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Sunday, December 26, 2021


I realized this morning that I didn't add a blog this Christmas season.  So, on the day after Christmas, I will reflect on a memory that centers around my mom!

Have you ever eaten hash?  Sure you have!  The problem is that almost every family has a recipe for hash that is different!  A search of the internet will produce scores of recipes.  I just came across Mexican hash, corned beef hash, roast beef hash, sweet potato hash, steak and egg hash, and many others.

The hash we ate in the Haire house was very simple and easy to make.  It probably has connections to the Scotch, Welsh and English roots of our Hairetage.  :-)

Mom simply filled a cooking pot with water and brought it to a boil adding bits of raw ground beef, sliced potatoes, onion and some sliced carrots.  Cook this covered until it boils and then simmer it for another hour.  Add salt and pepper to taste and serve with your favorite toast and butter.  It ALWAYS seems to need more salt!  

I know that it sounds strange to drop raw ground beef into boiling water!  Trust me, it will surprise you how good it will taste!

One Christmas Eve, when I was a teenager, I asked my mom when she was going to start her hash.  She gave me a funny look and asked me how I knew she was going to make hash.  I responded, "Mom, you always make hash on Christmas Eve!"  She looked surprised:  "I do?"  "Yes, you do!"   Without realizing it, she had created a tradition simply because it was one of the easiest and fastest meals she could make.  The busyness of Christmas Eve created a circumstance that caused her to always fall back on hash!

Debbie made it several days ago and I enjoyed it for three days.  Tracie thought it sounded good, so she made it too.  Her comment when I asked about it:  "Dad, I could drink all of that broth in one sitting!"  

Thanks, mom.  You've been gone forty years now, but I still think of you and still miss you!  Your fingerprints are all over my life and I'm SO GRATEFUL!  

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