Tracie and Jon moved to Groton, Connecticut about twelve years ago. Eventually, they bought a home in Norwich. Then, along came Rylie in 2007, and Colton in 2009. 😀
Over those years, they have worshipped in a number of different churches. While in Groton, they attended a non-denominational church that was growing - particularly among younger families.
After moving they attended a more rural church with a very young pastor and a small congregation. They really liked this church, but struggled with some of the core, theological tenets.
Then, for a couple of years, they attended a small, United Methodist Church very close to their home. The children were adopted by the whole (older) congregation! 😊
But, again, something was missing.
About that time, Tracie saw signs at Wal-Mart about a new church in the area. Meanwhile, Jon also heard about the church from a friend in the Navy who was serving as a part time associate pastor there. He told Jon that the lead pastor was also former Navy. That settled it - they began attending (that was four years ago).
Jon immediately struck up a friendship with founding pastor, Matt Grohocki. Jon joined (and eventually led) the very essential parking team. In time, he was trained to lead groups and did so from their home. Soon, Tracie was also trained and joined him in leading a group for couples in their home.
As part of his training, Jon had already become a partner (and leader) in the ministry. When time allowed, Tracie also spoke with Pastor Matt indicating her readiness to become a partner in the church. Happily, he invited her to a special time when he trained people with such an interest.
That evening, he opened by saying: "You may think that Revelation Church is an independent church, but that's not the case. Although we never publish it or speak of it, we are associated with a denomination. Technically, we are a Free Methodist church."
And with that, Tracie's jaw dropped. He noticed her reaction and questioned her. She said, "I was raised in the Free Methodist Church all my life! My Dad is a Free Methodist pastor!"
Jon, Tracie and even Rylie now serve at REV Church on a regular basis. The church moved from a rented facility to a newer building at a former scout camp that they have purchased. They currently worship in four services; two on Saturday evening and two on Sunday morning.
Plans are underway to build an even newer worship facility on the grounds in the near future!
Debbie and I attended today on the sixth anniversary of their founding. In celebration, they opened a new campus this morning that is a five-hour-drive-away, in Saratoga Springs, New York. They incorporated a former Free Methodist campground into a renewed facility for this launch!
Pastor Matt gave a message today that launched a new series: “MONUMENTAL: Who are We Really?” A very relevant topic! Worth listening to at:
Pastor Kurt just spoke this morning about the Saratoga Springs church worshiping via video.