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Monday, October 3, 2022


 "Um, Jesus, you’re a nice man and it’s clear that You have amazing power and can do remarkable things, but we’ve talked it over and we’d like You to leave our area.”

You’re making this up, Hal!

No.  No, I’m not!  It comes straight from Luke 8:37 [my paraphrase, of course]. 

Jesus had crossed the Sea of Galilee to the country of the Gerasenes.  Upon stepping off the boat, He was confronted by a wild man who had – for some time – been possessed by a mob of demons!  He had terrified the countryside with his acts of violence and threats [this sounds so 21st century!].  He’d intentionally hurt himself repeatedly.  He ran around with no clothes.  He slept in the cemetery.  He had been bound repeatedly, but the demons gave him the strength to break his bonds and escape! 


Let’s consider the plight of this man.  Have you ever felt miserable?  Has depression robbed you of your joy?  Have you suffered the torment of bad decisions and wrongful acts?  Have you experienced demonic oppression or possession? 

As evil as he comes across, this man was suffering!  He had no friends.  He was rejected by the community.  He was feared.  He had no place to live.  He had no resources.  Nobody cared about him.  No one reached out to him.  He never felt the touch of compassion or caring. 



Jesus – upon confronting him – asked him his name.  The demons rushed to the opportunity and spoke on his behalf:  “Legion”  [At that time, a legion represented 3,000-6,000 Roman soldiers!!!!!!!!!]

Take note:  this man couldn’t even speak freely.  Did he even remember his own birth name?  Had he completely lost the ability of speech? 

Another note:  the demons immediately began begging Jesus not to send them into the abyss!  THEY RECOGNIZED THE LORD OF ALL CREATION – AND THEY KNEW HIS POWER!  They had an ominous sense that they were about to be dealt with harshly. 

In a panic, they looked around and saw a herd of pigs.  They needed a host, so asked Jesus to send them into the pigs instead of the abyss. 


Why were these demons so desperate to NOT be sent back to the abyss?  What is the abyss? 

It’s not a stretch to assume that the abyss is Hell – from which they originally came! 

Now think about it:  these demons begged Jesus not to send them back to Hell!  What does that tell us about Hell?  It is a place of suffering and misery, pain and anguish, torment and regret!  A place to be avoided – even by demons.

You know the rest of the story.  Jesus allows them to enter the pigs.  The pigs immediately sense the presence of evil and torment and rush into the sea, where they all drown.

Turn your head toward the man again.  It’s as though he awoke from a trance.  He is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED!  I imagine he was exhausted.  Caring people get him some clothes and food.  He sits and talks with Jesus.  He is – for the first time in a long time – in his right mind! 

But the people from the area are terrified by what they’ve witnessed.  Someone’s pigs have been destroyed.   The Message reports:  “…too much change, too fast, and they were scared.” [v.37]

“Um, Jesus, you’re a nice man and it’s clear that You have amazing power and can do remarkable things, but we’ve talked it over and we’d like You to leave our area.”

And He did! 

The man – whose real name we never discover – begged to be allowed to go with Jesus.  Can you blame him?  But Jesus told him to go home and tell people about his experience.  “So he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him.” [v.39]


Way back in the 1980’s and 90’s, there was a plethora of books, magazine articles and even conferences about spiritual warfare.  Today, we hear very little – if anything – on this subject.

It might be time to dig out some of those books and review their content.  We are immersed in a spiritual struggle and Satan’s power is captivating more and more in his grip. 

There are specific weapons that are used for spiritual warfare that need to be rediscovered and used.  Some are:

·         Prayer in Jesus’ name

·         Agreement prayer

·         Fasting and prayer

See the common thread here?

Jesus touched lepers, but He never touched a demon-possessed person! 

There’s much to be learned.  There’s a need for holy boldness!  There’s a need for deep caring and a sacrificial commitment! 

Lord Jesus,
Help us in this spiritual conflict!
We need wisdom, courage, and experience
to be able to deal with the terrible realities of our world.
People are suffering!
The church is ignoring its responsibility.
It’s up to us to make a difference.
Fill us with Your powerful Holy Spirit!
Holy Spirit, guide us, empower us, and use us
to accomplish Your desires.
For the Kingdom’s sake.

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