I live 50 yards from the Free Methodist Community Church. Most mornings, I rise and head to the sanctuary to spend time with God.
Essentially, I walk around the sanctuary repeatedly and talk out my thoughts and feelings. I also pray for people who are going through challenging times.
I talk out loud (it helps me to stay focused). I keep a sheet of paper and pen on the altar and make notes of things I want to remember.
Sometimes this morning walk is transformational, however, most of the time it is quite ordinary.
Usually God makes Himself known to me by coaching me. He reminds me of things I need to do and people I need to contact. He makes me aware of my faults (this happens frequently).
All-in-all, this walk affects my day. It's one of the things I do that helps me stay connected to God!
Leave a comment about something you do that helps keep you connected to God...
Sometimes I will go out into my back yard by myself and build a fire. just me, the fire, the open sky and God. Getting away from distractions (facebook, TV, a busy family, etc.) really helps me conncect with God.