Zechariah 7 is a chilling chapter to read.
Who is Zechariah?
He was one of two prophets that God appointed to minister to Israel after she returned from the bondage of Babylon [the other was Haggai.]
Their approaches were very different! Zechariah used visions to draw a picture of what could be if the people trusted and followed God!
In this chapter, the people are trying to decide if they should have a special commemoration of the fall of Jerusalem 70 years earlier).
God responds: “You’re interested in religion, I’m interested in people!” [TM]
It’s so easy for churches to get distracted! We prop up traditions that no one remembers the meaning of. We maintain programs for the sake of longevity! We fail to evaluate the effectiveness or need for certain ministries.
In this chapter, God reminds Israel what really matters:
“Treat one another justly.
Love your neighbors.
Be compassionate with each other.
Don’t take advantage of widows, orphans, visitors, and the poor.
Don’t plot and scheme against one another – that’s evil.” [vs.9-10]
Wait a minute! Do you mean these things are more important than the big celebration we have planned?
YES! These are the things that really matter to God! These are the practices that He wants to use to define us!
In Zechariah’s day, everyone was busy fixing up their own home and establishing norms for their lives after returning from seventy years in Babylon.
Meanwhile, God’s house was still in ruins. No one was working on it! Worship experiences were a shambles. And God sent two men to try to awaken the people and motivate them properly!
I know of two churches – in my limited purview – that are growing and healthy. Neither of them are from my own tradition of Free Methodism.
One of them I attend – Bethel Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Some of its growth seems to be ‘transfer growth’, however this is going to happen to any church that shows signs of life and vitality!
The other, I only know from its online presence. I formerly was part of the Cornerstone Church in Akron, Ohio. They recently had 900 attend their Easter services and are in a hopeful building campaign to increase their reach!
My own denomination recently reported a total USA/CANADA membership of 69,880. Only ten to fifteen years ago the USA membership alone was close to 100,000.
Are we distracted? Have we lost our vision? Perhaps we’re too busy copying one another’s methods instead of being independently creative and searching the mind and heart of God for our local situation?
I’m no expert. My opinion is just ‘my opinion’, but it seems clear that there is something wrong to be losing so many members!
Almighty and Sovereign Lord,
Renew Your Church!
Call those who will SUBMIT to You and follow You! Use lay people to stand up and speak their piece when pastors take sole control of the church! WE ARE THE CHURCH! Remind us of this and enable us to work steadily and in stride with You and Your Holy Spirit!
Help us to see Spirit-change before it’s too late and You bring judgment on our nation and on the Church!
For Jesus and His Kingdom’s sake. Amen.
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