I had a wonderful childhood! Godly parents embedded me in the life of the church from before I was born! All of my needs were met and I was surrounded by caring aunts, uncles and cousins.
My father was a quiet man. I knew he loved me because my mom continually told me that he did. He was a dedicated provider for our family giving forty-eight years of service to the Townsend Company. He exercised leadership in our local church by filling many roles: Sunday School teacher, trustee, official board secretary, and delegate to the Annual Conference. He served on the ‘Stationing Committee’ [responsible for appointing pastors to churches] for the Pittsburgh Conference for over twenty-five years. He was also elected as a Pittsburgh Conference delegate to the Free Methodist World Conference on five occasions. He was not highly engaged with me during my growing-up years, but later in life we became closer.
When their influence began to diminish, Debbie stepped in to finish the job! We began dating in high school and continued, off-and-on, for five years before being married on August 11, 1973. She was worried about the prospect of being a pastor’s wife, but that was unnecessary since she was deeply loved and appreciated everywhere we served. Our love produced three incredible children: Travis, Troy and Tracie. I could talk for hours about each of them! They’ve brought us great joy – and a measure of heartache. I still look back and wonder how I was wise enough at the age of twenty-one to choose such an excellent wife! She is my joy every day!
We lost Travis in 2015. The pain of that loss has diminished with time, but just in recent weeks Debbie has been in pain missing him. Just when you think you’ve got it managed, it resurfaces and debilitates you. He gave us so much to be proud of! Our times with him were always filled with delight and fun!
Troy and Missy live ten minutes away today. He is our helper in our mature years. Just this week he put the finishing touches on his moms' kitchen cabinets – working hand-in-hand with Deb. Yesterday, he came to my rescue changing a flat tire in Pittsburgh and enduring my forgetfulness (leaving my car keys at home). He is a source of tremendous pride for us and his quick visits make our day! He excels in his work at the Boardman Fire Station and is respected by his peers. He and Missy are well thought of by everyone who knows them, and they’re active in Freedom Church (where I was pastor from 2003 to 2012).
Tracie and Jon now live in Rockledge, Florida – so much further than Connecticut. We’ll soon be spending a week with them on our first trip to their new home. Tracie surprised me for this birthday by arranging a flight home to celebrate with us. I pick her up this afternoon! She and Jon gave us two awesome grandchildren: Rylie (14) and Coltin (12). We love them so much and take joy in watching them grow and change! Jon is now Command Chief and oversees the missile-testing of submarines at his base. Tracie stands beside Jon and engages with younger military wives (and girlfriends) in a mentoring role. She occasionally works outside the home, but focuses mainly on caring for her family!
I turn seventy today, having lost my brother, Ira, (9/27/21) and my sister, Jeannette (12/1/21). I admired and respected both of them all through my years. Ira was always tucking a $20 bill in my pocket when we visited. He consistently introduced me to his friends as his ‘kid brother’. His wife, Joyce, is here to celebrate my birthday today! Jeannette was totally dedicated to raising her two sons, Tom and Bob, and was SO PROUD of them. We intend to stay as close to them as we can in the future. Both siblings loved the Lord and served Him through their churches.
My remaining sister, Beverly, lives in Rochester, NY, so we don’t get to see her and Dick very often. They are hibernating to protect themselves from the COVID-19 realities, so won’t be able to join today’s celebration. Bev is the only sibling that I actually lived with while growing up, consequently, we share a special bond. She is so much like our mother – even resembles her. They gave us many free vacations in their backyard while our family was young. ;-) She is intimately connected to God and has, for years, been the first person (besides Debbie) that I turn to for prayer! She and Dick are a delight and we hope for more years to enjoy them both!
Debbie’s family has been a major part of our support system all through our lives and continues to be. Debbie’s ‘Whippo thread’ on her phone, is active every day . We worship weekly with two of her sisters and two brothers. They are the long-term friends that have walked with us through the joyful and painful times. We take pride in their children and in their many accomplishments.
- Danny
- Laurie and
- Cathy and Jeff
- Janie and Peter
- Wally and Lyn
- Ginny and Dave
- Tom and Janet
- Barbie and Jim
Our life’s journey wouldn’t
have been near as pleasant without them in our lives!
I’m not going to name any friends because I would surely omit someone special! So many have joined us in our life’s journey! Many were parishoners that became friends! Our trip through life thus far has been sprinkled with the blessings bestowed by so many precious people! Some helped me maintain my vehicles! Some camped with us and shared vacations. Others have shared meals and gifts with us. Many prayed with us during challenging times. Friendship is a gift that we should probably give more freely! We have been abundantly blessed through the years by so many wonderful people – most of whom shared our love for Jesus!
As I complete my 70th trip around the sun, I am a deeply grateful man! I have been BLESSED! And I am GRATEFUL to God! I want to live to praise Him and to point others to Him!