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Saturday, November 12, 2011


Generally speaking, a generation is twenty-five years.  So, to have four generations living at the same time means that they span nearly one hundred years.  It's a neat thing to happen in a family!

Dolores Elizabeth (Baumgard) Whippo was born in 1931.
Dolores' daughter, Deborah Lynn (Whippo) Haire, was born in 1950.
Deborah's daughter, Tracie Elizabeth (Haire) Kerstetter was born in 1981.
Tracie's daughter, Rylie Grace Kerstetter was born in 2007.

Imagine the differences between these four:
Dolores was sixteen in 1947.
Debbie was sixteen in 1966.
Tracie was sixteen in 1997.
Rylie will be sixteen in 2023.

Think of that in terms of wars:
Dolores grew up during the post-World War II period.
Debbie grew up in the midst of the Viet Nam War.
Tracie grew up with the Persian Gulf War.
Rylie will grow up with the War on Terrorism!

How about music?
Dolores grew up with teen star, Frank Sinatra.
Debbie saw the Beatles explosion!
Tracie witnessed country music becoming mainstream.
Who knows what music will characterize Rylie's life?

Yet, they're all one-family!  A strand of family that connects the past to the future!  Each unique!  Yet sharing many things. 

The blessing of the oldest extends to the youngest. 

And someday, many years from now, Rylie will be the oldest - and her picture may be taken with her daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter. 

And God smiles!

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