Let me say it before I lose my nerve: Sometimes in the middle of all the Christmas activity and joy, I feel very depressed.
It's true. It even happened when I was young. I remember going into my bedroom as a little boy, laying on my bed in the dark and weeping.
I have no idea what this is about. Even as a counselor, I've never been able to discover the roots of this. It's not as bad in recent years. When it comes on me, I often get in the car and just go for a long ride; for some odd reason, it seems to help.
A friend recently gave her testimony at our church. In doing so she said, "If I had my choice between a physical problem or depression, I would choose the physical problem every time." Only people who have truly experienced depression will understand that comment.
I occasionally wake up in the morning and just feel down or sad. To the best of my knowledge, I can't figure any reason for this dip. It typically travels with me through the day.
I don't claim to have any cure-all solutions for depression. I know I have become better at managing my own depression. My dips don't lead to long, depressive cycles as much as they used to.
I have found that turning to God is my greatest source of help! Often I need to confess sin in my life. I am suffering a lashback effect of guilt, shame, and conviction. As I move in His direction, He seems to move in mine (James 4:8).
I believe we are primarily spiritual beings; then physical and emotional. When we get out-of-tilt spiritually, it migrates to our other areas. We feel poorly in our physical bodies. Our emotional life begins to tank. Consequently, our relationships suffer.
So, if you're dealing with any Christmas depression, my advice is to turn to the One whose birth we celebrate. He came to bring peace on earth - and you're on earth!