Leonard (born in 1912) and Hazel (born in 1913) Haire were good and loving parents. I was blessed to be the youngest of their four children [Jeannette, Ira, Beverly and me].
The Great Depression was from 1929-1939. My dad would have turned seventeen in ’29.
He quit school after the eighth grade and applied for a job with Townsend Company – lying about his age, saying he was sixteen. My brother and I calculated that he was probably hired in 1928. He worked for this company for forty-eight years before retiring. Therefore, he worked consistently throughout that desperate time!
They were married on August 17, 1934 – smack-dab in the middle of the Great Depression! My Grandma Walton [who I never knew] gave each of her three daughters a house on Mount Washington in Beaver Falls, PA. My parents were given her house with the condition that she would live with them until her death. My two oldest siblings remember her.
Therefore, when they were married – in the middle of the depression – they owned a home that had been gifted to them! Jeannette was born February, 25, 1937. Ira was born April 10, 1940. Beverly was born July 25, 1944. I am the only baby boomer of the family – born in 1952.
God was clearly watching over them throughout these challenging years!
As best I can tell, my mother’s background was Welsh/English. She was very frugal! My dad was an excellent money manager. Jeannette remembers that dad would give my mom money to use on ‘dollar days’ in Beaver Falls. He would stash it away for these special times. She ALWAYS used coupons and shopped on 'triple-coupon' days! She collected books of saving's stamps and redeemed them for the things the family needed!
Growing up, I never received gifts nor did they buy me things throughout the year. However, at Christmas, I received everything I would need for that next year. Mom would wrap pens, underwear, notebooks, school clothes along with toys for that special day. It took all morning to open all my gifts!
In 1956, they purchased a brand new home in New Brighton for $11,000. My dad enjoyed nice cars and managed to save his savings’ bonds from work to purchase them. They never had a problem with debt. My first memory of eating out was at a new McDonald’s in Beaver Falls somewhere around my thirteenth birthday [you ordered at a window and ate in your car]!
Later in life – while I was still at home - they bought a small camping trailer. I was a little embarrassed about this ‘no-name-brand’ camper, but they absolutely loved it. Later, they purchased a used Shasta camper and travelled widely in it. Those in their ‘camper’s club’ had much bigger, nicer campers; but mom and dad were 100% content with their little Shasta.
I never heard a word of envy from either of them – only gratitude to God for what they had! THE EVENTS OF THEIR LIVES HAD TAUGHT THEM THE SECRET OF CONTENTMENT.
I wish I could say that I learned immediately from their example, but it took me a while to discover the secret that they had learned. Debbie and I weren’t so wise in our youth. We made mistakes and struggled with low pay and high school debts. But eventually, God got our attention and we began to operate according to His standards. Life has been much better since.
The Apostle Paul speaks of this discipline in Philippians 4:10-14 [TM].
Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.
My parents had a legacy of contentment. I now have grown into that legacy. I owe them a great debt of gratitude for their excellent example. I’m especially grateful for a wife who has travailed with me through rough and lean years to get to where we are today.
Please don’t read-in what’s not here. We’re not wealthy. Not affluent. Just content! Have you learned this ‘secret’ that Paul spoke of?
Gracious God,
stuck with us through our years of learning.
You gave us partners to advise us and guide us. You sent help every time we needed it! You delivered us time and time again! How can we ever thank You enough?
And You don’t love us any more than the people reading this blog! You will do for them what You’ve done for us! Guide them through Your Word and Your Spirit. May many of Your followers find peace even in the midst of trial and want.
You are faithful! And we praise You for that! Amen!
Certainly loved your parents and knew they were wise and truly born again Christians influencing others by their love and true faith.