Joseph of Arimathea was a prominent member of the Jewish ruling council (Mark 15:43). He was a wealthy man. He was a secret disciple. He had not agreed with the Council's decision to have Jesus crucified!
We don't know much more about him. He hadn't appeared earlier in the gospels. Had he been a follower of Christ for a long time? Had he heard Jesus preach and seen Him heal the crowds? How had he come to a decision to follow Christ?
We don't know...
But what we do know about this man is enough to inspire us to "see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly".
We do observe that he and Nicodemus were apparently friends. Remember Nick? He was also a member of the Jewish ruling council. He's the one who came to see Jesus at night in John 3. He wanted to know how to be born again. It was in responding to Nick's question that Jesus gave us the greatest verse in all the Bible:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
These two apparently became friends through their association on the Council. They both had been drawn to Jesus. They saw that this Man was special and recognized that " are a teacher who has come from God." (John 3:2)
How much had they conferred? Had they spoken of Jesus frequently? How close was their friendship? How much had Jesus influenced them? To what extent were they following Him?
How thankful I am that all four gospel-writers tell their story:
- Matthew 27:57-60
- Mark 15:42-46
- Luke 23:42-46
- John 19:38-42
What is their story?
Jesus had died on the cross. Fortunately, He had died on His own - so they did not have to break His legs as they did the thieves. Their deaths needed to be rushed because they could not hang on the crosses during the Sabbath.
When the soldiers retired from the scene, Joseph sprung into action. He went to Pilate and sought permission to take Jesus' body down from the cross. This was a bold request. It may have been granted mainly on the basis that Joseph was a well-known leader of the Jews in Jerusalem. He may have been one of a few who could make this request and see it granted!
Then, accompanied by his friend, Nicodemus, they lowered the body of Jesus from the cross. Most portray this being done by wrapping long strips of cloth under His arms and gently lowering Him to the ground. Then, these two prominent, Jewish leaders carried the body of Jesus to the place where Joseph had recently had a tomb hewn for his own use.
We dare not miss the significance of this event! Touching a dead body meant that these two godly men would be unclean for seven days (Numbers 19:11). This meant that they would not be allowed to participate in the celebration of the Sabbath or the Passover!
It doesn't take much imagination to realize that these men took on the blood of Jesus. After carrying Him to the place of the tomb, they would have washed His body. Then, they carefully wrapped Him with strips of cloth that had been saturated with - are you ready for this?
seventy-five pounds of myrrh and aloes!
This has always explained to me how the women found the tomb in the dark early on Sunday morning. They simply followed their noses!
My research reveals that this amount of spices would have cost a great deal; not to mention that Joseph was giving up his own carefully prepared burial site. These are tangible measurements of his love for Jesus!
So, how much do you love Jesus? Seventy-five pounds worth?
Do you proclaim Him to your friends and neighbors? Do you stand up for Him when His name is used in vain? Do you maintain an ongoing dialogue with Him? Do you systematically read His love-letter to you? Do you regularly join others who worship Him and serve Him?
I mean it - really? Before you click back to Facebook - how much do you love Him? What could you change about your life that would be an expression of your love for Him? What tangible thing could you do TODAY that would demonstrate your love for Him? Make a plan and a determination before you click - or it will never happen!
Thank You, Lord Jesus!
Really! No one else can forgive my many sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
Yet, You did this for me! Wow! You're amazing!
I didn't deserve it. I can never earn it.
All I can do is thank You and live for You.
With Your daily help, I will do this.
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