Yesterday I did something I've never done before.
While at Kennywood Park, we stopped several times to watch people (in groups of two or three) be hoisted high into the air via cables and then released to swing for several minutes before being lowered to the ground again.
Debbie ruled it out immediately!
Cathy (my sister-in-law) was curious about it.
Jeff (my brother-in-law) wanted to do it.
I was leaning towards doing it. I've seen it before and always thought it would be fun to do.
We stood and watched repeatedly as they were harnessed into the system and then slowly raised to the tower's level. Then, we watched them free fall for about five seconds before the swinging effect kicked in. It looked like a rush!
Anytime we were near, we would watch again. It was fascinating. By late afternoon, we decided to do it. When Cathy saw the cost ($22 each), she decided to just let me and Jeff do it.
We were given a time to report (a short wait). We were ushered onto a platform and assisted into a type of suit made of heavy material. The young people who managed us were very good - although I wasn't able to hear much of their instruction.
Then we were walked onto a platform where they unhooked the previous victims and hooked us up. Suddenly the floor dropped out and we were pushed forward to a laying (face-down) position. A few final instructions and we were being hauled up toward the two-hundred-foot tower!
We could see the tower getting closer behind us. Suddenly, we stopped. A voice counted down and Jeff pulled the cord.
We plumetted downward! Eventually, the cables caught our weight and we began to swing in massive arcs. Now it was fun! We had lived through it!
Did I pray, you ask? Oh yes, I prayed!
Our lives are sort of in a free fall right now.
Debbie and I laid in bed this morning and prayed for a long time. All the certainties have been removed from our lives: home, jobs, income, security, predictability, friends, and so much more.
We honestly don't know where we'll be a month from now. It may be China; it may not...
It's not a comfortable feeling. We've let go of one trapeze and are flying free. At the right time, we're trusting that the next trapeze will be there to catch us and carry us forward.
Take my word for it, it's never comfortable to be hanging in mid-air! It's frightening and stressful!
While hanging on that cable yesterday I told Jeff: "We're either going to have a really exciting trip, or we're going straight to Heaven!" Either result is good!
The bottom line is that God knows! God is in control. He hasn't lost track of us. He knows what He is doing.
Our (yours and mine) role is to enjoy the free fall - because HE CAN BE TRUSTED!!!!
now you had a taste of how Ira felt when he went skydiving (2 times). I don't know if he prayed, but I did! Joyfully Joyce