Early in my ministry I read Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot. The book made a deep impression on me. I'm re-reading it now and am equally stirred and impacted.
During his college years, he was frustrated that he wasn't leading more people to faith in Christ.
He spent his summers with missionaries in Mexico. He felt God burdening him for the many lost souls in Asia and Africa. He deliberately hung out at the massive, Chicago train station seeking to open discussions that would allow him to witness for Christ.
He wrote in his journal about this time: "No fruit yet. Why is it I'm so unproductive? I cannot recall leading more than one or two into the kingdom. Surely this is not the manifestation of the power of the Resurrection. I feel as Rachel, 'Give me children, or else I die.'"
Shortly after this he prayed: "God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn up for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life but a full one, like You, Lord Jesus."
For those who don't know his story, nine years later (in 1956) Jim would be killed along with four friends as they tried to reach out to a savage, Stone Age tribe known as the Aucas.
Lord, I too wonder at how unproductive my life is for You and Your Kingdom. Raise up a passion in me for the lost! Give me children or else I die!
I enjoyed reading about the impact of Jim on your life. It is amazing how God has continued to use Jim's life in the lives of tens of thousands. Many people thought his martydom was a waste! God knew what He was doing. Jim once wrote, “Forgive for being so ordinary while claiming to know such an extraordinary God.” God bless you and your ministry for Him.