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Monday, April 1, 2024


This title is a quote from Romans 10:14 [NASB].

Granted - this is not a hot topic in our world today.  However, for those who think a little more deeply, it is an important question.

During the twentieth century, there was a great concern expressed by the Church for those who had not yet been reached by the gospel.  Although there are still regions that are unreached, the electronic means have significantly increased!  

However, this is not the purpose of this blog.  

Rather, I am excited by Paul's arguments in Romans which are so sound and reasonable and cannot be ignored.  

He begins by noting that the Creation itself declares the identity of God.  

Psalm 19 concurs:

"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.  Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge."  [vs.1-2 plus it continues for four more verses. NASB]

Referring to people who have not heard the gospel, Paul writes:

"These people are not ignorant about what can be known of God, because He has shown it to them with great clarity. From the beginning, Creation in its magnificence enlightens us to His nature.  Creation itself makes His undying power and divine identity clear, even though they are invisible; and it voids the excuses and ignorant claims of these people..."  [The Voice Bible]

[Keep in mind that The Voice Bible places words in italics words that are not included in the original texts.]

But Paul believes that nature isn't God's only [or primary] means of communicating with unbelievers!  He continues his teaching in chapter 2:14-16,

For instance, some outsiders who are not required to follow the law often live quite naturally by its teachings. Even though the law wasn’t given to them, in themselves they have the law. Here’s the thing: their lives demonstrate that God has inscribed the law’s teachings on their hearts. On judgment day, their consciences will testify for them, and their thoughts will both accuse and defend them. This good news given to me declares that this affirmation and accusation will take place on that day when God, through Jesus, the Anointed One, judges every person’s life secrets.

Paul is convinced that God and His truth are embedded in the mind of every person who has ever lived!  


This teaching raises many question - all of which can't be addresses here.  [Plus, I am not capable of providing all of the answers  😉]

For instance, if God's truth is embedded in the mind of every person, why are not more around the globe confessing Him as God?

Good Question!  I would suggest two possible answers:

  1. Evil also exists in our world and opposes the truth of God!
  2. Free will also is the possession of every person.  They get to evaluate the evidence and make individual choices! 

Here's another: Could a person who has never heard the gospel come to a realization of God and thereby gain assurance by God's approval of their lives that would insure their entrance to Heaven?

Great Question!  I believe that the Apostle Paul would argue that they could indeed gain this assurance!  What God has provided through nature, His embedded truth, and the direction available through His Holy Spirit can and has been enough for many to come to faith in Him!

One more: Does the fact that God has been so proactive in providing a way for people to come to a knowledge of Him mean that we can slack off in our evangelistic efforts?

Reasonable Question.  Absolutely not!  Because the enemy is at work in the world trying to suppress these provisions that God has made, we must be all-the-more aggressive in countering the influences of evil!   

The title of this blog quotes a verse that is also from the Apostle Paul!  But this global effort to see masses come to faith in Christ will take more than preachers and more than missionaries!  We all stand with the Apostles as they receive the Great Commission! We are to "Go", "make disciples" and "baptize"  [Matthew 28:19-20].

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."  [II Corinthians 5:20 NASB] 



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