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Sunday, April 29, 2012


If we get approved to go to China, you may eventually run into a Chinese person here in the States that uses phrases like:
  • younz
  • buggy (instead of cart)
  • red-up-the-house
  • Mum (instead of Mom)
  • Worshington
  • crick (instead of creek)
  • Gian Iggle
  • Wush (instead of wash)
  • rastle (instead of wrestle)
  • Stillers (instead of Steelers)
  • spicket (instead of faucet)
  • dahntahn (instead of downtown)
We hereby vow to do our very best to produce Pittsburgh-ees speaking students who will turn heads everywhere they go and create perplexed looks as people try to figure out how a person from China could have such a strong Pittsburgh way of speaking!  We also vow to grow the Steeler Nation and transplant it to the best of our ability in Guiyang, China - our possible home for the next year.

1 comment:

  1. I always wondered how Ira spelled some of those words!!Ha! Joyce
