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Thursday, February 29, 2024


 I see that this title got your attention!  You will not be disappointed.

Isaiah was one of God's Old Testament prophets.  He faithfully delivered God's messages over a period from 740-680 B.C.  

In 711 B.C., Sargon II - king in Assyria - sent his field marshal to attack and defeat the city of Ashdod [located near the Mediterranean Sea in an area known today as the Gaza Strip]. 

At this time, God was very angry with Egypt and Ethiopia and was about to bring judgment on them for their rebellion.  God wants His people to know that this divinely orchestrated punishment was coming because they lay in the direct path between Egypt and Assyria - mortal enemies!  Consequently, they also needed to prepare for this invasion!

It is said that "a picture is worth a thousand words."  So, instead of just sending Isaiah to speak this vital message of warning, God instructs Isaiah to:

Take off all your clothes of mourning, and take off your shoes too.  Of course, Isaiah did that, which left him utterly naked, head to toe. [Isaiah 20:2]

[All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted]

Isaiah walked around for three years naked and barefoot illustrating what was going to happen to Assyria and Ethiopia.  

Assyria will take away Egypt's captives and Ethiopia's exiles, young and old alike, naked and barefoot as slaves. The Egyptians' shameful impotence and their bare behinds will be on display for all to see as they are driven away by the Assyrians. They will be mortified and humiliated, for they depended on each other, confident that Egypt and Ethiopia could withstand Assyrian assault.  [Isaiah 20:4-5] 

Isaiah obeyed God and vividly portrayed what was going to happen to Egypt and Ethiopia.  It is highly likely that many of the Israelites would see these defeated people as they were herded through Israel on their way back to Assyria!


In an ancient day when communications were far less effective than they are today, God used His prophets in strange ways that would capture the people's attention!  There are many similar incidents in the other Old Testament prophetic books!  God is dramatic!  He sends His messages with a strong desire that they be heard and heeded!


In fact, Sargon II never did defeat Egypt and Ethiopia.  Assyria - under different leaders - squashed Egypt over fifty years later.  It seems that God was using Isaiah's actions to warn Israel NOT to put their trust in Egypt - which they had done before.  


God will use who He wants to use - when He wants to use them!  It's doubtful that anyone looked at Jonah and said, "Now there's a man that God will surely use for His sovereign purposes".  And yet, God did choose and use Jonah!  He used farmers as prophets as well.  

In the Philippines God uses many women to lead the Church!  In Nepal God is using rugged men from the mountains to sustain His work!  In many places across Africa, God is mobilizing those who have endured horrendous suffering!  In America, God is calling men and women from other vocations to come and lead His Church!  \


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