I have been reading and re-reading Matthew 17:14-20 in my New International Version Bible for the last hour. In this passage, a man brings his (probably) epileptic son to Jesus to be healed reporting that His disciples weren't able to do so. After a short rant about people - apparently including the apostles - not having enough faith, Jesus heals the boy. When the disciples seek a private answer from Jesus as to why they couldn't heal him - although they had clearly healed others - Jesus simply tells them:
I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.' [v.20]
By the way, an average sized aspirin bottle will hold about 180 mustard seeds! One of these miniscule seeds, when planted in fertile soil, can produce a 10 foot bush within three months!
My initial response was to feel badly for the disciples. After leaving everything to follow Jesus and after already healing many people, they are reprimanded for not having enough faith? Somehow, it just doesn't seem fair to me. But, remarkably, there's no indication that they were frustrated or angry over this situation. They simply took it in stride.
After several read-throughs, I noticed a footnote. Verse 21 was not included in the text but had been printed in small type as a footnote: But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
So, Jesus did give them a hint of direction. Apparently to have more faith and be able to accomplish the truly challenging, we must be more dedicated to prayer and fasting.
Mark Batterson writes,
“Faith is not logical. But it isn’t illogical either. Faith is theological.” [Wild Goose Chase, p.79]
Prayer and fasting bring us into a closer connection to God! He's the One that does the healing and transforming!
As I raise my eyes to the wall above my desk, I read a printout from my memoirs that I posted there as a daily reminder:
I believe that fasting is the most powerful spiritual warfare weapon that God has given us! I also believe that fasting is the most underused spiritual weapon that God has given us!
I have fasted many times over the years, but not recently. Fasting is hard, and yet when I do it - I often don't want to end the fast because I know I'll lose the closeness that I've developed with God!
I'm a bit ashamed that with all the crisis of CoVid-19, I've never seriously considered fasting. C'mon, one has to wonder what would happen if hundreds or thousands of believers worldwide would suddenly begin to fast and pray about this global pandemic or the horrible rioting and racial problems in America?
In the book, A Simple Path, John Cairns tells how (Mother) Teresa’s desired culture for her life and order was once printed on small yellow cards. She called these cards her ‘business cards.’ Here’s what was printed on the cards:
The fruit
of silence is PRAYER.
The fruit
of prayer is FAITH.
The fruit
of faith is LOVE.
The fruit
of love is SERVICE.
The fruit
of service is PEACE.
Maybe you should read that again? What is the initiative for PEACE?
Yep! SILENCE! Waiting humbly and expectantly before God!
Have you ever read Habakkuk 2:20?
The LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.
Maybe we need to start silence meetings? Groups of people who gather - not to eat, but just to wait quietly before the Lord! I'm quite confident that the fruit of silence would be prayer. Then, increased faith! Then, a spurt of love! That might lead to an increase in service, which could lead to increased peace!
I suppose our faith would be strengthened. It might not take long - if a mustard seed can reach ten feet in three months, maybe our faith can grow just as quickly.
I'm going to rededicate myself to the practice of waiting respectfully before God regarding these crucial issues. Will you join me?
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