Sunday morning, we arrived early and waited at the side of the foyer. The first service was already meeting. The longer we waited, the more people arrived. Finally, it started to become uncomfortably crowded. Now, we were being pressed into the corner where the entrance to the office suite was located. Troy (17 at the time), being a head taller than most, leaned down and said, “Dad, I think I’m gonna like this church! There are some gorgeous girls here!” 😉 Finally, the foyer was packed. I wondered how the people would get out of the service! Then, Dave Potter, an usher, opened the sanctuary doors and the people started flooding out! It was one of the most amazing moments of my life! Everyone in the foyer made a hole and the crowd passed through – high-fiving us and telling us what to expect when we got into the sanctuary! The excitement was higher than what you’d find at an NFL football game! People were pumped! We couldn’t wait to get into the sanctuary. People literally ran to get good seats and save them for their friends and family! I had never seen a church like this before! Things couldn’t start soon enough for us! Every seat was filled!
David Haydu and the worship team came out and he started leading us in worship. I had never heard these songs. Here’s one that I remember:
[Verse 1]
Down the mountain, the river flows
And it brings refreshing wherever it goes
Through the valleys and over the fields
The river is rushing and the river is here
The river of God sets our feet a-dancing
The river of God fills our hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for the river is here
[Verse 2]
The river of God is teeming with life
And all who touch it can be revived
And those who linger on this river's shore
Will come back thirsting for more of the Lord
And it brings refreshing wherever it goes
Through the valleys and over the fields
The river is rushing and the river is here
The river of God sets our feet a-dancing
The river of God fills our hearts with cheer
The river of God fills our mouths with laughter
And we rejoice for the river is here
[Verse 2]
The river of God is teeming with life
And all who touch it can be revived
And those who linger on this river's shore
Will come back thirsting for more of the Lord
[Verse 3]
Up to the mountain, we love to go
To find the presence of the Lord
Along the banks of the river, we run
We dance with laughter giving praise to the Son
Up to the mountain, we love to go
To find the presence of the Lord
Along the banks of the river, we run
We dance with laughter giving praise to the Son
I'll never forget it! I later learned that seventy-five percent of this congregation were first-time believers! They didn't know the rules! They were dancing in the aisles!!!!! This music made you want to dance! Did you know that the Aramaic word for 'dance' and 'rejoice' is the same word? There probably ought to be a lot more "rejoicing" in most of our churches...
Everything was WONDERFUL and the excitement was off the charts! Then, came the prayer time and people seemed to rush the altar. Others came and crowded around them to pray WITH them! There was weeping and genuine sincerity! It was hard to take in! And finally came Pastor Brenda and her message and we were mesmerized! What an incredible teacher! Her passion shines through and she points you to Jesus! The worship team came back with an invitation. And finally, we sang the ‘river song’ again and were dismissed! IT WAS AMAZING! We knew we’d found our church!
We talked briefly with Pastor Brenda after worship. They were saying 'good-bye' to an associate pastor that very Sunday. She asked if I was available and so we quickly told her about our new job. I told her I would ask our new employer. Shelter Care gave me permission to work part-time, so Brenda hired me. By June, another Associate Pastor left and she asked me to become the Lead Associate! I was honored and privileged to be part of this amazing movement of God for nearly six years! When I left, it was a growing church of over 700!!!!! with three services every Sunday morning! I learned so much and was so impacted by so many including Charlie Young, Brenda Young, Jim Stetler, and a group of staff members who were deeply committed and sacrificial! They were highlight years of my forty three years in ministry! God was SO GOOD!
Oh, hey, by the way, Cornerstone Church is still there and still giving out great ministry! Along with many of you, I'm now worshipping online as a result of the Co-Vid 19 virus. I now "go to church" about three different places every Sunday morning. One of my stops is always Cornerstone. It's cutting edge, vibrant, relevant and won't let you change channels! 😁 If you'd like to join them, they worship at 9 AM, 11 AM, 5PM & 7 PM - you can find them here:
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