The Corinthian Church was Paul's 'problem church'. They had apparently written to Paul addressing a number of problems that they were facing. Paul responds as though he is working down the list of problems addressing each one in turn.
When we get to I Corinthians 6, he addresses the issue of taking one another to court. He is appalled by this practice!
If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the saints? [v.1]
Then, he counsels them:
...if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church! I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? [vs.4-5]
Next, Paul chides the Corinthian believers for damaging their witness before those who do not know and serve Christ!
But instead, one brother goes to law against another - and this in front of unbelievers! [v.6]
Finally, Paul advises them:
The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers. [vs.7-8]
It seems to me that Paul is making several tangent points:
1. We are family! Paul uses the word, brother, consistently. We who are 'in Christ' share a deep connection that gives us immediate fellowship!
When Debbie and I lived in China, we attended an international church. Although it varied frequently, there were always at least fifteen nations represented on any given Sunday: America, Canada, Germany, China, many African nations, Viet Nam, Korea, Philippines, Russia, and so many more. The fellowship was rich and the worship vibrant! I had the privilege of preaching to that congregation many times. I hated to miss this experience, and wish many Sundays - even now - that I could return.
I recently have become a 'Messenger' friend with a Rwandan pastor who cares for the widows and orphans in his area. In his initial greeting to me, he called me 'brother'. We now have almost daily contact; he prays for me and I pray for him! We are family!
2. As family, we should persevere to find ways to get along and resolve problems! Writing one another off is not an option! That's NOT what believers do. We practice forgiveness - seventy times seven! We exercise humility and grace! We aggressively seek reconciliation! We do not respond in kind - we respond in kindness! And, if push comes to shove, then we simply choose to be wronged or cheated - and trust God to make it all right in the end!
I've not escaped these kinds of relationships. I've been abused, maligned, slandered, robbed and physically attacked over the years. None of these were pleasant experiences. I have not always been a paradigm of appropriate response - but I persist in trying.
3. We are to be resources to one another in arbitration and reconciliation! I'm struck by Paul's words: appoint as judges even men of little account in the church! We don't need Supreme Court Justices to help us! Any person who loves the Lord and has common sense can help us find the way to peace!
I recently read the LENGTHY SMALL PRINT of an agreement I was about to enter into. It took me nearly an hour to read it all. Toward the end was a detailed description of an arbitration process PLUS an agreement not to bring a lawsuit against the organization. I agree with this much: the courts should be our last recourse - not the first! As the world says: when you go to court, only the lawyers win!
Surely Christian love, prayer, common sense and humble spirits can find a way to settle disputes. And if they can't, then we can fall back on the grace of God and trust Him to help us to move forward without malice or a vengeful attitude.
Lord of Love,
Help us to take this message to heart!
Help us to understand more deeply the concept of the Family of God!
Help us to have humble hearts when we disagree - and to avoid animosity and anger.
Help us to intervene courageously with others to sustain peace!
Help us to choose to suffer rather than lose the fellowship of a brother/sister in Christ!
For the Kingdom's sake. Amen.
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