- a day for free donuts and coffee at your local church.
- a great time to put the boat in the lake.
- an opportunity to see friends that you only talk to once-a-week.
- an excellent time to plan your week.
- a chance to hear someone read from the Bible.
- a day for cutting the grass.
- a good time to try out some new clothes.
- a day for reading and relaxing.
- a great day for a pinic.
- nap day.
- a super day for watching movies.
- a wonderful day for reading your Bible.
- a special time for talking with God.
- the perfect time to evaluate your priorities.
- a good day for serving others.
- a natural time to join others in worshiping God!
I've been kind of sheltered, so I was shocked at the lack of spiritual activity in the city. I've been burdened about it ever since.
I know my Chinese students will want to learn about American culture. I know they will drill me about our values and priorities. They will be curious about all aspects of our lives. I'm concerned about how to respond.
People are coming to Christ at an unprecedented rate in their country. Missiologists fear that their development will be tainted by American ecclesiastical influences.
May God continue to foster genuine, spiritual renewal in China and in the United States.
Great post! The problem you mention about Christian development being tainted has been very evident in my time in Taiwan & Korea. We so often fall short and people seem to more easily follow our bad example than Christ's perfect example. Yet, in the midst of it, God is always faithful and continues to reach into the mess and change lives. I'm so excited that He'll have two strong yet humble examples speaking truth in China!