was in April, 1988, and Reverend Christina Ferris brought a series of messages.  The next was in the Spring of 1992. Reverend W. P. Jones and his wife, Virginia, came to share with us. The Lord blessed in a great way as Reverend Jones brought messages to challenge the church. On Saturday evening we had a special time for blessing the children. Beginning at one end and moving toward the other end of the altar, Reverend Jones laid his hands on each child and gave them a spiritual blessing. Many parents were amazed at the accuracy of his words and prayers; it was apparent that he was being led by the Holy Spirit.

In November of 1993, Reverend Lucie Behar came to share with the congregation in a ‘Life in the Spirit’ week.  Lucien had been with us twice before; the Oakland congregation loves this evangelist! He returned to East Liverpool in July, 1994, to serve as evangelist for the Tri-State Family Camp – another tremendous time of spiritual refreshment.

Also in November of 1993, we enjoyed another special evening with a retired missionary couple: Reverend and Mrs. Clarence and Betty Owsley. They had served as career missionaries to Brazil and were travelling again due to a shortage of missionaries stateside. Once again, we were blessed by their wisdom, enthusiasm and heart for the lost. Brother Owsley sat on the front seat during worship and vigorously sang the contemporary praise choruses selected for that evening. He and Betty provided a wonderful example of Christian grace in retirement. Even as I leave Oakland, I am sharing a recent letter from the Owsley’s who are planning to return to Brazil (at age 75) for a six-month VISA tour to cover for Clancy and Doris Thompson while they are on furlough. Brother Owsley’s new motto: “Come Alive in ‘95”! 

We were also blessed in November of 1993 and 1994!  Both years our evangelism committee involved us in the Annual East Liverpool Christmas Parade. Free hot chocolate was distributed in the name of Jesus from David and Karen Kelly’s home (200 West Sixth Street). A float was also entered in the parade, something that had been done each year for several years by the Christian Life Club. Candy [attached to tracts] was passed out by prayerful parishioners among the crowd. All in all, 40-50 Oaklanders were involved each year! A spirit of goodwill was communicated and seeds were sown for the glory of the Lord!

Finally, during the winters of 1994 and 1995, we enjoyed the teaching of Debbie’s father, Mr. Ken Whippo of the Rochester, PA Free Methodist Church. The first year Ken taught an excellent study of the ‘End Times’. The discussion was rich and an average of over forty was maintained. Food and fellowship also characterized these evenings. The second year his topic was ‘Creation Verses Evolution’.

There were many others who preached [at least once] over this thirteen-year period:

James McMasters
Maxine Smith
Lee Spear
Howard Canon
R.D. Merkle
R.A. Neal
Roy Perkins
E.L. Daugherty
Greg Bengry
Eric Nulph
David Stout
Gordon Aiken
John Kelley
James Crowley
David Peterson
R. T. Singleton
S.H. Estel
Milo Smith
Wilmer Olszewski
Bishop Gerald Bates
Bishop Richard Snyder
Violet Turner
Kenneth Campbell
Ronald Kelly
Russell Dray, Sr.
Tilman Houser
John States
D. Edward Bailey
V. J. Mannoia
Fred Thomas
Lucien Behar
Tom Johnston
W.P Jones
Charles Parry
Christina Ferris
Tom Roush
Chris Baker
Lloyd Arnett
Dean McElroy
Wayne Standley
Dean Beguhl
Raeanne Thompson [Barlow]
David B. Kelly
Donald Davis

We enjoyed wonderful missionary meetings with Elaine Williamson (Fall, 1994) and Ken Leech (February 1994). There was a great week of training in personal evangelism by the Reverend Tom Johnston (May, 1990).  In addition, there were Bishop’s Rallies, Family Camps, Community Worship Services, precious times of Holy Communion, baptism services (several One observation is noteworthy:), 45-Club Celebrations [regarding faithful attendance in Sunday School], Sunday-Evenings-at-the-Campground, Super Bowl Sundays, and even Mid-Winter Cook-outs!

