Colossians 2:6-7 [NASB]
"Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude."
Two brief verses, yet so much implied!
This life-changing, transforming relationship
begins with receiving Christ Jesus as Lord.
That reflects the opening of one’s heart to receive Jesus as Lord! Although we don’t understand all
of the implications of that when we initially make the decision, we have put
our feet on a path that will have massive implications!
Start walking with Him! This is a dynamic relationship that includes
give-and-take. Open frequent dialogue
with Him! Start and end your day in
conversation with Him. Ask for help or
guidance when you need it. Listen for
His warnings and counsel.
Engage in the discipleship process
enthusiastically. It helps to have a
guide with skin on; someone who can show you the footsteps and explain the
reasoning. Sometimes it is a class, but
a one-on-one relationship is most effective.
Someone who can ask you the hard questions and respond reasonably to the tough
questions you have! It inevitably
involves engagement with the Word of God!
With time, effort and persistence, you become
established in your faith! This process
cannot be rushed! Other believers will
affirm this reality when it begins to show itself. It must not generate pride or arrogance. As this goal is reached, we are now eager to
help others navigate the early steps of engaging the faith!
This process culminates and is oiled by
frequent – nearly constant – expressions of gratitude and thanksgiving to
God! He has orchestrated this entire
process and we owe Him everything! Our
worship is a manifestation of our thanksgiving!
Where are you in this clear process of maturing in our faith?
Take note: each step has pitfalls!
Some make the commitment to serve
Christ – but then never really start walking with Him.
Others experience the joy of walking
with Him, but easily and quickly get drawn back into old patterns of behavior.
It’s very easy to give up if a person
doesn’t enter into the process of engaging the Word and growing through
accountability. Spiritual immaturity is
common in the American church!
There is no time limit or final test
to tell you that you have arrived at spiritual maturity! It requires great patience and
submission. Too much desire can actually
delay this process.
5. Reaching spiritual maturity is not the
goal! Too many
believers fail to recognize this! The
goal is reproducing the faith you have acquired in a seeking person! This takes courage and boldness. The
vast majority of American believers have never made it this far! The joy of walking another person through
this process is remarkably satisfying!
It also brings great joy to Jesus!
1. Are
you determined to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength?
2. Are
you persistently purposed to love your neighbors as you love yourself?
Too many times, a pastor gives a great message and then calls for the offering. What does this say to new people who might be present? It’s time to pay the church’s bills? Are you kidding me? Where is the call to discipleship? Where is the opportunity to indicate a public confession?
Ø Those who are effective at progressing through the above steps of faith should be recognized. Not by positions of leadership, however. Positions of leadership in the church will likely remove them from the crucial interactions with lost people, and instead deploy them to serve the predictable tasks of the local church. When a pastor recognizes that a person has excelled through discipleship and become a major influencer for Christ, the last thing we want to do is distract them from their soul-saving mission! There are plenty of others who have not yet matured to this point who can take and count the offering, serve communion, be greeters, and populate the many committees of the church.
We must think through these things and use wisdom in deploying the assets and resources that God has placed within our influence! We will be held accountable for the way we utilize our people!
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