When we moved from East Liverpool, Ohio, to Spencerville, Maryland, we were quickly overwhelmed with financial stress. When I considered the move, the pay packages seemed quite similar despite differences in the way the package was arranged. However, I had not accounted for the fact that we were moving from a county in Appalachia to one of the wealthiest counties in America!
Pretty quickly we realized that Debbie would need to get a job to supplement our income. Each week we were falling further and further behind.
One hot August afternoon, we were talking about it as we prepared our lunch. I decided that we should pray specifically about the situation. We went to the living room and knelt side-by-side at the couch.* There, we poured out our hearts to the Lord and laid out our financial situation before Him. We acknowledged our love for Him and cast our dependence on Him.
When we finished our prayer, we sat down at the table to eat our lunch.
No more than ten minutes later, as we ate our lunch, there was someone knocking on our front door.
He was a friendly looking man and very cheerful. He acted like he knew us. He introduced himself as Forest Grauel - a son of my oldest member at the time: Evelyn Grauel. He said that he lived just a mile down the road and ran a small air-conditioning business.
He reported that he needed an office manager to help him get his office, billing and paperwork organized. As he rolled past the Free Methodist Church on Spencerville Road, the thought occurred to him that Free Methodist pastor's wives were good workers. Consequently, here he was at our door offering the new position to Debbie - fifteen minutes after we got up from prayer!!!!!!
Debbie took the position and worked for Forest until we left the area. She thoroughly enjoyed the position and we developed a wonderful relationship with Forest and his wife, Eileen. He even hired Troy part-time and gave him some important on-the-job-training. He was very generous with Debbie and we have always appreciated his sensitivity to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
JOB SEARCH TIP #1 - Pray and believe!
* This is called 'agreement prayer' and it is nowhere more powerful than between a husband and wife/a father and a mother!!!!!!
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