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Tuesday, January 30, 2024


In Genesis 12 and 20, we have unusual stories of God protecting Abraham and Sarah while they were living in areas controlled by the Egyptian Empire.   In chapter 20, they were actually in an area that would later become part of Israel - very near what we would call the Gaza strip today.

In both cases we see what appears to be a lack of faith on Abraham's part to trust God to protect him and Sarah.  He literally lies to the local kings, telling them that his wife, Sarah, is actually his sister.  This is only partly a lie [Genesis 20:12], since she was the daughter of Abraham's father, but not his mother.  

In each case, Sarah - being noticeably beautiful, even at an older age - was taken into the harem of these foreign kings.  This is preposterous to us as we read it today!  It seems completely inconsiderate of Abraham to allow such a thing to happen!  Abraham's self-preservation offends us!  In the first case, Sarah is there long enough to have made an impression on the king!   

However, in each situation God takes up Sarah's case by intervening with these foreign kings.  

In chapter 12, the king's household begins to suffer a severe skin disease as a punishment for the Pharaoh's sin.  He realizes that it is because of his sin with Sarah and immediately releases her.  Having given tremendous wealth to Abraham, the Pharaoh then asked Abraham to leave the area with his massive flocks and family system.  

In chapter 20, God spoke to Abimelech in a dream, warning him: "'Look, you are a dead man because the woman you have taken into your harem is a married woman.'  Up to this point, Abimelech had not physically approached her."  [v.3-4]  

This episode is peculiarly interesting because of God's validation of the King of Gerar:

ABIMELECH:  I took her in my harem without knowing the truth.  I acted with integrity.  I am completely innocent.

Then God replied to him still in his dream.

ETERNAL ONE:  Yes, I know you did this with integrity in your heart.  It was I who prevented you from crossing the line.  I protected you from yourself by not letting you touch her.  Now do the right thing. Return the man's wife.  He is one of my prophets.  He will pray and intercede for you, and you will live. But if you do not give her back, I assure you, you will die - you and everyone associated with you.  [vs.5-7]  [All scriptures are from The Voice Bible]
 The odd thing about these passages is that Abraham comes off as being the one with a lack of faith!  But, in his shortfall, God steps in to protect him and Sarah, as well as the Egyptian kings and their families!  


There are several things we can presuppose from these incidents:

1. God is always watching!  He knows the intricate details of our lives and circumstances.  He misses nothing!

2.  Not only is God always watching, but He intervenes!  God has not left this world like a clock that is wound and is now winding down!  He is engaged!  He inserts Himself in the affairs of His people!  He cares!  God acts!

3. God protects us!  One of the wonders we will marvel at someday in the distant future is when God reveals His actions on our behalf!  We have benefitted from His protection at times and in ways that we have no awareness of!  Some of our greatest - most passionate praise - will come when these things are revealed!  Some of us have stretched the duty of our guardian angels by our careless and wreckless behavior!  😉

4. There are people who cross our lives who are faith-driven although we may never know it!  Abimelech was clearly a God-fearing man who was concerned to live his life with integrity!  We should never assume that people we deal with in the discourse of our day are spiritually lost people!  God's people are sprinkled everywhere!  The person who rear-ended you last week may be a believer who was simply distracted.  Bring an awareness into every connection you make, watching for signs that this person (or these people) may be Christ-followers!  


Kind and Loving God,

Thank You for protecting us 24/7!  Thank You for advocating for us even when we are unaware that You are doing so!  Thank You that You are always pressing forward in people and places that might surprise us - to make Your love and Word known!  

You're an awesome God, and it's our privilege to serve You!  Amen.


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