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Thursday, July 28, 2022


I purposely left one book off my list yesterday. Its title: SECRETS of the SECRET PLACE: “Keys to Igniting Your Personal Time with God”! Its author: Bob Sorge. He was a pastor for thirteen years, has authored twenty books, and currently travels domestically and abroad bringing a message of hope to the body of Christ.

A serious injury twenty years ago has left him with not much more than a whisper, but he still uses that whisper to encourage and instruct those who will listen. He is sometimes referred to as “the speaker who can’t talk.”

I can’t recall now how I came into possession of this book.

In my opinion, it is the best book on developing a personal time with God that you will find! I have read it many times, and every time I read it, I mark something new! It was the primary source for my devotions during our three years in China, where I read and absorbed it over and over!

Upon returning home, I contacted Bob and asked if I could buy the book in bulk in order to give it away to friends and family upon our return to the U.S. He was kind enough to give me a discounted price and I purchased four cases and gave them all away!

On the back of the book he writes:
“I have written this book with a passion to empower and inspire your secret relationship with God. I am taking the risk of sharing some of the most intimate and cherished truths the Lord has given me. My prayer, as you read this book, is that you get a glimpse of the living relationship God has purposed to have with us. What Jesus had with His Father when He walked this earth is available to you!”

Since retiring, I have struggled. Finding a church to attend was hard. After being so integral to everything that happened in churches I led for nearly forty years, I felt lost. As a result, I sort of lost my sense of purpose.

I thought I rediscovered it in writing Christian novels – which I thoroughly enjoyed. However, the fun of writing was eclipsed by the pain of editing and publishing. Add to that the fact that no one knows Hal Haire, and you have a VERY LIMITED audience!

If you follow me on Facebook, you may remember that I recently wrote about an extended period of depression. All this was a result of the disarray in my life. In summary, It's been a challenging time for me.

My spiritual recovery began with a simple decision: put God first!
Instead of getting up and heading out during prime hours to drive for Lyft, I decided I would return to my early morning discipline of spending time with God! I began falling in love with His Word again! I found my voice and my pulpit became Facebook.

Then, about two weeks ago, I was reaching to my Bible shelf for a book and my eyes fell on SECRETS OF THE SECRET PLACE. I pulled it off and read the first chapter (which I used in a post soon after).

Since then I’ve been reading a chapter-a-day and am once again finding myself looking forward to the next day!

The day I die, I expect you’ll find at least two books on my desk: the Bible and SECRETS. That’s how valuable I consider this book to be!

If interested, a Legacy (paperback) copy is available at Bob’s website for $15. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


I just read two brief chapters [they’re all brief] from Eugene Peterson’s THE WISDOM OF EACH OTHER, in which he encourages his friend, Gunnar, to get a list of good books from his pastor and begin reading to nourish his newfound faith.

This got me to thinking. I’ve long referenced having a list of books (besides the Bible) that significantly impacted my life. Why not share them with others in hopes that these books might continue their work in the lives of those I know and love?
So, that’s why I’m writing.
Now, I must add, any pastor that has read regularly throughout his/her season of leadership would likely have a similar list – and it would probably differ from mine. 😉 However, let’s keep in mind that I began in 1975 and ended in 2016 – that’s my season of active service.
At least two are classics – even though one was only written in 2002 [by Rick Warren and is one of the best-selling books of all time]. Two are very small. Only one is a biography. Two were written by missionary wives – one of these is the biography of her husband. Another was written by the leader of a para-church organization; he was raised as the child of missionaries in Africa [Wes Stafford]. Two are by the same author [Bruce Wilkinson]. Several were written by denominational leaders. The rest were written by pastors that I have come to trust and respect. A couple of these pastors – like me – spent time on the mission field as well.
They should all be available in ‘used’ form for a fair price, since they’ve all been out there for a good while. One was originally published in 1925.

The list is in no particular order.

