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Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Back in early March of 1987, I made a purchase from Cambridge University Press for about $26.  It was a loose-leaf, three-ring, wide margin, New International Version Bible!  We were living in East Liverpool, Ohio, at the time and I was five years into a thirteen year appointment.  Travis would have been 11, Troy - 7 and Tracie - 6.  :-)

It's difficult to express how excited I was about this very expensive purchase.  I immediately began reading in it daily and adding notes in those generous wide margins.  I had already established a pattern of reading a book-a-week, so I also transferred notes from books I read into appropriate places in the new Bible.  Pretty quickly, I cut copy paper to the same size as the pages in my Bible and punched appropriate holes so that I could add pages (when needed) for additional notes and observations.  Many of these blank pages were in the front of the Bible where I collated data from each year's read-through of the Bible.  These notes and observations often turned into preaching series.  This Bible became a goldmine and treasure to me and I often thought that if we had a fire, I would grab it after I knew the family was safe!  ;-)

Eventually, I had added so many pages to the binder that it would hardly close!  That was when I found a second binder and split the Old Testament from the New Testament.  Woo Hoo!  Now I had tons of freedom for adding more pages and more notes.  Needless to say, this Bible became an invaluable resource to me in preparing Bible studies and sermons.  I even lugged it along on vacations so I could sustain my daily reading disciplines and not fall behind in my note-taking.  

I am so thankful that I was raised in a home where the Bible was honored and used.  My Mom kept a plastic loaf of bread on our table filled with small cards that held a Bible verse on each side.  At our mealtime, we would each pull a card and read it before our prayer of thanksgiving.  My Mom's Bible was well-used;  she had re-covered it repeatedly and added pockets in the front and back to contain her many prayer lists.  I often caught my Dad reading and studying his Bible in his bedroom.  He regularly taught a Sunday School class and needed to be prepared for that role.  He made notes in his Bible of the texts used by the various preachers he heard.  I'm blessed to have those Bibles in my possession to this day!  

I was raised in a culture that was immersed in God's Word.  I remember memorizing lengthy passages in Sunday School and Christian Youth Crusaders (CYC).  Many of those passages linger in my memory even now!  I was taught by people who loved and lived according to this book:
  • Betty Paugh - she made the Bible live for me as a pre-schooler!
  • Neil Castilucci
  • Paul Funkhouser
  • Udele Gallagher
  • Jim Rudolph
  • Joe Douglas
  • Chuck Eckles
  • Carl Geissinger  [Notice:  in seventeen years I only had one woman teacher!!!]
Then, I went to Roberts Wesleyan College where I immediately fell under the influence of professors like Stanley Magill, Wes Vanderhoof, and Harry Anderson!  They loomed large to me and fostered a deeper understanding and love in me for God's Word (even in the Greek language)!

Then, after getting married, I began my Masters in Divinity studies at Asbury Theological Seminary.  Living in this Christian and educational community was a great privilege.  Again, professors led me into whole new areas of study and research!  I was mesmerized by the instruction offered by Don Joy, Donald Demaray, Gilbert James, Kenneth Kinghorn, John Oswalt and Harold Kuhn.  

After three years (without having attained my degree) we moved to Jeannette, PA, where I assumed my first, full-time role as pastor.  Within a few years, I realized that I should have completed my studies.  Returning to Kentucky was out-of-the-question, so I enrolled at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to complete my Divinity degree (part-time) over the next eleven years.  Dr. Donald Gowan and Dr. Charles Partee became major influencers in my life during that period (and Hebrew and Aramaic were added to my growing understanding of the Bible).  

Because our family was growing and I needed help with my role as a husband and father, I turned to radio resources almost daily to grow my knowledge and understanding in those areas.  My teachers were:  James Dobson, Dennis Rainey, John Huffman, John MacArthur, Chuck Smith and Charles Swindoll!  

In addition, I quickly realized that I needed ongoing education to be able to effectively lead the churches I was serving.  I began to consume resources and attend events that featured Ted Engstrom, John Maxwell, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Larry Burkett, Dave Ramsay, and Andy Stanley.  I also had laymen who taught and influenced me, including Ron Kelly and Jim Stetler (as well as others).  

