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Thursday, September 22, 2011


I drove to Canton yesterday to meet with my pastor's group.  We meet once-a-month.  One leads a church of 3000 (multi-site), one a church of 700, and the rest of us churches of 150-300.  We range in age from 40 to 60.  Our pastoral experience ranges from 12 years to 35 years. 

We spend the morning sharing about our personal lives and our churches.  We pray for one another.  We worship together.

Then, we share lunch together.

In the afternoon, we study leadership topics and enjoy animated discussion.  It's a rich pool of experience and wisdom.  We often have different points of view. 

I always come away refreshed and challenged!  I am held accountable.  I am cared for.  I have a new list of books to read.  My hope is renewed!

In the weeks between, I pray for my brothers.  I believe they pray for me.  I celebrate their victories and support them in their struggles.  I know their kids and spouse's names and pray for them too.

Do you have an accountability group?  If not, why not start one?  It would help you be more faithful to God.  It would provide a source of help for the others you invite also! 

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff, Hal! It's how I grow and stay out of trouble. I only wish I was in a group with you. I miss you.