Events like these are great, but what is truly important is the effect of the church on its community and the spiritual growth of its adherents. There is evidence that our church is becoming more outreaching in evangelism. The Annual Reports from 1982-1994 indicate that seventy-five individuals have come to faith in Christ. [A record of these names is in Pastor Hal’s original document.]  Many of these have been through pastoral ministry, many others have also been through the ministry of the CYC/CLC/VBS. Many more have been through the youth group – especially in the latter years under Pastor Raeanne Thompson [Barlow’s] leadership! 

Present statistics for the year ending 1994 were:

·         Total Membership – 102

·         Morning Worship Average – 93  [This fails to reflect the fact that we had many Sundays with an attendance of over 200.]

·         Total Budget - $119,094

·         I recorded [in my original document] the names of 75 individuals who made a first-time commitment to Christ!

One observation is noteworthy:

In 1990, the church family became embroiled in a division over whether or not to have a cable television hooked up in the church. This issue seemed to have been a culmination of a long-term, gradually –growing dispute between traditional verses contemporary forms of worship and ministry.

The end result: no converts in 1990. It is obvious that our enemy distracted us from our mission!

On the other hand, spiritual growth has been very evident in much of the congregation. Oakland attenders have become more Bible-oriented. There is a great emphasis on worship. The gifts of the Spirit are discerned and employed in the “Body of Christ”. Sunday School classes, prayer groups and fellowship times are characterized by love and joy. However, complete unity has been difficult to attain.

In about 1986, a small group of folks began to meet on Monday nights for prayer, study and praise. These gatherings sometimes included as many as thirty people. [As of my departure, the groups continued to meet, although with smaller attendances]. The emergence of this group seems to coincide with the rising of a theological divergence in the Oakland Church. These theological tensions exist mainly in the understanding of healing/health, and in the area of prosperity or God’s provision for the believer. At times these differing opinions have been defended vigorously in public. However, most of the time these differences are not addressed in open forum. My role has been critical in maintaining balance in this church. A free-flow of interaction would be the desirable route to address these concerns and find resolution.

One of the truly great endeavors of our church has been its vigorous leadership in the area of employing pastoral apprentice interns. We began this practice in 1987, by cooperating with the Pittsburgh Conference Student Summer Intern Program (SSIP). Mr. D. Edward Bailey came that year to be our full time, summer, pastoral assistant. When he returned in 1988, we ran the program without outside financial assistance. We did so again in 1989, and 1990, with Miss Raeanne Thomson serving as the pastoral assistant. This was especially beneficial since she would later come to Oakland as Associate Pastor. Then, in 1992, we enjoyed having our own Mr. Chris Baker as summer intern. He is now studying for the full-time Free Methodist ministry at Asbury Theological Seminary.

These last several years have been a time of real stretching for the Oakland congregation. In the Fall of 1991, with some financial assistance from the Pittsburgh Conference, we brought Raeanne Thompson on as a full time, Associate Pastor with major responsibility in the youth area. Her contributions are of inestimable value. She has led many to faith in Christ. The youth group has continually shown signs of life and vitality. Her influence has been felt widely through the church family and also throughout the community. This year she will be ordained ‘Deacon’ at the second sitting of the annual conference. Her youth have a positive influence on the worship and ministry outreach of this church. The congregation has really had to be flexible to allow for the activity that comes with a growing youth group; however, the payoff has been well worthwhile!

The financial growth of the church is something that must be addressed. Ron Kelly has played a major role in this area through the years. Our teaching and emphasis on biblical principles of finance have been a catalyst to some great things happening.  Gradually we saw a willingness develop to ‘sow’ money into the lives and ministry of others (rather than trying to keep it all for use at Oakland). This began by sowing into the lives of several minister friends: Olvers, Hetzers, Babels, and others. The Lord seems to have been leading us to this ministry clear back with the Brauteseth’s tent!  Over the years we saw one after another exciting things happen. Financial testimonies became part of the regular course of events.

