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Saturday, May 6, 2023


Romans 14:18-20

Jesus said, “What is the kingdom of God like, and to what shall I compare it?” [v.18 NASB]  “How can I picture God’s kingdom for you?”  [v.18 TM]

He then lists two very commonplace items that the people of Israel would have been familiar with:  a mustard seed and leaven. 



The implication is obvious – right?  Jesus' teaching clearly describes the kingdom of God as something that increases – that multiplies – that grows!!

Isn’t it fair to say that a body of believers who identify themselves with Christ as His Church – would grow?


In 2009, my conference superintendent, Paul Walters, came to visit me at New Middletown, Ohio.  We had seen good growth and were occasionally breaking the two-hundred barrier.  There was a great deal of excitement in the air and new believers were coming to faith in Christ and being trained and deployed.

He questioned me about the future for the church.  In all sincerity, I told him that if in three years the church was still a church of less than two-hundred, I would turn it back over to him to appoint a new pastor who could keep it growing and multiplying. 

Three years later, the church had plateaued at around 160.  It was still a vibrant church with exciting things happening, but something was wrong and I couldn’t figure it out.  Even though Paul was no longer my superintendent, I kept my word and left the church to new pastoral leadership.    


If we are adhering to the principles that Christ taught and modeled, then we should see growth!  There should be a continuing influx of new believers who add enthusiasm, joy and new gifts and ideas to the body of Christ! 

However, this kind of growth is hindered in many churches by an entrenched guard who are reluctant to give up their role of influence and leadership.  New people are almost forced to endure a long period of waiting before they are given a ‘voice’ and an opportunity to flavor the ministry of the church.  This is NOT a good thing!  Even the youth of the church are rarely given an opportunity to express their opinions about the direction and life of the church – even though, in some cases, they are the maturing  sons and daughters of the key leaders! 

The wise pastor and church will ease the restrictions on participation in the leadership and influence of the church!  If a person shows the fruit of following Christ and has earnest desire to participate, they should be welcomed and given an opportunity to voice their thoughts and opinions!  This is key to keeping the church growing!  

Terms like “the old guard” and “senior saints” are offensive and speak of an unwillingness to change!  Terms like this speak of a seniority that comes with time spent as part of the congregation.  They sound the death knell of the church if unchecked! 

New people and youth representatives –gauged by maturity and wisdom – need to be deliberately placed on decision-making boards and teams so that their influence can be considered and evaluated. 

Over forty+ years of pastoral leadership, I’ve had to deal with stubborn and ungodly leadership structures again and again.  It takes courage to challenge these entrenched systems.  People who have attained leadership and influential position can be very carnal and mean!  Manipulation, intimidation, and even threats of violence can characterize their behavior.  I could tell you stories!

Romans 14:17-20a [NASB]

“…the kingdom of God is…righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who in this way serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men.  So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. Do not tear down the work of God…”


Lord of the Church,

There are many churches that haven’t had a new convert in years!  Wake them up!  Stir them into salvation-action! 

There are many churches experiencing leadership strife!  They are distracted and are filled with people who hold grudges and plan subversively.  Recapture their hearts and revolutionize them through Your love and compassion! 

Today we see lots of churches that are big enough to hide in!  And people go to these churches as consumers, knowing that they won’t be asked to do anything or accept any responsibility for the ministry of the body!  They want the benefits without making any investment.  Shake up their world enough to make them dependent on You again and then deploy them to serve!

Lord, the Church in our culture is weak and ineffective.  And as a result, it is shrinking!  Call visionary leaders who will be willing to work outside of established parameters – exercising dependence on only You!  Grant them Your favor as they influence others to give their lives to the kingdom of God! 

Help us to see a spiritual revolution in our land and in our day! 

For the Kingdom’s sake!  Amen.

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