I just took a call from my friend, Dave Rose, who now lives near the beach in South Carolina. He asked me what my plans are for the summer. This is not the first time I've been asked that question...
I'm feeling kind of guilty that I don't have a good answer. Am I supposed to have plans?
To be honest, I'm looking forward to not having plans. I'm kind of excited about waking up and developing a plan for the day spontaneously.
I will begin my Appalachian Trail countdown in June: nine months and counting... That will consume more of my thoughts and time as months progress. There are foods to gather and prepare; drop-boxes to buy, fill and plan; gear to acquire; and transportation to arrange. I'll also be planning a few shake-down trips to test gear.
I eagerly look forward to spending more leisure time with Debbie. My recent schedule has kept me away from home several days a week, so we've got some catching up to do! I think we're both excited about that!
We talk a lot about being involved in a church. We'll be able to sit together and worship for the first time in forty-two years! What a new and wonderful experience that will be! We want to be involved. We look forward to leading a small group in our home! We have enjoyed teaching on marriage and parenting over the years. We each have areas of measured expertise that we'd love to continue sharing with others.
I hope I can continue a mentoring role with some younger leaders; no sense letting these years of experience sit on a shelf!
I've struggled to know what to do with my books. I've accumulated many of them. They've been the tools of my trade! I have a sentimental attachment to them and find it unbearable to think of parting with them. But, in reality, I know that I'll not use them much in the future. They've been a ready resource through the years, but I shouldn't need them now.
I'll certainly keep some that have deeply impacted me. God has used books to mold me through the years. There have been so many times that I have known God had me reading a certain book at a specific time! This has been one of His primary ways of shaping me! Even now, I'm being deeply impacted by reading Bob Buford's book, Finishing Well. Let's just say that it is transforming my view of retirement!
I think I'm most excited about extended time for study and prayer in the mornings. The 'schedule' has always limited this time through the years. Now that the 'schedule' will be more relaxed, I can enjoy cultivating an even deeper relationship with my Lord! I'm VERY excited about that!
I'm confident that He is planning some great adventures for us! I recently asked Deb if she'd go back to China with me? To my great surprise, she said, "Yes, for a year." I was delightedly shocked! There have been so many times when I have read the Free Methodist Missions Hotline and longed to respond to a need for a short-term fill-in. I expect that kind of assignment to be in our future!
We have been given so much! So much wealth. So many privileges. Tremendous opportunities. Awesome relationships! We want to give back!
I have some determinations:
- help others
- avoid traps (like TV)
- work with Samaritan's Purse
- bless our local church
- missions travel
- re-visit China
- be a prayer warrior
- stay physically active
- be a resource for God to use as He pleases
I also look forward to growing my skill at writing. A few have suggested that I write a book! That seems like a rather large dream to me, but I do have a few ideas banging around in my head. Blogging will continue to be an outlet and source of therapy for me. I enjoy creating humorous, interesting and stimulating articles that people enjoy reading...
As my years of "official ministry" draw to a close, I look forward to the future with anticipation. I'm grateful to God for extending His great grace to me through the years!
I'm reminded of an outline I heard from a pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh many years ago. He outlined the Apostle Paul's life:
- In his early years, the Apostle Paul was vigorous in defending his apostleship: "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ..."
- In his middle years, his description changed somewhat: "Paul, the least of the apostles..."
- In his latter years, we see the fulfillment of his downward mobility: "Paul, the chief of sinners..."
I can identify with this downward mobility! John said it well: "He must increase and I must decrease!"
So be it! Amen.
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