A major point of turning seems to have been the 1991 Festival of Praise ($26,000 debt elimination)!  This led to the 1993 formulation of a $100,000 Global Outreach Challenge. Although originally formulated time frames were not realized, the congregation continues to pray and give believing that God wants to use this congregation in a strategic manner to accomplish His worldwide outreach.  As of the present date, over $18,000 has been given for this purpose since September, 1993. Most of this has gone toward the support of Dr, Dan and Dean Snyder and their family. They are [at the time of writing] in language studies in Canada with plans to eventually return to Central Africa!

A careful transition has been planned as the congregation prepares to receive a newly appointed pastor in June. The Haires are being appointed to the Spencerville, Maryland Free Methodist Church [Maryland/Virginia Conference]. With Travis having recently entered the Navy (and stationed in Florida), it will be just Harold, Debbie, Troy (14) and Tracie (13) moving to the D.C. area. We consider it a blessing to have raised our family in a progressive setting such as Oakland. I have deeply appreciated the caring affirmation and support I have so consistently received here. I will always be appreciative of the Oakland Church for facilitating the attaining of my Master of Divinity degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (1987) and my Master of Arts in Counseling degree from the Franciscan University of Steubenville (1992).

My major regret is that I seem to have alienated a group of older members who eventually withdrew from active involvement in the church. This, coupled with spiritual, personal and family concerns contributed to the motivation for a change. It is insightful to note that the Spring, 1995 pastoral vote was almost unanimous to have a continuation of leadership! 

We will always reflect on Oakland Church as a place of fond memories. We have enjoyed and benefitted from many rich times of meaningful worship and praise here. We will continue to pray that this congregation will always hold hands with God as they move into the future. We shall watch from a distance, expecting to hear great things from East Liverpool. 


1983 – New piano for the Light and Life room.

1987 – Trusses and shingle roof on the educational wing. Also re-shingled the sanctuary.

1988 – Sound room constructed at the back of the sanctuary.  Sound system installed.

            Olympia Es-95 typewriter purchased.

 1990 – New phone system and additional phone line installed.

            Large-screen television and video cassette recorder purchased.

 1991 – Van purchased (used).

 1992 – Stove purchased for the Light and Life room.

            Mita DC-1435 copier purchased.

            Garage begun (finished in 1993).

 1993 – Cupboards installed in the Light and Life room (rear, right side).

            Resource tables added.

 1994 – Secretary and Associate Pastor’s desks purchased.

 1995 – Tractor purchased.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


I just received a devotional book by William Barclay.  Although I'll be saving it for next year, I sat and read the introduction written by Denis Duncan, who collected and edited the works of this great biblical scholar.

Denis included a long list of Barclay's accomplishments and positions held - from biblical scholar and professor to football fan and supporter of the Scottish National Orchestra.  He trained and conducted the Trinity College Student's Choir and also found time to be a railway enthusiast!

He wrote over sixty books while his Daily Study Bible sold over a million copies in Britain and half-a-million more in the United States!  

As a journalist, his work was published in many newspapers and journals.  His television teaching on the New Testament captivated millions!  

All this while being married and raising a son.

"The typical Barclay day:

"He rises at 7:15 AM and reaches the university at 8:30 AM.  He works at his desk until 1:15 PM.  In the afternoon he sees research students from 2:00 - 4:30 PM. The evening he spends reading, writing or out speaking. At 11:00 PM he falls asleep but only for one hour.  At midnight he is awake again and works till 2:00 AM.   [DAILY CELEBRATION, William Barclay, p.10]  

After reading this introduction, I simply sat in the quiet of my study and meditated.


After this period of personal reflection I set myself to typing into my quote file a number of things from my recent reading.   One of the quotes took me back to my earlier musings.  Actually, it was a quote from DAILY CELEBRATION VOL2 [p.45].

