I just received a devotional book by William Barclay. Although I'll be saving it for next year, I sat and read the introduction written by Denis Duncan, who collected and edited the works of this great biblical scholar.
Denis included a long list of Barclay's accomplishments and positions held - from biblical scholar and professor to football fan and supporter of the Scottish National Orchestra. He trained and conducted the Trinity College Student's Choir and also found time to be a railway enthusiast!
He wrote over sixty books while his Daily Study Bible sold over a million copies in Britain and half-a-million more in the United States!
As a journalist, his work was published in many newspapers and journals. His television teaching on the New Testament captivated millions!
All this while being married and raising a son.
"The typical Barclay day:
"He rises at 7:15 AM and reaches the university at 8:30 AM. He works at his desk until 1:15 PM. In the afternoon he sees research students from 2:00 - 4:30 PM. The evening he spends reading, writing or out speaking. At 11:00 PM he falls asleep but only for one hour. At midnight he is awake again and works till 2:00 AM. [DAILY CELEBRATION, William Barclay, p.10]
After reading this introduction, I simply sat in the quiet of my study and meditated.
After this period of personal reflection I set myself to typing into my quote file a number of things from my recent reading. One of the quotes took me back to my earlier musings. Actually, it was a quote from DAILY CELEBRATION VOL2 [p.45].
"Every man who ever came into this world was sent into this world by God to do some special task. Every man is, as it has been put, a 'Dream of God'."
Reader, you are a "Dream of God"! You have been sent into this world to do some special task!
Hey! I heard that thought! You were thinking: "Yeah, right!" But listen - it's true!
Your task may not be one which is great as the world uses the word great. It may be to:
- care for a child,
- make someone else happy,
- teach someone’s mind,
- cure someone’s body,
- bring sunshine into the lives of others across a counter
- or in an office,
- to make a home.
Honor Him!
Love Him!
Serve Him joyfully!
Point others to Him!
Be a joyful servant!
King of the universe: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Thank You for sending us into Your world to serve Your purposes!
The world may deem our role as insignificant, but You don't!
Don't allow us to minimize the importance of our existence!
Even as we age and are relegated to less impacting roles, help us to realize that we are still capable of much for You - though it may be in different ways!
Be near to the young mother who is wiping noses, changing diapers and trying to maintain order in her home. She is about the crucial business of raising godly children who will honor You!
Touch the millworker today who has a repetitive job that barely engages the mind. Help them to live with purpose and hope that will inspire their fellow workers and point them to You!
Engage the ones who are full of despair today! Lord, help them to remember that they are Your dream! Guide them back onto the path of Your plan and blessing! Renew their hope and sense of purpose!
For those who are far from home: due to military service, or schooling obligations, or being immigrants, or work commitments, or rebellion, or being captives of violence or the sex trade, or even the prodigals; assure them that You are with them! Remind them that You see into the darkest corners and are able to rally rescuers, provide strength and endurance while guiding and protecting them with Your angels!
Regardless of our situation, location, or state of mind, renew our understanding that we were sent into this world to do some special task! Give us the courage and stamina to look around, figure out what it is, and do it with all our passion and desire.
And may our service be pleasing to You, and may we earn the right to someday hear You say: "Well done! You have been a faithful servant! Enter into the eternal joy of your Lord!"
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