If you were around during the 1980's, you might remember that there was a massive, ongoing discussion and emphasis on the topic of spiritual warfare. Hundreds of books came out on the topic. Some were great; others were misguided and extreme. Even novels were written to portray the presence of demonic oppression and possession. Conferences were put together to unpack the essentials of this spiritual conundrum.
I was leading the church through this era as a fairly young pastor. It took discernment and wisdom to adhere to the truth and avoid the extremes. Biblical authenticity was the standard that most of us tried to follow.
But, gradually the topic faded into the background while many of the books were shuffled to back shelves or given away (or thrown away). A topic that had raged, diminished and has subtly disappeared from the scene.
So, are we to deduce that the issue of spiritual warfare has become null and void? It's no longer an issue. It was just one of many hot topics that have dominated the scene for a season of church life, like
- speaking in tongues
- church growth movement
- praise and worship movement
- small group emphasis
- mega-church movement
It would seem so.
But notice that all of the above still have a place in the broad spectrum of the church today. There are still churches where people speak in tongues. Church growth principles are still true and effective when adhered to. The praise and worship patterns have morphed significantly, but still abound. Some churches are reemphasizing small groups. Mega-churches have had to learn to adapt to COVID changes like all churches, but they still exist.
Spiritual warfare truths and principles - those that are based on God's Word - are also still valid and needed. It is an issue that people deal with every day. It can take forms as subtle as temptation to as extreme as murderous thoughts.
Our spiritual enemy will take advantage of every weakness we manifest and exploit it for his destructive mechanisms. We get no rest from his attempts to control and destroy us. The more we yield to his manipulations, the more we are likely to continue to yield to them.
This calls for a decisive, deliberate turning to God for protection, wisdom and moment-by-moment guidance. The more we rely on God to lead us, the more we are likely to continue to lean on Him for direction and focus in our lives.
There's obviously SO MUCH MORE that could be said; as indicated earlier, whole books have been written on this topic!
The frequently used meme of an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other is a reasonable illustration of what we're all dealing with on a day-to-day basis. For me, it's a daily struggle to make sure that the demon is whispering into my deaf ear! :-) You've got to find a way to mute his messages and respond only to the direction of God through His Holy Spirit.
For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, [II Corinthians 10:3-5 ESV]
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