Easy reading and highly inspirational. The book includes over 1200 scriptural quotes and references! Great for new believers!
• STREAMS IN THE DESERT by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
This classic book of devotionals is designed to help us through the dry times of our lives with assurance that our God never abandons us!
• EXPERIENCING GOD by Henry Blackaby & Claude V. King
This is probably the book that impacted me most! It’s somewhat theological, but not in a hard-to-understand way! The subtitle: “How to Live the Full Adventure of Knowing and Doing the Will of God.”
• TOO SMALL TO IGNORE by Dr. Wes Stafford
The former leader of Compassion International shares his inspiring boyhood adventures growing up in an African village and challenges us all to change the world one child at a time!
• SHAPED BY GOD’S HEART: The Passion and Practices of Missional Churches by Milfred Minatrea
This book is the result of two years of intensive research on 200 churches of different denominations and geographical areas. In my copy, at least a third of this book is marked up, noted or underlined!
• A LIFE GOD REWARDS by Bruce Wilkinson [Short book]
Subtitle: “Why Everything You Do Today Matters Forever”. This book rattled my cage and initiated a course of personal study and research that produced two sermon series: “Heaven On My Mind” and “Eternal Rewards for Holy Living!”.
A pastor leads his church to impact their community through servanthood! Amazing stories that instruct and motivate!
• SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot by Elisabeth Elliot (his wife)
I read this biography as a young pastor, and it ignited a fire in my spirit! Jim was one of five missionaries killed during Operation Auca, an attempt to evangelize the Huaorani people of Ecuador in 1956. His wife and son returned to finish his work!
This pastor encourages us through biblical example and personal stories to step up and embrace each moment of life as a divine moment! Passionate book!
Another heavily underlined book that produced a sermon series that initiated change in many lives! Transformational stuff! [Brenda Young introduced me to this book through a series she preached at Cornerstone Church!]
• A WORK OF HEART by Reggie McNeal: Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders
Brenda Young also introduced me to this book through our staff training times at Cornerstone Church. Very biblical and insightful! Some chapters are heavily marked up!
• A RESILIENT LIFE by Gordon MacDonald
All of his books are worth reading! This one is about perseverance in adversity and will inspire you to move ahead – no matter what may come! I’ve read it numerous times!
There it is! Now it’s time to get online and do some shopping! 😉 If you do read one and benefit from doing so – let me know so I can celebrate with you!

Sunday, July 24, 2022


 It was last week.  I was cleaning my garage and came across two boxes of books that were intended for the Salvation Army Store.  They were probably packed up either when we left for China in 2012, or upon my retirement in 2016.  

Books have always been my weakness.  Especially books about ministry, spiritual growth, church growth, Bible study, etc..  

You guessed it!  I started rooting through the boxes.  Good books.  I remember how hard they were to part with.  I was tempted to pull a few out and re-read them...

Then I found a thin book by Eugene Peterson [Author of THE MESSAGE Bible].  I remember buying several of his books some years ago.  I also remember that they were harder reads than I expected.  I think this one was pitched without a serious perusal.

I have a lawn chair in my garage;  I sat down and read half of it!  -  OH MY GOODNESS!  I'm so glad I caught this error in judgment!  😊

It's title:  THE WISDOM OF EACH OTHER:  A Conversation Between Spiritual Friends.  It's 110 pages and is an easy read.  This lifelong pastor [now deceased] writes in C. S. Lewis style that is absolutely delightful.  The short, unnamed/unnumbered chapters are stand-alone, but progressive letters written by Eugene to an imaginary friend named 'Gunnar'.  Gunnar is a conglomerate of all the people who asked Eugene questions over the many years of his pastoral work.  

The work is a delightful, progressive, discipling vehicle that coaches Gunnar in the new turn he has made - late in life - toward Christ.  You will NOT be disappointed!  I found it listed online for as low as $3.49.   ðŸ˜‰

Here's a sample from page 40.

Dear Gunnar,

I took a walk this morning down to the beach.  I do this two or three times a week.  [He lives in Oregon.]  In the early morning I usually have the place to myself.  I sit on a piece of driftwood and take in the world of mountain and water, sky and weather.  And the birds.  I watch and admire the birds:  goldeneyes, buffleheads, usually a great blue heron, mallards, gulls, ravens, and an occasional bald eagle.  The intricate intersections of beauty make a fine warp for my prayers. 

This morning there was something added:  a bull-dozer cleaning logs off the beach, logs that had drifted in, storm tossed, through the winter months.  It was outfitted with an ingenious device at the front end that could pick up the logs and deposit them neatly in a pile.  It was noisy and jerky.  The acrid diesel exhaust stank up the beach.

And here's what struck me:  The noisy, stinking bull-dozer had attracted eight or ten men and women spectators, standing around talking, obviously fascinated with the exercise of technological prowess.  But why hadn't I seen any of these people before?  The montage of weather and birds, driftwood and sand, sky and water was far more beautiful and far more full of mystery than this contraption of steel, belching poison gas.  Why would anyone routinely boycott the daily winter light show and bird ballet on the beach, and then show up at an inconvenient hour to attend to this hulk of noise and stink?  

