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Tuesday, August 23, 2022


I’m going to try to unpack this as simply as I can.

In ancient Israel, God punished the nation by allowing Babylon to defeat her and carry her inhabitants off to a foreign land for seventy years.  The mighty city of Jerusalem was destroyed, including its magnificent Temple!

Gradually, as God had promised, He worked things out for them to return.  Their neighbors badgered them as they tried to rebuild their homes and the protective walls of the formerly great city. 

But God was not pleased with their selfish pursuits.  He sent two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, to encourage the people to rebuild the Temple!  These two prophets partnered to motivate the people.  Zechariah, in particular, used visions and prophetic imagination to incite the people and give them hope!

Theological students have examined his technique for ages!

It is perhaps a technique that should be reignited by pastors today!  However, it cannot be accomplished by human creativity or ingenuity.  It requires a deep and integrated walk with God! 

Two things regarding the American church are quite clear today:

1.    Christianity is in serious decline.

2.    The Church is failing at its mission!

Now that a foundation is laid, let's build on it. 

I have noticed over the years that Bible teachers – clergy and lay – are capable of doing a wonderful job of explaining the scriptures.  Those who can, may help us understand the words of the original languages to help clarify meanings.  Others explain archaeology or provide extra-biblical historical facts to clarify and fill in the gaps.  They may also connect passages and give us a clearer picture of exactly what was going on; where and why it was happening.  All of these are helpful for understanding the passages under study.

But the greatest flaw in these teaching methods is when that is all there is!  I have witnessed so many excellent teachers [again clergy and lay] who fail to take the vital ‘next step’!   Why should I bother to know these biblical facts of history UNLESS THEY ARE CONNECTED TO THE DAY IN WHICH I LIVE AND MOVE? 

Teachers must learn to end their lessons by simply asking a question of their learners:  “Now. In these closing moments before our class ends, how do we take what we’ve studied today and apply it to 2022?”


What have we learned today that will help me be a better follower of Christ? 


Zechariah – having an intimate relationship with God – did this by sharing visions and by using his creative, spiritual imagination! 

A pastor/teacher can’t do this if their only time with God is while driving to work in the morning! 

THIS pastor/teacher has to have a connection with God that enables him/her to see what God is up to and where He is heading!  That’s what we want to hear;  it’s what we NEED to hear!  Sorry, but who cares how many Philistines were in the army that Gideon faced? 

Tell me what God is up to!  What does He desire of His people right now! 

Today, God’s people are struggling with:

    ever-increasing inflation
    escalating violence
    a diminishing church
    clear move toward socialism
    national concerns of significant magnitude
    the breakdown of the traditional family
    lack of a national moral code
    fear of anarchy
    global insecurity
    questions about how to deal with needy immigrants
    dead-locked and oppositional two-party system

Preachers today need to be spending more time in their closets and less time in their studies.  We need to hear from GOD!  Where is He moving?  Are we in a period of exile spiritually?  Is there hope?  How should we respond to these crises? 

Please don’t tell me cute stories or explain ancient history to me – UNLESS IT CAN SERVE TO INSPIRE ME AND STIR MY THINKING AND IGNITE MY RESPONSE TO ALMIGHTY GOD! 

The earth is quaking!  Everything is uncertain!  Are these the ‘last days’? 



Oh, Sovereign God,

You set this all in motion when You stepped into time and spoke it all into being!

You’ve never left us – in spite of our frequent turning away from You!

You have exhibited endless grace and mercy and, even still, You call us to repentance and forgiveness! 

We’re grateful that Your Church is prospering in increased followers in many places in our world today.  This seems to be happening in places where Your Church is suffering severe persecution. 

We wonder…

Are You preparing to prune Your Church here in America?  Are You creating circumstances that will test our faith?  Will all that we’ve found – in the past – to be dependable, be taken away so that we have only You to trust in?  Are You preparing us for REAL FAITH? 

We announce it today, Lord:

    Our faith is NOT in a political party!
    Our faith is NOT in a Constitution!
    Our faith is NOT in a charismatic leader!
    Our faith is NOT in a philosophy of governance!
    Our faith is NOT in the hoarding of resources!


So, show us the way.  Fortify us for what may come!  Deepen our knowledge of You through Your Word!  Give us a greater experience of Your Spirit!  And give us visions to guide us! 

Remind us constantly that even if this fray costs us our lives, it only ushers us into Your Holy and Eternal Presence! 

To God be the glory!  Amen. 

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