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Thursday, February 15, 2024


"You have proven forgetful of God - how God pulls you clear of danger, how God stands firm, like a great rock where you can take shelter."  Isaiah 17:10
[All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted.]

Have you been forgetful regarding the times that God has pulled you clear of danger?

Do you RUN to HIM in times of peril?

This wonderful verse reminds us of two of God's greatest qualities:

  1. He pulls us clear of danger!
  2. He is a shelter of protection for us!
Point to consider:

Sometimes, we know that God has pulled us clear of danger.  However, there are likely times that He does so - that we're completely unaware of!  Have you ever prayed a prayer like this one:
Lord God,

Thank You for the times you have protected me and delivered me from evil or danger!  I am well aware of some of these interventions; however, You have probably delivered me many times without me even knowing about it!  You are an awesome God!  I will praise You forever!  Amen.

But, our verse above clearly indicates that God's people frequently forget to honor God for the things He does for us!  How sad!

There was a country-born woman in one of my congregations who had come to faith during her adulthood.  She had enjoyed a radical turnaround - along with her husband.  She would occasionally stand up during church and give a testimony.  It always began with the same words in her unique drawl:  "I'm so fur behind in my praises for the Lord!"  I often joke and say that twenty minutes later, she would be all caught up!  😂

 However, she illustrated our verse!  Don't fall behind in praising and thanking God for His protection, provision and guidance!  Stay caught up!  For  most of us - maybe all of us - this requires some kind of daily appointment.  

But there's a second part to our verse:

He is also a refuge for us when we need protection or respite!  We can run to Him - run to Jesus!  Even people with no faith often cry out: "Oh God!" when something traumatic occurs!  Where does that come from?  It seems deeply ingrained in all of us to call on God in dire circumstances.  

God as a refuge is a common theme in the Bible - especially the book of psalms!  A place of protection.  A hiding place.  A safe place.  

Do you need this today?  

I don't know if Mac Powell and the group Third Day had this verse in mind or not, but their song, "Cry Out To Jesus" captures its message.  If you have five minutes, let them bless you with this amazing reminder! 

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