I guess I know the answer, and so do you.  But I realize how vigilant we have to be to keep a fascination with technology from intruding and taking over our prayers and our love.

The peace of the Lord.


Sunday, July 10, 2022


Camp Meeting and the annual Pittsburgh Conference sessions all used to take place on the grounds of the Rochester District Campground [currently Tri State Family Camp]. The Annual Conference (WIWAK)* lasted for five days! I worked in the kitchen as the dish washer; we fed over three hundred pastors, spouses and delegates every meal! 

The long sessions of the conference were held in the tabernacle and were led by the bishop responsible for our area. One of the bishops began inviting the conference superintendent to sit beside him [now her] during the conference sessions. This then, became the standard – still practiced today. 

Two microphones were situated one on each side at the front of the tabernacle. Anyone addressing the conference [or giving a report] was to come forward and use them. Eventually time limits were set for reports and comments and a ‘time-keeper’ was designated to ring a bell when their time expired. But these guys were creative: I remember R. D. Merkle (Rochester District Superintendent) once beginning by saying: “I want to say something before my time begins!” That got a lot of laughter! Others just kept on going even though the timekeeper kept ringing the bell! 

Debates were common, frequent, fervent and animated! These debates involved lay people and ministers. Strong opinions were expressed, and convincing arguments presented. Then, when a motion [or the bishop] closed the discussion period, a vote would take place. Once the decision was made, everyone accepted it as the will of the conference! Humor often surfaced during these debates! I always felt that some of our pastors at that time could have made a good living as ‘stand-up comedians’. It was as though they were trying to ‘one-up’ each other. These sessions were NOT boring! I could name names, but not many would remember them. There were differing opinions and votes that had to be taken up to five times to get a majority, but unity always prevailed. I always felt proud to be a part of it! 

The worship times were rich and blessed and were frequently marked by periods of shouting and perhaps even a few walking the aisles and praising the Lord! As a young person I experienced a tangible presence of the Lord MANY TIMES! One song that almost always evoked a significant response was “It Is Well With My Soul”. 

A tradition that has passed was called ‘Complimentary Resolutions’. Everyone looked forward to it at the end of the conference – just before the reading of the pastoral appointments. [I had the privilege of doing these several times!]  A designated person was to put together – during the sessions – a synopsis of the events and actions of the conference. They were always poetic in form. They would recapture the humor, heat, blessings and high points of our time together. These rhyming reports evoked laughter, ‘Amens’ and tears! 

Then, the bishop would rise to read the pastoral appointments for the coming year. Things were extremely secretive in my earliest days – sometimes even pastors didn’t know if they were being moved or not. The crowd would swell to nearly 700 as the end of the conference drew near. Some called them the ‘disappointments’ because their pastors were moved. Pastoral families were thrown into chaos as they discovered – along with the crowd – that they were being moved to a new church! One pastor jumped out the door on the platform because he was so upset over the change that had been announced! 

The bishop would pray and the crowd would be dismissed! The excitement was over till the next year and it was time for everyone to go back to work and grow their church! 

*WIWAK = when I was a kid

Saturday, July 2, 2022


Luke 3 begins by mentioning the names of seven of the world’s most powerful and influential leaders – including the emperor of the Roman Empire.  Then, the chapter proceeds by announcing that a message from God was received, not by any of these global rulers, but by a man named John.  He was the only son of an elderly couple – a nobody! 

God is full of surprises!  Have you noticed that He never works in the ways we might expect Him to? 

This man, John, began preaching up and down the Jordan River valley to anyone who would listen.  He must have been compelling, because before long crowds began making the journey from the cities and villages into the wilderness to hear his radical message. 

He told them that a dunking in the Jordan didn’t really make any difference.  No!  They had to change their lives!  He debunked their tendency to believe that they were safe because they were descendants of Abraham.  He said:  What counts is your life.  Is it green and blossoming?  Because if it’s deadwood, it goes on the fire.”  [v.8]

Puzzled, the people asked, “Then what are we supposed to do?”

John responded, “If you have two coats, give one away.  Do the same with your food.”

To the tax collectors, he said:  No more extortion – collect only what is required by law.”

To soldiers, he said:  No shakedowns, no blackmail – and be content with your rations.”


John’s simple, straightforward message hasn’t changed in 2,100 years! 

Choosing to be a God-follower changes your life!  When Jesus is your Lord, your priorities change – RADICALLY! 

Hoarding is replaced by generosity!