Thank You, Lord!
Your faithfulness through the years has been utterly amazing!  There have been SO MANY moments of revelation and so many times of deep inspiration!  So many people have left their fingerprints on my life!  I am not worthy of such grace and attention!  I live with gratitude for the constant persistence of Your Spirit in growing me and developing the capacities that You placed within me!  
You've given me so many amazing opportunities over the years!  You allowed me to lead, teach and shepherd the people at Tunnel Hill (Indiana), Jeannette (PA), McClellandtown (PA), Oakland (East Liverpool, OH), Spencerville (Maryland), Cornerstone (Akron, OH), New Middletown (OH), and Kittanning (PA).  
In addition, You also gave us three years to serve Your purposes in Changchun (Northeast PRC).  We will NEVER forget the many friends we made from many countries during that period of service!  
And, my love for Your Word continues today!  I'm still making notes and observations!  I still delight at the things You teach me and show me on a daily basis!  You have been faithful through Your Holy Spirit to show me incredible connections and to reveal secrets to my heart!  Your Word truly is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path!  
Keep it going, Lord, and may my children and grandchildren benefit directly from the generations of faithful that have laid the foundation for them!  AMEN!

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Our daughter, Tracie, left home at the age of nineteen while we were living in Akron, Ohio.  It was a sad/happy day as she drove down Kickapoo Avenue in her blue Buick.  She had been a wonderful daughter and had blessed us over and over with her responsibility and fun-loving-ways!  

She was sixteen when we left Maryland in the fall of 1997, and moved back to Pennsylvania.  But, she didn't fight us regarding the decisions we were making.  I've always appreciated that in her.

But, at nineteen, she was ready to spread her wings!  She moved in with her best friend, Allison, and became Tom's third daughter for a few years.  Again, we've always been grateful to Tom Harding for opening his doors to her and giving her a safe launching pad!  

It was during this season of her life that she met Jon at the Montgomery County Fair.  Apparently, they connected pretty quickly and we started hearing more and more about this young man who had been raised on a beef farm in central Pennsylvania.  

It didn't seem like long before he was headed off to Great Lakes (shortly after 9/11) for his experiences at 'boot camp' with the United States Navy.  

Our first time to meet Jon was at a restaurant - without Tracie.  We were anxious about this odd arrangement;  he must have been anxious times ten!  

I confess that I was pretty hard on Jon.  I wrote him a series of about three letters to be very clear with him about how I expected him to treat my daughter.  One of those letters was just before he graduated from Great Lakes.  

At one point, Tracie told me that Jon was afraid of me.  I told her that was ok;  there would be a time when we would be friends - but it wasn't now.  :-)   He also told her - once they were engaged - that he'd never be able to sleep with her if I was in the house!  

They married on January 15, 2005.  Tracie had come home to live with us (in New Middletown) for over a year before the wedding.  She and her Mom had a great time planning the wedding and preparing for the big day!  

They immediately flew to Honolulu, Hawaii, not for their honeymoon, but to live!  He was assigned to a submarine and they resided there for a year and a half.  From there, he was assigned to Groton, Connecticut, where they have lived since.  

Rylie Grace came along in 2007, and Coltin Eugene entered the world in 2009.  

Jon's career performance has been exceptional.  He made 'Chief'' at a young age.  Last year, we drove all night to be able to see him pinned as Master Chief!  Now, he's the Chief of the Boat (COB) on a soon-to-be-christened submarine.  

When we first started visiting Jon and Tracie, I was a little concerned because Jon didn't seem to be taking the spiritual lead in his family.  We noticed that prayer didn't seem to have much of a place in their home.  So, I went home and began praying for him!  Every day, I called him out before the Lord, to become a godly man with a great passion for God.  

I'll never forget the first time that Jon prayed over a meal about a year later!  It was awesome.  He discovered a church that had been planted by a former Navy man.  They are still very active in REV Church and Jon is still close with Pastor Matt.  

Jon's spiritual transformation has been a delight to me.  It pours over into everything that he does.  But most of all, he is a great husband and dad!  He is affectionate with Tracie and the children.  He plays with them on the floor, works with them on their sports, reads with them, and gives them lots of hugs and kisses!


