When I was young, I had a TV Guide route. I delivered 50 Guides every week to neighbors, church friends, family, and folks all around New Brighton!
They cost $.15 at the time; I got to keep $.04 for delivering them.
Every Thursday, I would walk down Penn Avenue, down the hill to the second level to deliver a few near the High School, then down the steps to the first level to deliver to my Aunt Peg and a few of her neighbors.
Occasionally someone would give me a quarter and tell me to keep the change! I would usually stop at the Oak Hill Store and buy a candy bar for a dime!
I would take the money home and divide it up so I could pay the bill. That usually left about $2.00 for me!
My mom taught me to give a tithe to the Lord! I did so religiously! My Dad spoke to our church treasurer and she issued me my own set of church envelopes. Every Sunday, I proudly dropped my envelope in the offering - with two dimes in it!
Starting then has made it easy to tithe ever since! I have NEVER regretted it! I believe tithing is the cornerstone of living a peaceful, contented, and happy life!
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