I think we all enjoy seeing the bad guys do something that backfires!
We see that very thing happening toward the end of Matthew 27.
After Jesus died on the cross, a man only mentioned a few times in the gospels, named Joseph, approached Pilate and asked for permission to claim the body of Jesus.
According to Luke (23:50) this Joseph was actually a member of the Jewish Council (Sanhedrin) who had voted against the decision to have Jesus crucified. We are also told that he was a wealthy man and a secret follower of Jesus!
It is likely, that because of these facts, Pilate - probably knowing Joseph - responded favorably to his request.
Joeph's actions are recorded simply:
- Joseph took the body of Jesus
- he wrapped it in clean linens
- he put Jesus' body in his own newly cut tomb
- he rolled a large stone across the entrance
Then he left. [John's gospel tells us that Nicodemus - also a Sanhedrin member - assisted Joseph in these late afternoon actions.]
But Matthew wants us to know something more: [27:62-66 TM]
After sundown, the high priests and Pharisees arranged a meeting with Pilate. They said, "Sir, we just remembered that that liar announced while he was still alive, 'After three days I will be raised.' We've got to get that tomb sealed until the third day. There's a good chance his disciples will come and steal the corpse and then go around saying, 'He's risen from the dead.' Then we'll be worse off than before, the final deceit surpassing the first.
Pilate told them, "You will have a guard. Go ahead and secure it the best you can." So they went out and secured the tomb, sealing the stone and posting guards.
Woo Hoo for the Pharisees! They managed to get a Roman seal and a Roman guard set in place to guarantee the authenticity of the resurrection! No one would ever be able to suggest that the disciples stole the body!
Matthew is sure to report: [28:1-4 TM]
After the Sabbath, as the first light of a new week dawned,...the earth reeled and rocked...as God's angel came down from heaven...He rolled back the stone and then sat on it. Shafts of lightning blazed from him. His garments shimmered snow-white. The guards at the tomb were scared to death. They were so frightened, they couldn't move.
Isn't it just like our God to arrange things so magnificently? Jesus' tomb ended up - thanks to the Pharisees - being guarded by first-century Navy Seals! The stone was sealed under Roman authority! No one would ever effectively be able to question the veracity of Christ's resurrection! THANKS BE TO GOD!!!!!
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