Kind and Gracious God,
We are gathered here today to acknowledge Your guidance and protection of a man and his family!
Thank You for birthing Jon into a home where he would receive spiritual direction and a grounding in his faith! Thank You for keeping him sensitive to these leadings throughout his life.
As a young man, he decided to enter into a role with the United States Navy that would involve him in an adventurous life of challenges, developing leadership and significant influence. You have watched over him, blessed him and protected him throughout these years of service.
Also, as a young man, you brought along a young woman to be his helpmate. Tracie and Jon have now walked together for nineteen years. Their marriage has been blessed with two outstanding kids: Rylie and Coltin. They have brought joy, delight, fun, and challenges to Jon and Tracie. They are also treasured by two sets of adoring grandparents: Warren and Cindy Kerstetter and Hal and Debbie Haire.
This family’s journey has not always been easy. The Navy’s responsibilities took Jon away for seven month periods numerous times in his early career. This thrust Tracie into a role of dual parenting during these tours of duty.
One of those times away, the ceiling of their kitchen fell down. With Jon away, Tracie had to make all of the arrangements for the repairs to be made. It was stressful, but she is a very competent and capable person.
She has supplemented Jon’s work all through the years by being a mentor to younger wives and girlfriends. She has stood with Jon and has supported him every step of the way.
It was a challenge for Rylie and Coltin too! Having to give up their daddy for these lengthy periods had to have been hard. One of my favorite pictures is of the two of them standing on the shore of the Thames River – all dressed up to welcome their daddy home – while waving at him as his sub drew near to the Groton Base. What a day!
They have grown through the many changes thrust upon them, including the move from the cold and northern influences of Groton to the warm and southern influences of Rockledge. Such significant changes for young teens was a shock! Yet they have learned to embrace their new home and have established themselves well in their new home! The stable and consistent environment of a loving and caring mom and dad have seen them through it all!
We were also there a number of years ago when Jon was pinned – again on the Groton Base. The kids and Tracie were central to this ceremony along with the men and women of Jon’s shop. It was a special day!
We thank You, Lord, for always bringing him home! We thank You for the deep devotion You have cultivated in him for his family! I’ve seen his consistent expression of love for his wife and children over and over again, through kisses, hugs, and playful contact! He is a great dad and husband, and Tracie is a wonderful mom and wife!
This family has been blessed. The U.S. Navy has been blessed! All those who have served under Jon’s command have been blessed. His family has stood and watched all of this with pride!
We all rejoice at this joyful occasion and the new opportunities that will follow this ceremony.
Help Jon, O Lord, with the challenges of this change. Twenty-two-plus years of wearing the uniform and fulfilling his responsibility is a long time. The adjustments he will have to make will likely be uncomfortable. Help him to make this transition with grace and to bring his excellent work ethic and passion to any new opportunities that may arise.
Once again, kind and loving Lord, we thank You for all that You have done to guide, protect, and provide for this family! Although we honor Jon today for these years of service, we – at the same time – honor his family.
May Jon’s strength, wisdom, experience and determination carry him into the new adventures before him. Help him to continue to bless those he may work with. May his future be secure and may he always be aware that You walk with him.
We entrust him and his family to You today, Sovereign God, and we lift our prayer to You in the name of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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