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Saturday, July 2, 2022


Luke 3 begins by mentioning the names of seven of the world’s most powerful and influential leaders – including the emperor of the Roman Empire.  Then, the chapter proceeds by announcing that a message from God was received, not by any of these global rulers, but by a man named John.  He was the only son of an elderly couple – a nobody! 

God is full of surprises!  Have you noticed that He never works in the ways we might expect Him to? 

This man, John, began preaching up and down the Jordan River valley to anyone who would listen.  He must have been compelling, because before long crowds began making the journey from the cities and villages into the wilderness to hear his radical message. 

He told them that a dunking in the Jordan didn’t really make any difference.  No!  They had to change their lives!  He debunked their tendency to believe that they were safe because they were descendants of Abraham.  He said:  What counts is your life.  Is it green and blossoming?  Because if it’s deadwood, it goes on the fire.”  [v.8]

Puzzled, the people asked, “Then what are we supposed to do?”

John responded, “If you have two coats, give one away.  Do the same with your food.”

To the tax collectors, he said:  No more extortion – collect only what is required by law.”

To soldiers, he said:  No shakedowns, no blackmail – and be content with your rations.”


John’s simple, straightforward message hasn’t changed in 2,100 years! 

Choosing to be a God-follower changes your life!  When Jesus is your Lord, your priorities change – RADICALLY! 

Hoarding is replaced by generosity!

Corruption gives way to integrity!

Abusive practices yield to contentment! 

The transformation that takes place in your life is so noticeable that others observe it!  You may be asked, “What’s happened to you?  You’re SO DIFFERENT than you used to be!”  That’s an open door for us to tell them about the way God has changed us.

John actually explains this to his crowds as he makes it clear that he is NOT the Messiah: 

“The main character in this drama, to whom I’m a mere stagehand, will ignite the kingdom life, a fire, the Holy Spirit within you, changing you from the inside out. He’s going to clean house—make a clean sweep of your lives. He’ll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false he’ll put out with the trash to be burned.”  [vs.16-17]

Notice that the change that takes place in us is not external;  it is not a result of personal discipline!  Rather, it is a change that is ignited as a result of the Holy Spirit’s work WITHIN US!  It is the power of God through His Holy Spirit that enacts the changes in us – not a regimen of following rules or adhering to a list of laws! 

Our metamorphosis is the direct result of a RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THROUGH HIS HOLY SPIRIT!  That’s what empowers our new life! 

John had it right and Jesus later reinforced the same truth!  Don’t be deceived by traditions and false messages that come along – even sometimes through the church.  Focus on your relationship with God through His Holy Spirit!  He’s a resource you can trust!   

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