"Every man who ever came into this world was sent into this world by God to do some special task. Every man is, as it has been put, a 'Dream of God'."

Reader, you are a "Dream of God"!  You have been sent into this world to do some special task!

Hey! I heard that thought!  You were thinking: "Yeah, right!"  But listen - it's true!

Your task may not be one which is great as the world uses the word great. It may be to:

  • care for a child, 
  • make someone else happy, 
  • teach someone’s mind, 
  • cure someone’s body, 
  • bring sunshine into the lives of others across a counter
  • or in an office, 
  • to make a home.

Do what you do - whatever it is - with the determination not to disappoint the God who set you to this task!  

Honor Him!

Love Him!

Serve Him joyfully!

Point others to Him!

Be a joyful servant!

King of the universe: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Thank You for sending us into Your world to serve Your purposes!

The world may deem our role as insignificant, but You don't!

Don't allow us to minimize the importance of our existence!

Even as we age and are relegated to less impacting roles, help us to realize that we are still capable of much for You - though it may be in different ways!

Be near to the young mother who is wiping noses, changing diapers and trying to maintain order in her home.  She is about the crucial business of raising godly children who will honor You!

Touch the millworker today who has a repetitive job that barely engages the mind.  Help them to live with purpose and hope that will inspire their fellow workers and point them to You!

Engage the ones who are full of despair today!  Lord, help them to remember that they are Your dream!  Guide them back onto the path of Your plan and blessing!  Renew their hope and sense of purpose!

For those who are far from home: due to military service, or schooling obligations, or being immigrants, or work commitments, or rebellion, or being captives of violence or the sex trade, or even the prodigals;  assure them that You are with them!  Remind them that You see into the darkest corners and are able to rally rescuers, provide strength and endurance while guiding and protecting them with Your angels!

Regardless of our situation, location, or state of mind, renew our understanding that we were sent into this world to do some special task!  Give us the courage and stamina to look around, figure out what it is, and do it with all our passion and desire.

And may our service be pleasing to You, and may we earn the right to someday hear You say:  "Well done!  You have been a faithful servant!  Enter into the eternal joy of your Lord!"  


Saturday, February 15, 2025


Most are aware of the pendulum theory.

In 1656 the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens built the first pendulum clock. This was a great improvement over existing mechanical clocks; their best accuracy was improved from around 15 minutes deviation a day to around 15 seconds a day. Pendulums spread over Europe as existing clocks were retrofitted with them.  [Wikipedia]

The pendulum is most commonly seen in old ‘Grandfather Clocks’.  The pendulum swings consistently back-and-forth, counting off the seconds.

This image has been borrowed to visualize the extreme swing of change that often occurs in other observable areas.  Today, we’ll apply it to parenting.

Most of these observations within parenting styles are actually quite obvious. 

·         If a person is raised in a very strict environment, then they may have a tendency to raise their own children in a more libertarian one. 

·         If a child is raised in an extreme religious environment, they may deliberately raise their own kids in a freer, less religious one. 

·         If a child is brought up in the midst of poverty, they may become a workaholic devoted to establishing a home that is more capable of providing for any children that might come along. 

We could add to this list ad infinitum.

It must be noted – in addition – that these tendencies are almost always absent of conscious intent or planning.  A person is not aware of this radical change that they’ve adopted in their parenting style.  They are simply responding to the impact their own upbringing had on them and subconsciously trying to create change for their own children. 

It is at least possible that these unconscious yet intended improvements may actually also have a negative impact on their children. 


If you think about it, there is no attempt in our culture [or likely others] to train couples for the parenting task.  We step into this role with nothing but our own experience and observations – added, of course to the resident wisdom of our spouse.  Plus, it’s a rare couple that sits down to talk or plan how they intend to raise their family. 

