Debbie and I plan on going to Guiyang, China to teach English in August. We have been accepted as VISA (Volunteers In Service Abroad) missionaries by the Free Methodist Church. However, now we must be accepted by the Chinese government and granted 'work visas' to allow us to come there and be employed by the university.
Unfortunately, at present, China prefers younger applicants. All we can do is submit our application, pray, and wait! Today, I will send the last of my information to the VISA department. By Friday it will be forwarded to our Asia Director to be submitted to the Chinese officials.
I am retiring from the pastoral ministry in June. We hope to leave for Guiyang in mid-August. This is our Plan A. Our Plan B involves me opening a counseling office and would take about two years to put into place.
As of June 7th, we will be homeless. At the end of June, we will be living without an income. We plan to travel, visit family, and attend the Tri-State Family Camp. Then the last weeks will be filled with preparations for being away for nine months. We feel very much in stride with God in all of this.
However, what if...
What if we are not accepted by the Chinese government? What if we are not allowed to follow through with our plans?
We've thought about this a great deal. We've come to the realization that if our Plan A doesn't materialize, then we'll go to our 'slow-burn' Plan B. We'll also keep our eyes and ears open for God's leading in other directions. In doing so, we'll realize that our Plan B was always God's Plan A.
We've simply made up our minds ahead of time that we want what God wants!
Proverbs 3:6 (NASB)
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Same verse from The Message:
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track.
[For those who don't know me well, that's my version of 'Amen!']
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