As we finish out the book of Philippians, the Apostle Paul – who has just spoken eloquently about contentment – issues messages of gratitude to the churches that have supported him. He especially singles out the Philippian church for being the only one that supported him during his time in Macedonia. They also sent him several gifts while he was at Thessalonica.
Then, he affirms them for a gift he has just recently
received from the church at Philippi – carried to him by Epaphroditus. His comment: “I am amply supplied.”
He seems to pick his words carefully here by saying: “Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.” This phrase is more important than you might think and has been exaggerated by many teachers. THE MESSAGE paraphrases it: “Not that I’m looking for handouts, but I do want you to experience the blessing that issues from generosity.”
Hmmm. Generosity leads to blessing.
Then the apostle puts the capstone on his message: “You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus.”
Maybe you’d recognize that verse if you heard it from a more familiar version?
“And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” [v.19 NASB]
Hmmm. Generosity leads to all your needs being met by Jesus.
It pains me to confess this, but most churches are receivers, but not very efficient givers.
I have two wonderful memories!
While pastoring the Oakland Church, we discerned that God
wanted us to give $100,000 to missions one year! That was roughly twenty times what the
congregation had given in a year previously!
Many thought it was IMPOSSIBLE!
We made it a major prayer focus throughout the year! There are too many stories that emerged for me to tell here. But, just one:
And older member who never spoke out in a service, got up one Sunday and told us a story. Ellen Wilson was watching the 700 Club. Pat Robertson was praying. In the middle of his prayer, he stopped. After a moment of silence, he said: “There’s a church out there that is trying to raise $100,000 for missions. God wants you to know that He’s going to do it!”
At the end of that year, we had a special ‘watch-night’ service on December 31. We were still $26,000 short. The church was packed! After a powerful worship time, we took a praise offering and exceeded our goal!
It was during the next year that the church saw many converts and saw attendances consistently over 200!!
At a request from the World Missions Department, I asked
the Ministry Council at Free Methodist Community Church in New Middletown to
pray at every meeting that God would send someone (or a couple) into full time
missionary service in the Free Methodist Church. For over two years, we held hands at the
close of every meeting and lifted this prayer to Almighty God!
One Wednesday evening, Corey and Connie Persing asked to talk with me. We met at the parsonage and Corey reported: “I think we might be the answer to the Ministry Council’s prayers!”
After collaboration with the World Missions Department, it was decided that they should go to Thailand for a couple of weeks to see if they would fit into that context. FMCC paid for that trip.
Next, it was decided that they should go as ‘interns’ for a year. FMCC paid most of the $85,000 needed to make that happen!
This was a breakthrough event that catalyzed a wave of new conversions and caused us to start a second Sunday service. Attendance began to exceed 200 as a result!
NOTE: Corey and
Connie are still significant leaders of International Child Care Ministries and
mission’s training in Thailand today!
Final Thought:
The context of Paul’s teaching here is the local
church! That does not mean that this
principal doesn’t work for individuals (or couples) – I believe it does! However, we should note that the context is
focused on local churches!
With all the books and conferences that have been
presented on the topic of church growth, could the defining factor be as simple
Lord of the Church,
Unlock the purse strings of our churches! Help us to see the significance of building churches in needy areas instead of building cathedrals for our comfort!
Open our eyes to see that generosity is the key to Your heart! If we are generous, You will meet all our needs and grow Your Kingdom as a result!
With eyes and hearts of hope, we pray. Amen!
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