As a pastor, I required couples to sit down with me for ten hours to discuss areas that I knew were vital to the health and survival of their marriage.  Most cooperated willingly and found it to be a rewarding experience.  Some just put in the time to meet my requirement.  Some of the areas we discussed were:

o   Do you intend to have children?

o   If so, when do you plan to start this process?

o   How many children do you hope to have?

o   How will you share responsibility when children come along?

o   If you find – down the road – that for some reason you can’t have children, would you consider adoption?

After that we might explore how each was raised and how they can incorporate those different family styles into their own unique plan.  Remember: A marriage is a merging of two distinct family systems!  


Swinging the pendulum is not necessarily wrong; however, it is best to do it with some knowledge and understanding. 

Wise parents [and parents to be] will:

Ø  Have a discussion about how they were raised and how it might impact their children.

Ø  Talk [hopefully ahead of time] about how roles will be changed and how responsibilities will need to be adapted.

Ø  Set goals for their parenting.

When Debbie and I were dating [back in the 1960’s], we made two primary observations:

1.    We noticed a lot of siblings who seemed to hate each other.  This was characterized by fighting, hateful words and vindictive behavior.

We talked and prayed about it together.  We decided that we wanted any children we had to love each other and treat each other respectfully.  Creating that kind of an environment became primary for us. 

     2.    We noticed that a lot of ‘preacher’s kids’ (PK's) [from our age-group] turned away from Christ after leaving their home!

This became an alarming concern to us since we knew that I was heading into pastoral ministry.  We spent a lot of time talking about how we could raise our kids without having them become bitter against the church.

 We set some guidelines in place that included not talking about church problems in front of the kids.  We also made sure that our comments - made in front of our kids - about church people were positive and affirming. 

 We determined to protect our kids from the effects that evil words and actions had on us. 

     Ø  Pray together about their parenting and pray over and with their kids regularly until they leave home!  This is vitally important for both husband and wife!

Ø  Be involved in a church with an effective children’s and youth ministry. 

There were times that I – unfortunately – had to advise parents to find another church that was doing a better job with youth.  A youth director/pastor can be a dynamic influencer on our adolescents! 

Also, keep in mind that as young teens, our children will be on the look-out for role models!  We prefer that they choose godly examples.  That is more likely to happen if we are actively involved in the life of a vibrant church. 

[AGAIN – If this means changing churches for a season, don’t hesitate to do so.  The life and spiritual health of your children calls for it.  Keep in mind that most American churches are plateaued or in decline.  Find a growing church and become part of it for your children’s sake!]


KING OF THE UNIVERSE: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Rush to the sides of those who are still actively parenting young, developing children!

Grant them wisdom as they fulfill the challenging responsibility of raising kids in the 21st century!

Glue husbands and wives of these precious children together with Your Holy Spirit!

Help fathers to raise godly sons of courage and balance to eventually assume a responsible role in adulthood!

Help these same fathers to be an example of godly manhood to their daughters.  Remind them that they are the ‘guide-from-the-other-side’ to help their daughters better understand the male gender!


Help mothers as they enfold and comfort their children through the various stages of growth!  May their arms always be open and their words always lovingly instructive! 

Bless these moms as they raise godly sons!  Even when they don’t always understand what their boys are doing and why, enable them to be persistent and persuasive in guiding them.

Also, help these moms as they influence their daughters!  Give them the courage to gradually release these precious lives to experiment and grow.


Be the LORD of these couples and the honored Guest in each of their homes!

Love them – ALL OF THEM – into Your eternal Kingdom!


Thursday, February 13, 2025


The prophet, Elijah, just pops up in the book of I Kings (chapter 17).  We are informed that he is from a village named Gilead [which was located just south of the Sea of Galilee on the eastern side of the Jordan River].

With no previous background provided, we are simply told that this prophet went directly to Ahab [king of Israel – the northern kingdom].

Essentially, Elijah delivered a threat to Ahab: “As surely as the LORD lives, no rain or dew will fall during the next few years unless I command it” (v.1).

