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Friday, October 11, 2019


The story of Jesus raising his friend, Lazarus, from the dead is a stunning one.  John records details that surprise us as we read this lengthy chapter (57 verses).  He gives a prologue telling us that Jesus was pretty far off when He heard that Lazarus was sick.  He makes an enigmatic statement upon receiving the news:
"This sickness will not end in death.  No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it."  [John 11:4]
Just ten verses later - as part of the same dialogue - Jesus tells His disciples:
"Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe.  But let us go to him."  [John 11:14]
Upon His arrival in Bethany, he has extended discourses with Martha first, and then Mary.  He says to Martha:
"Your brother will rise again."  [John 11:23]
Mary simply falls at Jesus' feet saying:
"Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."  [John 11:32]
This is the point when Jesus asks where they have laid him.  It is also the point where we find the words recorded:
"Jesus wept."   [John 11:35]
Why did Jesus weep?

Was He mourning the loss of a good friend?

Surely not.  The discourse reveals that Jesus knew from the beginning of this event that He would raise Lazarus from the dead.  When Jesus wept, He was minutes away from embracing Lazarus again. Therefore, why did Jesus weep?

The answer to this question is revealed in verse 35:
"When Jesus saw [Mary] weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was moved in spirit and troubled."  
The answer to our query is clear.  Jesus was not personally grieving.  Rather, He was grieving for those who were grieving!

Jesus was weeping because those He cared about were weeping!  He saw the depth and sincerity of Mary's tears.  He observed the many who had gathered to support this prominent family.  Many of them were also weeping!

Jesus wept out of compassion for Mary and her friends!  Tears streamed down His face as He saw and experienced their pain!

Many of the Jews misread His tears.
"Then the Jews said, 'See how He loved him!'"  [John 11:36]
Why would Jesus weep over the death of a friend when He knew that in just a few moments He would raise Lazarus from the dead?

The essence of Jesus' tears is crystal clear:  HE CARES!   He cares about our grief and pain!  Indeed, He weeps with us!  He sees the depth of our sorrow and the reality of our anguish - and He weeps!

Friend, He loves you and He cares about you!  More than you realize!  That's why the apostle Peter advises us:
"Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you."   [I Peter 5:7]
If you're feeling the weight of sorrow over a lost loved one, take note that you do not weep alone!  

Also remember that Jesus actions are permanent.  They don't have to be repeated over and over again. When He comforts you - you are comforted!  Take this assurance with you into your future.  Jesus loves you and cares for you in a way that is unlike that which we receive from others.  His comfort is a deep, releasing comfort that sustains us.  Run to Jesus!
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."  [Revelation 21:4]
There's an old hymn that says it so well.  Frank E. Graeff wrote it in 1901, so the language is a bit dated, but the power of its truth speaks firmly to us even in 2019.

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
  1. Too deeply for mirth or song,
    As the burdens press, and the cares distress,
    And the way grows weary and long? 
  2. Does Jesus care when my way is dark
    With a nameless dread and fear?
    As the daylight fades into deep night shades,
    Does He care enough to be near?
  3. Does Jesus care when I’ve tried and failed
    To resist some temptation strong;
    When for my deep grief there is no relief,
    Though my tears flow all the night long?
  4. Does Jesus care when I’ve said “goodbye”
    To the dearest on earth to me,
    And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks—
    Is it aught to Him? Does He see?

Oh, yes, He cares, I know He cares,
His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior cares.

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