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Wednesday, December 14, 2011


That got your attention! 

This is Francis Chan's conclusion in his provocative book, Crazy Love.

He comes to this conclusion based on Revelation 3:15-18, where Jesus declares that because the people in the church at Laodicea are "lukewarm", He will "spit" them out of His mouth! 

[It's chapter five, if you want to re-read his convincing argument.] 

He cites many other scriptures to validate his claim.  He suggests (pp.94,95):
Following Christ isn't something that can be done halfheartedly or on the side.  It is not a label we can display when it is useful.  It must be central to everything we do and are.
...much of the American churchgoing population, slowly floating away from Christ.  It isn't a conscious choice, but it is nonetheless happening because little in their lives propels them toward Christ.
The lives of many people who call themselves "Christians" in America lack manifestations of a vital and active faith.
Chan admits that genuinely and wholeheartedly following Christ is hard.  "It's so hard, in fact, that Jesus said the road is narrow and few will actually find it...and fewer still among those who are rich" (p.98).

I agree with Chan's deductions - and it breaks my heart!

I'm afraid there will be many who will someday say, "Lord, Lord, didn't I attend church regularly;  and wear T-shirts with Christian logos;  and put some money in the offering;  and took Communion;  and was baptized;  and treated most people decently?" 

Matthew 7:23 (NASB)
[Jesus speaking] "I never knew you;  Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness."

My life is changing!  God has my attention!  I spend the majority of my time investing in people who already claim to know Christ.  I have not gone into the world to make disciples.  I have opted for comfort and security;  and in doing so, I have become callous and uncaring about a world of desperately lost and hurting people. 

By writing this blog article, I'm not pointing the finger at you;  I'm pointing it at me! 

Watch my life, because I intend to do something about it!  How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Hal...these are some sobering thoughts. I am also feeling the strong pull of God to take the next step and both experience the crazy love of Christ and practice His crazy love for others in my own life. Thank for sharing.