Elijah is immediately told by the LORD: “Leave this place and go east and hide near the Kerith Ravine east of the Jordan River [Elijah would have been familiar with this place] (v.3).

Although this was a desolate place, it did have a water supply from a small stream.  This trip was apparently sudden because the LORD promised Elijah that there was water there and that He would cause the ravens to bring him food!  Yep! You read that right!  Verse 6 reports: “The birds brought Elijah bread and meat every morning and evening, and he drank water from the stream.”

Now the rest of the story is awesome, but we dare not move on without observing what has just taken place.

A relatively unknown prophet from a desolate region is instructed by God to go to the king of Israel and tell him that there will be no rain or dew in Israel without the command of the prophet. 

Now, verse 7 reports that eventually – while Elijah was in hiding – the stream dried up.  This was clearly a sign of the drought that God was imposing on the land of Israel!  Consequently, God sent Elijah to the village of Zeraphath to live with a widow who was facing her own personal crisis.  [More on that another time]. 

Israel has had a line of evil kings that sprung from the poor decisions of Jeroboam [whom God had hoped would be a strong and godly leader]. 

·         Jeroboam

·         Ahijah

·         Nadab

·         Baasha

·         Elah

·         Zimri

·         Omri

·         and finally Ahab

God is ready to rock the boat of this evil empire!  He apparently wants to get Ahab’s [and the Israelites’] attention!  He decided to use his prophet, Elijah, to accomplish this mission.  We know from the following chapters – as well as from James 5:17-18 – that it did not rain in Israel for over three years!

We can only imagine the suffering that this brought to the land!  It is likely that King Ahab sent out many soldiers to locate this flagrant prophet and bring him in for examination!  But, they couldn’t find him because God had hidden him!


Now you can justify this away by saying that Elijah was a prophet.  But, in his age, a prophet was just a common person that God called for extraordinary purposes. 

But doesn’t that fit all of us? 

Last night, while waiting for the Cece Winan concert to begin, we sat eating and observing as the crowd slowly gathered around us. 

Suddenly, I turned to Debbie, but she wasn’t there.  That’s when I noticed her a few feet away talking to a man in front of us who was wearing a hoodie with the following words on the back of it: “My son is my Guardian Angel!”

Because of our own personal sensitivities regarding losing a son, my wife had gone to this man to inquire about his shirt.  He told her that he had lost his oldest son a while back.  And then he went on to report that they had also lost their youngest son a while ago. 

I watched as my wife had this man – with a long, straggly goatee (that I had joked about a few minutes earlier) - stand up.  She leaned over the chairs and enfolded him into her arms and prayed over him! 

Do you see why I love this woman so much? 

She’s obedient!  She’s responsive to God.

She recently learned of a man in Portugal who has faced a terrible trauma and is dealing with significant financial distress.  She talked to me about it expressing her desire to help him in a significant way.  She told me that she felt the Spirit leading her to do something beyond the way we might typically respond. 

Within days, she told me that she had manipulated things to acquire four hundred dollars to send to this man so that he would know that an American loved him enough to pray for him and send him some money! 

That’s HOLY BOLDNESS!  It’s also obedience! 


Lord of the Universe: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Many of us repent for not being obedient to Your leadings.

We have been stubborn children!

We think we can get along without obeying You – without responding to You.

Shame on us!

On some level, we know better. 


We have settled for comfortable Christianity!

We have come to believe that You don’t really expect much of us.

We have shaken off the command to “Go into all the world and make disciples.”

We are in and we’ve quit caring about those who aren’t!


Fortunately for us, You are willing to forgive us and give us a fresh slate!

We want to be effective followers!

We want to be courageous witnesses!

We want to be responsive listeners!

We want to be difference makers!


Only YOU can get us there!

We deliberately make ourselves soft in Your hands!

Take us and use us – FOR YOUR GLORY

And for the expansion of Your Kingdom!
