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Saturday, January 21, 2012


I raised hamsters when I was a young teenager.  Did you know that you can train hamsters?

At the time, my folks had just bought new carpeting for our living room.  My mother was VERY fussy about keeping it in mint condition. 

When I watched television, I usually laid on the floor with a stack of couch pillows.  Once the new carpet arrived, I had to lay on a sheet - to protect the carpet for my greasy potato chip stains!

I often played with my hamster while watching TV.  I would let him craw all over me.  When he would bolt for freedom, I would grab him and set him back on my stomach. 

One day it hit me:  Can I train him to stay on this sheet?  That began a continually repetitive process of picking him up and putting him back on the sheet.  Over and over and over again!

But, eventually, he got it!  The light went on in his little brain.  I wore him down.  After months of training, I could actually get up and go to the kitchen for some more poatato chips.  When I returned, the beady-eyed little guy would be standing right at the edge of the sheet - awaiting my return! 

Now it's time for you to get involved.  What was the name of my hamster?  Answer by commenting below or on my Facebook page:
The first person to get the right answer will win a bag of Double-Stuffed Oreo cookies - shipped anywhere upon provision of a deliverable address!  :-) 

Let's get guessing!  And remember, I'm a VERY CREATIVE guy!  I'll post the winner and answer when determined...


  1. How about Rover . . . orrr . . . Bigfoot . . . orrrr . . . Squeakicheep :-) ~ Jen

    1. Keep guessing...I'm so tempted to open this package of oreos! :-)
