Definition: a confusing or difficult problem or question
Although the word is not used in Luke 6, part of this passage certainly presents a conundrum. Consider:
You’re blessed when you’ve lost it all. [v.20 TM]
You’re blessed when you’re
ravenously hungry. [v.21 TM]
You’re blessed when the
tears flow freely. [v.22 TM]
Count yourself blessed
every time someone cuts you down or throws you out, every time someone smears
or blackens your name to discredit Me (Jesus speaking). [v.22 TM]
What? What? What?
Those don’t sound like times of blessing that I want to come!
Yet Jesus – our Lord – says that when these kinds of times come as a result of our being His follower, then WE ARE BLESSED!
He goes on to instruct us not to respond in kind, but to respond with love! That’s right! He actually says it: Love your enemies. [v.27 TM]
Do you believe it? He tells us to do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you…[vs.27-28 NASB]
What is His reasoning here? Why should we do these things? This is hard stuff!
I think there are two sound reasons for exhibiting such extreme behavior in the face of opposition:
are Christ-followers and that makes us respond to crises, opposition and
adversity in a far different manner than those who are NOT
Christ-followers. We don’t curse, strike
back, get revenge, or respond in kind.
Those kinds of reactions are simply not an option for us! We are peace-makers!
There is, however, another reason that is rarely taught or talked about within Christianity.
we adhere to Christ’s instructions – as mentioned above – we assure ourselves
of a great reward!
It puzzles me that we don’t hear more about this! I preached a whole series on this at Family Camp one year and also at one of my last churches. The concept of REWARDS is prolific in the scriptures. Obviously, I can’t unpack it all here, but I pretty much know what some of you are thinking.
Hey, Hal, I’ll just be happy to make Heaven! I understand that thinking and can’t argue with it, except to suggest that we all like rewards. If some are going to be rewarded because of their exceptional obedience to Christ and His Word, wouldn’t it be nice to be among them?
Facebook is based on ‘rewards’ and look at how successful it is! If people ‘Like’ our posts, it makes us feel better about ourselves – proud of ourselves.
Imagine if the Lord of the universe were to ‘Like’ our performance during these years we lived on earth…
I’m not sure how He’ll do that…but I rather expect that if we’ve
been peace-makersresponded to hate with love
loved our enemies
given to everyone who asks of us [v.30]
turned our cheek [v.29]
lent without expecting a return [v.34]
extended mercy [v.36]
blessed those who curse us
prayed for those who mistreat us
then He’s going to have something in store for
us that will be pretty amazing! A GREAT
REWARD that will last for ALL ETERNITY!
Now there's something to reach for!
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