We were living in an eight-foot wide, forty-foot long mobil home in Wilmore, Kentucky. We had purchased it for $1,800 - new home owners! Very proud!
Deb was pregnant and expecting to deliver in April. She'd had some trouble with the pregnancy during the fall. Dr. Dunkleberger ordered bed-rest for over two weeks to save the baby!
Now it was February, 1976, the Bicentenniel Year!
She was making me breakfast: sausage, eggs and toast. The smell of the sausage made her nautious. She began complaining of stomach pains. As I sat at our tiny kitchen table eating, I noticed that she was complaining exactly every-five-minutes.
When I pointed that out, she called her doctor. He suggested we come in for an exam. After breakfast, we left for Lexington. She disappeared into an examination room.
Fifteen minutes later, the doctor came out and sat beside me. He told me that Deb would soon be coming out and that I should drive her to the hospital as quickly as possible. He would meet us there - she was dilated six centimeters!
Upon arriving at the hospital, she went for xrays. As they wheeled her down the hallway toward surgery, the doctor explained that the baby was breach-backwards and they would have to do the delivery as a Ceasarian Section.
We hadn't read that chapter in our 'Birth Book'!
The baby boy was born seven weeks premature, weighing five pounds, two ounces. He quickly lost weight and had to be kept in the hospital for two weeks until he weighed five pounds again.
We named him Travis Wilson Haire [Wilson was my father's middle name]. That was February 24, 1976, thirty-six years ago today! He's been bringing us joy for all those years!
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