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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Job's story begins well and quickly turns south.  The Sabeans attack and steal all his oxen and donkeys.  Lightning kills all his sheep and shepherds!  Chaldeans raid his farm and take all his camels!  Then a tornado wipes out the house where his ten children were having a get-together!  ALL IN THE SAME DAY!!!

Job's response?

Job got to his feet, ripped his robe, shaved his head, then fell to the ground and worshipped.  (1:20)

Is that the overlooked miracle?  No.  The overlooked miracle comes in the last verse of the first chapter:  Not once through all this did Job sin;  not once did he blame God.

How quick we are to blame God for the stuff that goes wrong in our lives.  When in reality, God probably had little or nothing to do with it.  Most of our pain results from the consequences of our own action (or lack of action). 

Plus, if our pain did come from God, then shouldn't we receive it as a blessing?  Isn't it meant for our growth or to bring us to a deeper dependence on God?

Gracious God,
     I really want to - like Job - worship You even when my world is falling apart!  Cultivate that kind of trust and faith in me!  I know You are always working for my good.  When bad news comes, help me to remember Job's example.

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