Corruption gives way to integrity!

Abusive practices yield to contentment! 

The transformation that takes place in your life is so noticeable that others observe it!  You may be asked, “What’s happened to you?  You’re SO DIFFERENT than you used to be!”  That’s an open door for us to tell them about the way God has changed us.

John actually explains this to his crowds as he makes it clear that he is NOT the Messiah: 

“The main character in this drama, to whom I’m a mere stagehand, will ignite the kingdom life, a fire, the Holy Spirit within you, changing you from the inside out. He’s going to clean house—make a clean sweep of your lives. He’ll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false he’ll put out with the trash to be burned.”  [vs.16-17]

Notice that the change that takes place in us is not external;  it is not a result of personal discipline!  Rather, it is a change that is ignited as a result of the Holy Spirit’s work WITHIN US!  It is the power of God through His Holy Spirit that enacts the changes in us – not a regimen of following rules or adhering to a list of laws! 

Our metamorphosis is the direct result of a RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THROUGH HIS HOLY SPIRIT!  That’s what empowers our new life! 

John had it right and Jesus later reinforced the same truth!  Don’t be deceived by traditions and false messages that come along – even sometimes through the church.  Focus on your relationship with God through His Holy Spirit!  He’s a resource you can trust!   

Friday, July 1, 2022


I know that nobody cares about the message of Zephaniah’s three chapters.  I’m not going to bore you with a long treatise about this almost unknown Old Testament prophet.  I’ll give you its essence in abbreviated form.  Here it is:

Chapter 1  -  Judgment Day is coming!

Chapter 2  -  So, get ready!

Chapter 3  -  You don’t want to miss out on what GOD has in store for you!

Let’s remind ourselves that this message was delivered about 2,700 years ago!  Generation after generation have passed with no resolution of God’s promise – YET! 

However, one look at Zephaniah’s last word spoken on behalf of GOD, reassures us!  The old King James Version renders these last words as “Thus saith the LORD.”   The New American Standard Version updates it:  “Says the LORD.”  The Message paraphrase brings it current:  “GOD’s Promise!”

God has promised a final resolution that will be totally satisfying to all who have suffered, but who have continued to trust in Him! 

And through the years many have suffered.  They have suffered injustices, prejudice, hatred, persecution, pain, death, war, imprisonment, and SO MUCH MORE!  Yet, many have remained faithful throughout these trials!  They have earned a great reward that they have not yet received. 

In our current world, many have been experiencing these same atrocities for a long time.  However, we in the United States, have been cocooned from most of these painful conditions.  We are only now beginning to feel the birth pains of genuine suffering.  Most of us feel that the pain and suffering will only increase.  It is a fearful time as we watch a stalwart nation begin to crumble from within – victims of an enemy that has been stealthily gaining more and more power and control for decades.  And now – the trend seems irreversible.

What do we do?  To whom do we turn?  Where do we place our hope?  Can this trend be reversed?  Will an election reverse the destruction we are witnessing?  We hold on to whatever hope we can find…

But this is nothing new!  It’s just new here!  Other nations have gone down this painful path scores of years ahead of us!  Whole generations have lived and died with little or no hope for rescue or improvement. 

Yet Christians in all of these places have sustained hope even in the midst of peril!  Matthew 7:13-14 tells us that there are two gates.  One gate is wide and leads to destruction;  this gate is easy to locate and many pass through it as a result!  The other gate is narrow and leads to life, and few are those who find it. 

Every person who has ever lived chooses one of these gates!  You have chosen one of these gates! 

And as a result, your eternal destiny depends on your choice! 

Some say, “Aw, phooey!  That’s all nonsense and spiritual mumbo-jumbo!”  Someday, they will regret that they took this attitude.

Others choose the narrow gate and strive to walk in a way that is God-honoring.  It’s not easy and they’re not perfect.  They struggle.  They fall.  They repent.  They return.  They grow.  They trust.  They persevere!  And God watches it all – looking not at their bodies, but into their hearts!  And He knows! 

And the amazing thing is:  you can travel the wide gate’s path for much of your life, and then suddenly decide to enter the narrow gate.  And that’s okay!  God allows you to do this! 

So, if you’ve exhausted your stubbornness and just want some peace and assurance in your life – CHANGE PATHS! 

Believe me on this:  God really wants you to experience the amazing place that He has been preparing for us!  GOD wants you there! 

As of yet, it’s still a future reality!  When GOD is ready, all believers will inherit this heavenly home at the same time – and it will be GLORIOUS!