Essentially, we watch the same movies and television shows. We dress alike, talk alike, share the same desires, and live the same lifestyles.
The insidious drifting caused by compromise affects us all.
Yet it is so diificult to discuss this trend without appearing to be legalistic.
A personal reflection:
- There was a time when I didn't eat in bars; I now do so without thinking.
- There was a time when I didn't buy on Sundays; I now do so without thinking.
- I watch television shows now that I would have shut off fifteen years ago.
- I'm disappointed with myself for some of the movies I've sat through.
- "Christian" couples who engage in premarital sex.
- "Christians" who consume alcohol.
- "Christians" who view pornography.
- "Christians" who use profanities.
This reality impacts the fact that we are closing churches at a record rate. The percentage of Americans who attend worship continues to plummet.
Compromise on issues like homosexuality is causing phenomenal membership losses in mainline denominations.
Nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America are now sending missionaries to America!
What is going to happen in the long run? Will this turn around? What will cause it to reverse? If it doesn't reverse, how will it impact the future of our nation?
Where are the new Christian strongholds? Who will carry the torch for Christ in the 21st century?
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