It seems to me that he excels in every area.  I am so proud of him!  And by-the-way, we have a great relationship now.  He pulls me more deeply into sports.  We talk about church.  We share resources.  I thoroughly enjoy being around him.  Besides, he grills and smokes meat better than anyone I know! Just two years ago, he fire-grilled a ton of chicken for my retirement party!  

I never worry about Rylie and Coltin!  I know that Jon is on the job.  He is an excellent provider, a fierce protector, and is generous with his time, his attention and his affection!  

On this Father's Day, I thank God, my Heavenly Father, for providing such a good man for Tracie, Rylie and Coltin!  You're the best, Jon!    

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Several years ago, a new television show was put forward on ABC.  Because it seemed to have remote connections to the previous show, 24, (in particular the leading character is played by Kiefer Sutherland) we decided to give it a try.

For those who don't know, Designated Survivor was about the sudden, unexpected destruction of the US Congress during a State of the Union address.  An unlikely candidate, (Sutherland) is thrust into leadership of a nation without a Congress and in utter chaos and fear.

The portrayal of these events was realistic and effective.  It was a fantastically plausible plot that allowed for creative, fast-moving development.  To be short, we enjoyed the show and were quite surprised at the end of year two when ABC cancelled it.

However, there was clatter that Netflix might pick it up and produce a third season of ten episodes - which they did.  This third season aired on Netflix beginning June 7.  When we opened Netflix and saw it offered, we were excited and immediately watched episode one.

We were quickly shocked at the changes in language and the general tenor of the show.  Things were clearly "different" under this new guiding hand.  We immediately felt tenuous about this new, edgier presentation of the storyline.

The deterioration was similar to what we'd observed in other shows;  one example was Madam Secretary, which we quit watching after the second season.  In both shows the change was palpable. By this, I mean it was more 'in-your-face', shocking and seeming to embrace as many radical issues as they could squeeze into their available forty-five minutes.

Debbie's sensitivities are quicker than mine.  She decided after episode one that she would not watch anymore.  So, while she was with her mom, I watched the next couple of episodes alone.  All-the-while, I had a growing discomfort that this is not something I should be watching.

Last night, as I was watching, a scene came on that was so vile that I quickly grabbed for the remote to end the stream.  I sat in the silence shocked and disappointed.  I went to bed but couldn't sleep.  I quietly prayed.

I prayed for forgiveness for not picking up on the signs earlier.  I prayed for the producers who created this show.  I prayed for the actors and for our nation.  Then Debbie spoke in the darkness:  "Are you praying?"  My answer:  "Yes."  Her response:  "Good!  I could hear you whispering."  I'm so accustomed to my hearing disability that I tend to forget just how well she can hear!  :-)

I continued to pray until I eventually fell asleep.

This morning I rose and immediately went to my study to read and pray.  Among my sections for today I read the second chapter of Titus (from The Voice Bible).  It includes the following passage (verse 12):
Grace arrives with its own instruction:  run away from anything that leads us away from God;  abandon the lusts and passions of this world;  live life now in this age with awareness and self-control, doing the right thing and keeping yourselves holy.   
It solidified my decision and reinforced my commitment to be on guard for those things and experiences that lead me away from God!

I have drawn a boundary for myself!  It feels good to have done so!

I want to be a good man.  I want to be a godly man!  This is not an easy thing to accomplish in the current age with so many diversions and distractions.

I began driving for Lyft back around Christmas time.  My pattern has been to leave early to catch the morning demand for rides.  I tend to leave anytime between 5:00 AM to 6:30 AM and often drive until late morning.  I've had good intentions to return home and have my Bible and prayer time.  However, there are so many things to do when I get back!  You guessed it.  My well-established disciplines have been decimated.

That is - until this week.  God's voice finally got through to me and I reestablished my priorities - something that we all need to do periodically.  This week, I've returned to rising early and heading straight for my study.  On day one, the restoration of joy in God's Word was immediate!  The channels were clear as I heard His voice and experienced communion with my God!

A peace and sense of balance has quickly been restored.  I am grateful.

Perhaps your time with God has been compromised.  Maybe you need to reevaluate.

Acts 3:19 says, (again from The Voice Bible):
So now you need to rethink everything and turn to God so your sins will be forgiven and a new day can dawn, days of refreshing times flowing from the Lord. 
 You may discover - as I have - how good it is to have this primary relationship restored!