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Friday, November 18, 2011


Every morning!  I learned these from Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the aerobics specialist!  He uses them himself.  He recommends them to maintain your health as you grow older.  I've been doing them for nearly ten years.  I take Sundays off.
  • runner's stretches against a door-frame or wall
  • extended leg stretches - putting each leg as far forward (while standing) as you can and holding it for a 20-count (I do this beside the couch - for balance).
  • two sets of 50 push-ups (from the knee)
  • two sets of 100 crunches (knees bent)
  • while lying on the floor, draw each knee to your chest and hold for a 20-count (then, both together)
  • while sitting on floor cross-legged:  reach each arm (in turn) straight up as far as you can then bring your hand down toward the center of your back and hold for a 20-count.
  • while sitting on the floor cross-legged:  bring your feet together and gently press down on your knees to stretch your thighs
  • while sitting on the floor, extend your left leg while putting your right foot against your left knee;  in this position stretch your arms out toward your left foot and hold for a 20-count.  Then do each arm separately - holding for a 20-count (then reverse legs and repeat).  
  • on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, I drop the push-ups and crunches and work with a 25-pound weight.
I have found this plan of Dr. Cooper's to be everything that he promised.  I feel good.  It only takes me twenty minutes.  I am staying strong.  I have maintained good mobility.  It even helps to change my mood! 

Then, of course, I follow it up with a bowl of oatmeal (I add three teaspoons of ground flaxseed, a handful of pumpkin seeds, and blueberries, blackberries, and/or raspberries)!  Now, you're ready to start your day!  :-)

I also try to walk a brisk three miles every day (this has been hit-or-miss in recent months). 

I Timothy 4:7-8 (TM)
Exercise daily in God - no spiritual flabbiness, please!  Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever.

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