- the movie was developed and produced by a church in Albany, Georgia (their fourth).
- all actors are unpaid - all but a few are from the church.
- Courageous outsold The Lion King 3D in presale tickets.
- it was completely filmed in two months (May/June, 2010).
- it is their first film to be rated PG (due to some violent scenes).
The theater was 90% full. On several occasions, EVERYONE laughed hysterically! Many times the theater was absolutely silent! At its end the crowd broke out in applause.
I'll be encouraging couples from our church to see it! This movie has potential for transforming our culture! Debbie and I will personally do whatever is necessary to enable our couples to see it!
Finally a film that exalts the God-given role of a strong, righteous, male leader in the home!
Thank You, Lord for the gifts You've given the Kendrick brothers! Thank You for the vision You've given to the Sherwood Church! Thank You for the creative platform for Your message of redemption and wholeness! May millions be impacted to do life Your way! Amen.
The movie was amazing. I know it is geared for fathers, but I took alot from it as well. I thought why shouldn't women have a "contract"? I found a book called Resolution, I ordered it, it's for women based on the same principles. I still can't shake the feeling the movie left me with.