I just read the second chapter of Revelation. I read it slowly and aloud – as I often do. I stopped several times for personal reflection and prayer.
If you don’t know, in Revelation 2&3 the Apostle John is instructed by the living, resurrected Lord, to write letters to seven churches in Asia Minor and to be sure that these letters are delivered to the saints who inhabit these churches. The letters contain affirmations and condemnations.
They are detailed and personalized; clearly designed messages intended to affirm and/or purify the seven churches.
Chapter two includes letters to:
three includes letters to:
Although we don’t know exactly when this letter was written, it is probable that it was written around 95 A.D. This date is significantly later than all other New Testament writings! It places the writing of these letters approximately sixty years AFTER the death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus!
Imagine the response of these churches when they received these letters from John and found them to be messages directly from the resurrected Lord! Consider their pride when Jesus affirmed them for their faithfulness. Ponder their surprise when they realize that the resurrected Lord is watching their church and knows of their transgressions! What must it have been like for each of these seven churches when they heard these letters read out in public worship!
The realization that their Lord was distant and living in another realm – yet was still attentive and concerned about their measure of faithfulness to Him and His mission – must have been impacting!
Now, think about it.
The only difference between 95 A.D. and 2024 A.D. is 1,929 years!
Jesus is still attentive to His followers and their churches! He still watches and observes from His position at the right hand of God the Father Almighty! He’s actively – through His Holy Spirit – guiding and guarding His Church! He will never cease to care!
If I might be so bold, I don’t think He cares about our denominational structures or allegiances – actually, I think these break His heart because we’ve become so fractured. I don’t believe He cares about the quality or size of our structures. In my way of thinking, I believe He’d be far more pleased if we built churches for those in impoverished environments so that they can continue to carry the gospel to the lost! I doubt that He’s much interested in the questions we ask for membership or ordination. I find it hard to believe that He’s concerned about our order of worship.
If we thoughtfully examine our processes and functions, we might realize that much of what we dedicate our time and effort to is frivolous and a mere distraction from the things that really matter to our Lord.
Perhaps a time of reflection on the messages in these letters might refocus us on the things that really matter to our risen Lord and Savior. Here’s a sample of what we might learn:
sees the good things we do from our loving and genuine hearts. [vs.2,9]
is aware of times that we persevere and refuse to give up on our faith! [v.3]
Lord knows when we drift from our first
love, and He wants us to change our ways!
reminds us that when we suffer, He sees.
He reveals that some believers will, indeed, suffer greatly; but He
encourages us to remain faithful so that we will earn a great reward! [v.10]
is aware when we suffer under unrighteous and unjust leaders! Jesus is pleased when we remain faithful and
refuse to deny Him! [v.13]
confronts us when we slip into false teaching or sexual immorality. He counsels us to change our ways and return
to Him! [vs.14,16]
Lord of the Church is aware of our love, deeds, faithfulness, service and
endurance! [v.19]
is not pleased when we tolerate leaders and posers who are immoral and lead
others astray. [v.20]
declares that He will deal with these unrighteous ones and will, thereby,
protect His Church! [vs.22-23]
reminds us that “I am the One who
relentlessly explores the mind and heart, and I will deal with each of you as
you deserve according to your acts.” [v.23]
He closes His letter to Pergamum with this challenge!
“Let the person
who is able to hear, listen to and follow what the Spirit proclaims to all the
churches. To the one who conquers through faithfulness even unto death, I will feed you with hidden manna and give you a
white stone. Upon this stone, a new name is engraved. No one knows this name
except for its recipient.”
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