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Wednesday, January 22, 2025


It happened just a few weeks ago.  Debbie had been fighting a virus for several weeks.  We chose not to go to church for two consecutive Sundays. However, one of those Sundays I just really had a strong desire to attend a Free Methodist Church.

Why - you ask?

It will sound strange to some, but I just felt a strong desire to step forward and pray at the altar.

Don't leap to conclusions.  I did not step away from God.  I was not guilty of any unusual sins.  It wasn't even guilt that motivated this desire.  If anything, I'd describe it as a longing.  

The church that I currently worship in doesn't have an altar [I notice that many churches have done away with the altar].  It doesn't encourage individual prayer during worship.  We pray collectively together and under the leadership of our pastor, but not person with person or in small groups.  [This does happen in our Sunday School classes.]

I just felt like a child who wanted to sidle up beside a parent for safety and security.  I wanted assurance. I needed to express my dependence on God and enjoy His comfort.  

It's a tradition in worship that I grew up with.  Altar prayer was always welcomed and encouraged in my 'growing-up' church.  It was a common practice for people to slip forward during worship and spend time praying at the altar.  Sometimes a group of people might even go forward and pray together at the altar.  I really miss this.

While leading The Foundery Free Methodist Church [Wellsburg, WV] last year, I was immediately impressed with the high priority for prayer during worship.  Volunteer prayer leaders stood [often couples] at the front sides of the sanctuary throughout the worship time.  People were free to approach these leaders to receive attention and prayer.  There were also two short sections of altar in front of the platform that were frequently used for private prayer.  

A couple of years ago, Debbie and I visited The Rock Church in Poland, Ohio, to hear a former associate give the message.  All throughout the service, people approached the altar alone or in groups to pray.  I went forward a couple of times to pray with people that I knew.  The freedom to pray was obviously a high priority in this congregation - and it is a beautiful thing.

I continually struggle with the highly predictable format for worship seen in so many churches.  These environments must be so awkward and uncomfortable for anyone new who walks in to participate.  

During my leadership years I was a bit of an iconoclast [a person who challenges traditions and formulated patterns].  I believed that by frequently changing forms and structures you could keep interest and engagement high.  I came to resolve that worship was a verb and should activate God's people in animated, meaningful and exciting processes that enabled them to worship God with all their being!  There are so many possibilities: humor, choral readings, spiritual dance, drama, as well as the nearly unlimited advantages available due to technology.  

The desire was to create an atmosphere of expectation and anticipation that caused people to come to worship wondering what to expect this week!  Our hope was to replicate King David's attitude expressed in Psalm 122:1  [New Century Version]
I was happy when they said to me, 'Let's go to the Temple of the LORD.'

We worship the God of all creation!  This God created us with various gifts, abilities, interests and traits.  He created a magnificent and impressive array of animals, birds, and fish.  He created our earth with widely divergent environments.  He gave us sight that is ignited by an explosion of colors from fall leaves, birds feathers, sunrises and sunsets, awe-inspiring scenery, and so much more!  He has given us hearing that allows us to marvel at bird chirping, coyote calls, the ringing of bells, our choice of music, the captivating voices of family and friends, and the sound of rain hitting the trees and the ground.  He has created us in His own image, yet gifted us with unique abilities, interests and talents that make every one of us special!  We delight in the skills, creations and diversions of those who populate our lives!


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