Jesus has come to Jericho with His disciples. A crowd begins to follow Him. Bartimaeus had set up along the main road to beg from passersby.
He was strategically located as Jesus moved past him. As he listened, he realized that Jesus was close to him. He had heard of Jesus' healing ministry.
He began to cry out - loudly: "Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me and help me." But, by now, the size of the crowd had grown and his voice was just one of many excited voices.
Some of the local people who were familiar with Bartimaeus tried to shush him. They were embarrassed - even disgusted with him.
Bartimaeus would not be silenced. Urgently now, he cried out again, "Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!
Surprisingly, with the abundance of voices and much peripheral noise, Jesus stopped and seemed to be listening carefully. Then He told those near the front of the crowd to call the blind man forward.
[Some of the crowd spoke to Bartimaeus] Good news! Jesus has heard you. Listen - He calls for you. Get up and go to Him.
Bartimaeus cast aside his beggar's robe and stepped forward, feeling his way toward Jesus.
JESUS: What do you want from Me?
BARTIMAEUS: Teacher, I want to see.
JESUS: Your faith has made you whole. Go in peace.
In that moment, Bartimaeus could see again; and from that time on, he followed Jesus.[All scripture quoted from The Voice]
I am very impressed with that last line: ...and from that time on, he followed Jesus.
That's gratitude!
"I am forever in Your debt! You did something so wonderful for me that the only way I can possibly even begin to repay You is to follow You for the rest of my life!"You see, Jesus did something similar for me! He forgave my sin!
More than that! He keeps forgiving my sin!
Still more: He has given me the hope of everlasting life with Him in Heaven!
When you hear that Hal Haire has died don't be sad, BE GLAD!
Like Bart, out of gratitude, I will follow Him for the rest of my life on this earth so that I can live with Him IN HEAVEN for all eternity!
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